VPIEJ-L 07/92

VPIEJ-L Discussion Archives

July 1992

Date:         Wed, 1 Jul 1992 15:28:00 GMT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         "John R. Garrett" <0004716758@MCIMAIL.COM>
Subject:      Re: PSYC volume/issue numbering
Dale raises several interesting issues in his post.  I agree that paragraphs are
a more stable identifier than screen pages, but are they deep enough in the text
to be useful for search purposes?  I'm concerned that if, this early, we accept
criteria that don't serve users search needs, but are adequate bibliographic
identifiers for citation purposes, we move toward multiple systems.
Second, Dale is right that other media already have their own citation systems;
I'm cochairing one of the IP groups for the Interactive Multimedia Association,
and one of the real concerns is that, rather than having a multimedia identifier
structure, multimedia will end up with collapsed, divergent systems drawn from
each of the information components included -- print, film, video, sound,
photography, etc.  A nightmare - anybody got any good ideas?
John Garrett
Date:         Wed, 1 Jul 1992 16:11:22 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: ISSN for electronic serials
In-Reply-To:  Message of Tue, 30 Jun 1992 20:14:31 -0400 from <emv@msen.com>
The following is a list a e-serials that have ISSN numbers - this information
is from the revised edition (2.1) of the Directory of Electronic Journals
and Newsletters.  I have not yet released this edition yet as I am still
waiting to hear from approx. a dozen new journals. I hope to have it on the Net
within a week or so.
The revised directory *will* be out soon.
I will shortly have a new listserv list on the Net that will announce new
e-serials, and revised editions of the directory.  (Do not ask me to
subscribe you to this list yet - it will be announced soon).
- Michael Strangelove
>>> The Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique
     de Communication (EJC/REC) <<<  ISSN 1183-5656
>>> Flora Online <<<  ISSN 0892-9106
>>> IOUDAIOS Review <<< ISSN 1183-9937
>>> Journal of Technology Education <<<  ISSN 1045-1064
>>> MeckJournal <<<  ISSN 1058-692X
>>> Public-Access Computer Systems News <<<  ISSN 1050-6004.
>>> The Public-Access Computer Systems Review <<< ISSN 1048-6542.
>>> Postmodern Culture <<<  ISSN  1053-1920
>>> PSYCOLOQUY <<<  ISSN 1044-0143
>>> RD Graduate Research in the Arts <<<  ISSN 1188-0708
>>> SOLSTICE An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics<<<
ISSN 1059-5325
>>> ACQNET <<< ISSN 1057-5308
>>> BEN (Botanical Electronic News) <<< ISSN 1188-603X
>>> Current Cites <<<  ISSN 1060-2356
>>> Digital Games Review <<<  ISSN 1059-5457.
>>> Donosy <<<  ISSN 0867-6860
>>> Ethnomusicology Research Digest <<<  ISSN 1054-1624
>>> I.S.P.O.B. Bulletin YSSTI <<<  ISSN 0353-9334
>>> Laboratory Primate Newsletter <<<  ISSN  0023-6861
>>> MAB Northern Sciences Network Newsletter <<<  ISSN  1014-7470
>>> Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues <<<  ISSN  1046-3410
>>> News of Earth <<<  ISSN 1052-2239
>>> South Florida Environmental Reader <<<  ISSN 1044-3479
>>> TEIRESIAS <<<  ISSN 0381-9361
>>> ViewPoints <<<  ISSN 1063-0325
QUANTA  1053-8496
ussr-d  1054-6510
EJOURNAL 1054-1053
Michael Strangelove
Department of Religious Studies
University of Ottawa
         BITNET: 441495@Uottawa
         Internet: 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA
         S-Mail: 177 Waller, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 CANADA
         Voice:  (613) 237-2052
         FAX:    (613) 564-6641
Date:         Wed, 1 Jul 1992 18:59:50 -0400
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Comments:     Warning -- original Sender: tag was NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU
From:         Edward Vielmetti <emv@msen.com>
Subject:      Re: ISSN for electronic serials
just a quick followup to my first posting -
I've constructed an ISSN-based catalog of electronic serials in the
gopher server on gopher.cic.net.  The first pass has pointers or
gopher "links" to e-journal collections at CMU, Michigan, U North
Texas, the American Math Society, and the National Science Foundation.
I havent' actually archived anything here yet, just made some links;
credit is due to the primary archivists for keeping this up to
In order to limit the size of the job :) I'm only making links to
journals that have ISSN numbers.  There are others out there, I know,
but you have to start and stop somewhere.  Current count is 13 serials
in gopher from a list of 22 that I have on line.
The idea of using gopher for serials goes back to the U of Minnesota,
who started out by putting the _Minnesota Daily_ on line.  There's
a citation in the spring/summer 1992 _Serials Review_ from the
MIT Electronic Journals Task Force, p122, which suggests just this
I'm announcing this server only on VPIEJ-L for now, to give people
a chance to see how their own journal looks when it's been gopherized
and to help flush out more details on other things that should get
this treatment.
More info on gopher can be had by anonymous FTP from
boombox.micro.umn.edu:/pub/gopher/, or from the Usenet newsgroup
Edward Vielmetti, vice president for research, Msen Inc. emv@Msen.com
      Msen Inc., 628 Brooks, Ann Arbor MI  48103 +1 313 741 1120
Date:         Wed, 1 Jul 1992 21:37:45 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Editors of PMC <pmc@ncsuvm.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: PSYC volume/issue numbering
In-Reply-To:  Message of Fri, 26 Jun 1992 13:04:29 DST from <koski@sbu.edu>
Screen numbering is not a good solution to the problem of citing e-journals:
as more and more people move from PCs to workstations over the next few years,
the 24-line PC screen is going to become an obsolete unit.  Paragraph numbering
is still the best solution, since pages and screens are unpredictable units,
and paragraphs are fixed.
John Unsworth
Co-editor, _Postmodern Culture_
Date:         Wed, 1 Jul 1992 22:46:45 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Dennis Moser <aldus@aal.itd.umich.edu>
In response to John Unsworth's comments taht paragraph numbering is the best
solution to citing e-journals and that the 24-line PC screen is going to
become obsolete --
I suspect that it will be more than a few years before those screens
become obsolete.  The Graduate Library here at UMICH has a small fortune
tied up in just those types of machines. We should be looking at solutions
to the citation problems that are less hardware dependent. I agree that
the paragraphic approach makes the most sense of anything I have read
here on line, but we need to keep in mind the economies of the end users.
Dennis Moser
"..and UMICH doesn't represent me, either!"
Date:         Sun, 5 Jul 1992 22:45:57 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
July 6, 1992
Announcing the Revised Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters
* EDITION 2.1 - July 1992 *
     The revised edition of the Directory of Electronic Journals and
Newsletters is now available on the Net.  The Directory has been split into
two files, EJOURNL1 DIRECTRY (2824 lines long) and EJOURNL2 DIRECTRY (4077
lines long).  This revision documents over thirty new electronic serials that
have appeared since the first edition, released one year ago.  Presently, the
Directory is available only in low ascii text via LISTSERV.
     Special thanks belong to Ann Okerson and the Association of Research
Libraries for making this project (along with Diane Kovacs' Directory of
Academic Discussion Lists and Interest Groups) the first copyrighted serial
publication that is available both in hardcopy as well as being freely
available on the Net in electronic text.
     And thanks all to the many individuals around the globe such as Peter
Scott, Carl Briggs and Tony Barry who take the time to inform me of the
appearance of new electronic serials.
Michael Strangelove
University of Ottawa
>>> How To Retrieve This Directory From Networked Sources <<<
The Directory is currently available in low ascii text from the following
CONTENTS PROJECT Listserv Fileserver
Send the following commands as an e-mail message to listserv@uottawa or
Please note the spelling carefully;
  - there is no "A" in "EJOURNL" and no "O" in "DIRECTRY"
NB - The Directory of Electronic Journals and Newletters is not yet available
     via FTP.
This project was made possible through funding from the Research Centre for
the Study of Religion, Department of Religious Studies, University of Ottawa.
For a hardcopy version of this Directory, contact:
Office of Scientific & Academic Publishing
Association of Research Libraries
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20036 USA
(202) 232-2466 (voice)
(202) 462-7849 (fax)
>>> Section 1:  Information <<<
How to Retrieve This Directory From Networked Sources
Networked Resources for Electronic Publication
Electronic Serials and Related Topics:  A Brief Bibliography
How to Submit an Entry to the Directory
Getting an ISSN for an Electronic Journal
How to Start an E-Newsletter
PACS-L Review Special Issue on Networked Based E-Serials
Changes to the Second Edition
>>> Section 2:  Electronic Journals <<<
Inactive Electronic Journals
Active Journals:
$  indicates subscription is not free
** indicates journal is peer reviewed
Subject area is indicated (when necessary) within square brakets [ ]
Art Com     [Contemporary art and new communication technologies]
ArtsNet Review  [Contemporary cross-cultural, arts and electronic networking
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
** CATALYST: The Community Services Catalyst  [Community college educators]
CORE  [A literary journal for short fiction, poetry, and essays]
DargonZine  [Dargon Project fiction anthology]
The Distance Education Online Symposium
** EJournal  [Implications of electronic documents and networks]
The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
** Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication
      (EJC/REC) [Communication theory, research, practice, and policy]
Fineart Forum [Application of science and technology to the contemporary arts
      and music]
** Flora Online [Systematic botany]
Intertext [An electronic fiction digest]
IOUDAIOS Review [Reviews in Early Judaism and Christian origins]
Issues In Science and Technology Librarianship
$ ** Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research
Journal of Technology Education
LIBRES (Library and Information Science Research Electronic Conference)
MeckJournal [A monthly from Meckler Publishing]
** New Horizons in Adult Education
Offline [Computers in religious studies]
Online Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication
The Public-Access Computer Systems News
** The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
Pigulki [News and humor relating to Poland and Polish issues]
** Postmodern Culture
Quanta [Science fiction and fantasy]
** RD: Graduate Research in the Arts
The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS
Socjety Journal [Alumni journal of the Technical University of Wroclaw,
SOLSTICE: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics
TeXMaG (TeX Typesetting System)
TeX Publication Distribution List
Textual Studies in Canada
>>> Section 3:  Electronic Newsletters <<<
ACQNET (The Acquisitions Librarians Electronic Network)
ALCTS Network News (AN2 - The Association of Library Collections and
      Technical Services)
American Psychological Association's Research Funding Bulletin
Arts Wire News
BEN (Botanical Electronic News)
Between the Lines
CANOPUS Magazine
CERFNet News
ChE Electronic Newsletter (Chemical Engineering)
Christian Growth Newsletter
Class Four Relay Magazine
Computer Science Center Link
Computing and Telecommunications Newsletter
Computists' Communique
Consortium Update
Cosmic Update
CPSR/PDX Newsletter (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
CRTNet - Communication Research and Theory
Current Cites
DECNEWS for Education and Research
DevelopNet News
Deutschland Nachrichten
Digital Games Review
Disaster Research
Drosophila Information Newsletter
EFFector Online (The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc.)
Electronic AIR
Electronic Hebrew Users Newsletter
Energy and Climate Information and Exchange (ECIX) Newsletter and Digest
Energy Research in Israel Newsletter
Ethnomusicology Research Digest
Fine Art, Science and Technology News (F.A.S.T.  News)
FARNET Gazette
GLOSAS News (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulating Association)
GNU's Bulletin  (Newsletter of the Free Software Foundation)
HICNet Newsletter (Mednews - Health Infocom Newsletter
History and Analysis of Disabilities Newsletter
Hot Off the Tree (HOTT)
Impact Online
International Voice Newsletter Prototype List
IS P.O.B.  Bulletin YSSTI  (Yugoslav System for Scientific and Technology
Laboratory Primate Newsletter
Law and Politics Book Review
Leonardo Electronic News
Link Letter
List Review Service
MAB Northern Sciences Network Newsletter
Machine Readable Texts News
Material Science in Israel Newsletter
MichNet News
NEARnet Newsletter
Network Audio Bits and Audio Software Review
Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues
Newsline (Comserve)
News of Earth
NIBNews - A Monthly Electronic Bulletin About Medical Informatics
NLSNews Newsletter
Old English Computer-Assisted Language Learning Newsletter (OE-CALL)
Political Analysis and Research Cooperation (PARC) News Bulletin
Principia Cybernetica Newsletter
The Purple Thunderbolt of Spode (PURPS)
Research and Educational Applications of Computers in Humanities (REACH)
Rezo, bulletin irregulomadaire du RQSS
$ St. Petersburg Business News
SCUP Bitnet News (Society for College and University Planners)
SCUPMA-L (Society of College and University Planners, Mid-Atlantic Region)
Sense of Place
South Florida Environmental Reader
$ The Teleputing Hotline And Field Computing Source Letter
THINKNET (Electronic newsletter on philosophy, systems theory,
      interdisciplinary studies, and thoughtful conversation in cyberspace)
TitNeT --  Titnews --  Titnotes
ViewPoints (Newsletter of the Visual Communication Division of the
      Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication [AEJMC])
The Week in Germany
>>> Section 4:  Hypercard Stacks, Digest-Newsletters and Others <<<
Chile News Database
China News Digest
Desktop Publishing Digest
Electronic College of Theory
The Handicap Digest
Instant Math Preprints (IMP)
IRList (Information Retrieval List Digest)
Risks-Forum Digest
Simulation Digest
Simulations Online
Contributions and corrections to this directory should be sent to Michael
Strangelove (441495@Acadvm1.UOttawa.CA) and MUST be in the following
format (use as much space as necessary):
ISSN:        (if any)
To Subscribe:  (via Bitnet and Internet)
Submissions:   (whom to sent submissions to and in what form)
Related List:  (how to subscribe to a related list, if any)
Back Issues:   (how to access them)
Contact:       (for more information)
Michael Strangelove
Department of Religious Studies
University of Ottawa
         BITNET: 441495@Uottawa
         Internet: 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA
         S-Mail: 177 Waller, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 CANADA
         Voice:  (613) 237-2052
         FAX:    (613) 564-6641
Date:         Wed, 8 Jul 1992 09:36:31 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         James Powell <jpowell@vtvm1.bitnet>
Subject:      Framemaker/SGML
Infoworld, June 29, 1992
excerpt from "Frame adds Verity text retrieval to viewing software"
by Jeanette Borzo
In a meeting last week, Frame officials said the company is also
working on a product solution for standard generalized markup
language (SGML). SGML is an emerging standard that frees corporations
from having to commit to a particular software application for long
document publishing and also allows documentation to be reused within
a corporation.
Frame said it will offer SGML authoring, importing, and exporting
Frame Technology, in San Jose, California, can be reached at (408)
James Powell >>> Systems Support and Development, University Libraries, VPI&SU
             >>> JPOWELL@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU                                   O+>
             >>> jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu - NeXTMail welcome here
             >>> Owner of VPIEJ-L, a discussion list for Electronic Journals
Date:         Fri, 10 Jul 1992 10:03:00 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         David Tyckoson <dt673@albnyvms.bitnet>
Subject:      Electronic Journal Policies Wanted
This message is cross-posted to LIBADMIN and PACS-L
We are working on a project for Meckler Publishing, entitled
Access to Electronic Journals in Libraries:  Policy Issues
and Case Studies.  As part of this work, we are soliciting
existing library policies on accessing e-journals.  We would
like to reproduce these policies in the Case Studies section
of the book, along with annotations explaining the decision-
making process used to arrive at the policy.  Notes on
policy changes or effectiveness would also be appropriate.
Libraries that send policies will be acknowledged in the
book as will the annotators of the policies.
Please send policies and/or questions to:
Dave Tyckoson, DT673@albnyvms
Dennis Benamati, DB851@albnyvms
University Libraries
University at Albany
1400 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY  12222
518-442-3567 (FAX)
Date:         Fri, 10 Jul 1992 16:03:55 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
I am in the middle of converting some network documents to postscript and need
to test the files at remote sites.  I have placed to files on a FTP server,
those who care to can retrieve these files and send them to a mainframe printer
and let me know if they do or do not print.  The document was created under
wordperfect, saved to disk as a postscript file and placed on a server.
They do print in fine form at my site on an IMAGEN printer.
cd pub/religion      login as anonymous
get mystics-guide-part1-test.ps     (824,580 bytes - approx 30 pages)
get mystics-guide-test2.ps          (312,903 bytes - 13 pages)
These files are the first 30 and the first ten pages from the draft #6 of
the Electric Mystic's Guide to the Internet: A Complete Bibliography of
Networked Electronic Documents Relevant to Religious Studies.
Please note that neither file is a completed document.
Can anyone tell me what is the maximum size for a networked postscript file.
Do most nodes/sites have the ability to print a postscript file?
NB - Please do not forward this posting to other lists.
Michael Strangelove
Department of Religious Studies
University of Ottawa
         BITNET: 441495@Uottawa
         Internet: 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA
         S-Mail: 177 Waller, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 CANADA
         Voice:  (613) 237-2052
         FAX:    (613) 564-6641
Date:         Fri, 10 Jul 1992 21:09:55 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         James Powell <jpowell@vtvm1.bitnet>
Subject:      Volunteers wanted
I've just posted an electronic issue of The International Journal of
Experimental Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis.  This is a trial
issue that I am announcing only to VPIEJ-L.  I would like a few volunteers
to take a look at an article or two and see what you can do with it.  Then
respond to the questions listed below.  Please be aware that these files are
TIFF page images and will require a large amount of storage space.  For
more information, retrieve the READ.ME file first in the journal directory:
ftp borg.lib.vt.edu (  ---- NOT 8AM-5PM EDT Mon-Fri PLEASE!!!
login: anonymous
cd /pub/IJAEMA/v7n2
Use binary mode for .ZIP transfers.
1. What type of computer do you have?
2. Are you directly connected to the Internet?
3. Were you able to view the images on your computer screen?
4. If not, what do you think was the problem?
5. Were you able to print the images or the single page PostScript file
   included in the journal directory?
6. Which would you prefer - TIFF image files or PostScript files containing
   the bitmap image?
7. In your opinion, would this be a useful format to you?
8. Optional: Do you think your library could provide these files to patrons?
Send responses to: jpowell@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu James Powell
James Powell >>> Systems Support and Development, University Libraries, VPI&SU
             >>> JPOWELL@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU                                   O+>
             >>> jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu - NeXTMail welcome here
             >>> Owner of VPIEJ-L, a discussion list for Electronic Journals
Date:         Thu, 9 Jul 1992 15:35:49 +0100
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Comments:     Warning -- original Sender: tag was NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU
From:         newsmgr@IRIS-DCP.ES
Subject:      Re: Authentication of ejournals/
X-Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.0-3 14/03/90 VAX/VMS V5.5; site iris-dcp.es
X-Date: 24 Jun 92 21:36:15 GMT
X-Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,and Access"
XX-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
X-In-Reply-To:  <9206241549.AA24491@condor.CC.UMontreal.CA>; from "Raleigh
C.Muns" at Jun 24, 92 10:39 am
Lines: 50
> Having taken a course in analytical bibliography within the last couple
> of years, I find that the problem of authentication of e-journals (i.e.,
> which "version" does one have) is little different from the problems
> of authenticating versions of print items. I spent two weeks looking
> at different versions of Papal Canones and the best I could do was
> support various contentions as to the degree of authenticity of the
> item.
> The major difference is one of magnitude. With e-publishing, practically
> anyone can download, modify, and republish a new version of an item,
> therefore the probability (and problems) of different versions increase.
> Also, there are less cues (e.g., water marks on the paper, font of type)
> to support analysis in the electronic version.
> As in print forms, the controlling structures of the publishing industry
> as well as conventions adopted by individual publishers (fraud aside)
> can be used to aid in authenticattion of an "edition" of an item. ISSN's
> for e-journals can aid in this process. Likewise, depositories which
> contain "originals" such as the Library of Congress can also verify
> authenticity or version or edition or printing of an item.
> I say with affection that the process of analytical bibliography is the
> most anally retentive activity of an anal retentive profession (librarian-
> ship) and am pleased that such a fascinating activity has a role in the
> electronic forums of the future (scratch that!) present.
> Raleigh C. Muns / Reference Librarian / Univ. of MO, St. Louis
In our project Surfaces - a research service on cultural studies,
we have looked into two questions: integrity of texts published
and possibility of having succeeding versions of the same article.
With regard to the latter question, we believe that each modification
to a given article should undergo a refereeing process similar to
the one used with the first submission, only lighter (only one
referee for example). As for integrity of texts, the Macintosh
text kept at our ftp site (harfang.cc.umontreal.ca) is the standard
reference. Now, in the next few months, we hope to encode our texts with
an algorithm that will allow for quick, on the spot checking without
having to go back to the site and do a clean download if the text
did not reach you directly in the first place.
This may not be as good as water marks, but this is the best we
can think of for the moment.
Jean-Claude Guedon
co-editor Surfaces
Date:         Sat, 11 Jul 1992 12:58:56 PDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         homo obsolescensis <whenry@netcom.com>
Subject:      Re: Authentication of ejournals/
There was a fascinating presentation at the recent preconference of the
Rare Books and Manuscript Section of the American Library Association,
in which Peter Graham (who is on this list and will, I hope, correct me
if I misrepresent his talk ) outlined an interesting scheme developed
at Bellcore for authentification and time stamping of machine readable
documents.  The scheme involved the local machine calculating a hash
value for a document and submitting it to a time-stamp server.  The
server returns a unique key ("certificate") based upon (a) the provided
hash value (b) the sequence of previous keys (c) the time/date.  This
key is deemed to be unforgeable (ie in combination with the original
document hash value, it authenticates both the content of the document
and its date stamp).
Now one of the cool features of the scheme is that it can survive the
obsolescence of the server, or even of the network:  At regular time
intervals a cumulative hash value that makes use of all the
"certificate" stamps during that time period, are published/archived in
hard copy.  The example given was for the value to be published in the
Public and Commercial Notices of the Sunday NY Times.  Then a scholar
in say the 24th Century, faced with a given document can apply the same
hashing routine to the document, and use that and the pututave
certificate and should be able to verify them against the published
cumulative hash in the Times (in whatever bizarre form may be
available at that time).
I am hoping to find more information on the scheme and would be happy
to summarize, if I find anything.  Peter Graham distributed a copy of
an article describing the process, [NYT 1/12/92] and an example of the
archival publication in the Notices.
This sort of thing is discussed in sci.crypt, btw.
Walter Henry
Assistant Conservator
Stanford University Libraries
Date:         Sat, 11 Jul 1992 23:56:00 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         "Peter Graham, Rutgers U., (908) 932-2741" <graham@zodiac.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: Authentication of ejournals/
Could M. Guedon be more discursive on the subject of authenticating texts by
means of an algorithm?  I have recently been writing and presenting on this
topic--what I call "intellectual preservation" as opposed to (and collaborative
with) artifactual preservation--and have been interested in the potential use
of an algorithm developed at Bell labs, known as a "time-stamping" algorithm
(Haber and Stornetta).  Some such form will be of use; it will require
common and freely available authentication and validation procedures, and
publicly-known labels (or numbers or "hashes") which could be used in
bibliographic references.  If there is interest here I could develop this.
Meanwhile I'd like to hear more of what M. Guedon and *Surfaces* intend
to do.
--Peter Graham
  Rutgers University
Date:         Thu, 16 Jul 1992 17:15:00 CDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         "SCIENCE CATALOGING UNIT 319-335-5889" <cadscuts@uiamvs.bitnet>
Subject:      SGML/CAI
Can any subscribers refer me to a source for computer-assisted
instruction in SGML? I am new to this list, so my apologies
to you all if this topic has already been discussed.
David Lepse
Date:         Tue, 21 Jul 1992 01:21:12 -0400
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Comments:     Warning -- original Sender: tag was NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU
From:         Edward Vielmetti <emv@msen.com>
Subject:      Re: SGML/CAI
There is an active SGML usenet newsgroup (comp.text.sgml); you should
also be able to pick up a copy of the "frequently asked questions"
positng from that list and a pointer to the various archives from
as much as anything will get you started that should be a help.
Date:         Thu, 23 Jul 1992 09:24:04 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         herring@LTPSUN.GSFC.NASA.GOV
Subject:      Font readability
Fellow Networkers:
Greetings!  I am a new subscriber to the network and I look forward to
swapping bits with y'all.  But for now I have a question for the community
at large:  Is there a report or publication in which different typefaces
are compared/contrasted for a number of categories, including readability?
Two years ago I held such a report and now I cannot remember the agency
that published it.  I do remember, however, that the report was directed
toward the news media.
If anyone can give me the name of the report, or the agency that publishes
it, I would be most appreciative.  Thank you.
David D. Herring       MODIS Administrative Support      286-9515
Date:         Thu, 23 Jul 1992 16:03:40 +0100
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Michel Eytan LILoL <me@suzuka.u-strasbg.fr>
Subject:      lyrical illusion (was Re:  Font readability)
----- Begin Included Message -----
Fellow Networkers:
Greetings!  I am a new subscriber to the network and I look forward to
swapping bits with y'all.  But for now I have a question for the community
at large:  Is there a report or publication in which different typefaces
are compared/contrasted for a number of categories, including readability?
Two years ago I held such a report and now I cannot remember the agency
that published it.  I do remember, however, that the report was directed
toward the news media.
If anyone can give me the name of the report, or the agency that publishes
it, I would be most appreciative.  Thank you.
David D. Herring       MODIS Administrative Support      286-9515
----- End Included Message -----
I am probably alone of my kind, but it seems to me preposterous to posit a
*uniform* criterion of readability across all individuals.
Personally, I like Palatino best, with Bookman a close second. I know many
people who like Courier and Geneva -- that I cannot be brought to read.
Michel Eytan					eytan@dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr
Labo. Info., Log., Lang.			T: +33 88 41 74 29
Univ. Strasbourg II				F: +33 88 41 74 40
Date:         Thu, 23 Jul 1992 11:50:59 ADT
Reply-To:     dgm@unb.ca
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         "David G. Macneil" <dgm@jupiter.csd.unb.ca>
Subject:      Re: Font readability
    Return-Path: <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
    Received: from VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU by jupiter.Sun.CSD.unb.ca (4.1/SMI-4.1)
            id AA10295; Thu, 23 Jul 92 10:28:11 ADT
    Message-Id: <9207231328.AA10295@jupiter.Sun.CSD.unb.ca>
    Received: from vtvm1.cc.vt.edu by VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU (IBM VM SMTP V2R2)
       with BSMTP id 5361; Thu, 23 Jul 92 09:23:53 EDT
    Received: from VTVM1.BITNET by vtvm1.cc.vt.edu (Mailer R2.08 R208002) with
     BSMTP id 2147; Thu, 23 Jul 92 09:23:52 EDT
    Date:         Thu, 23 Jul 1992 09:24:04 EDT
    Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,              and
 Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
    Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,              and
 Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
    From: herring@LTPSUN.GSFC.NASA.GOV
    Subject:      Font readability
    X-To:         e-doc net & arch <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
    To: Multiple recipients of list VPIEJ-L <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
    Fellow Networkers:
    Greetings!  I am a new subscriber to the network and I look forward to
    swapping bits with y'all.  But for now I have a question for the community
    at large:  Is there a report or publication in which different typefaces
    are compared/contrasted for a number of categories, including readability?
    Two years ago I held such a report and now I cannot remember the agency
    that published it.  I do remember, however, that the report was directed
    toward the news media.
    If anyone can give me the name of the report, or the agency that publishes
    it, I would be most appreciative.  Thank you.
    David D. Herring       MODIS Administrative Support      286-9515
===      David G Macneil,  Director,  Computing Services            ===
===      University of New Brunswick,                               ===
===      Fredericton,  New Brunswick, CANADA,  E3B 5A3              ===
===                                                                 ===
===  NetNorth/BITNET: DGM @ UNB              Voice: (506) 453-4573  ===
===  Internet:        DGM @ UNB.CA             Fax: (506) 453-3590  ===
Date:         Thu, 23 Jul 1992 08:18:46 PDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         homo obsolescensis <whenry@netcom.com>
Subject:      Font readability
>Is there a report or publication in which different typefaces
>are compared/contrasted for a number of categories, including readability?
Result: 15 citations
Citation 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Arps, Ronald Barthold.
TITLE:    Entropy of printed matter at the threshold of legibility for
            efficient coding in digital image-processing.
          Digital image-processing.
IMPRINT:  1969.
          ix, 107 p.
LOCATION: Engineering 3781 1969 .A (Library has c.1; c.2)
TOPICS:   Pattern perception.
          Optical data processing.
NOTES:    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University.
          Bibliography: p. 105-107.
          Language: English   Year: 1969
          Item CSUGALA7996-B (Books)  ALA7996 (NOTIS)
Citation 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Zachrisson, Bror.
TITLE:    Studies in the legibility of printed text.
          The legibility of printed text.
IMPRINT:  Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksell [1965]
          225 p. illus.
LOCATION: Green Library Stacks Z250.A4Z3
TOPICS:   Type and type-founding
NOTES:    Akademisk avhandling--Stockholm.
          Includes bibliography.
          Language: English   Year: 1965
          Item CSUGALA9341-B (Books)  ALA9341 (NOTIS)
Citation 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Goudy, Frederic William, 1865-
TITLE:    Typologia; studies in type design & type making, with comments on the
            invention of typography, the first types, legibility, and fine
            printing [by] Frederic W. Goudy ...
IMPRINT:  Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California press, 1940.
          xviii p., 1 l., 170 p., 1 l. incl. front., illus. (incl. facsims.)
            plates, ports., typog. specimens. 28 cm.
LOCATION: Spec Coll Gunst Z239.V71 Z8 T9
TOPICS:   Type and type-founding.
          California. University. Press.
NOTES:    "This edition of Typologia, is set in University of California old
            style types, designed by Frederic W. Goudy for the exclusive use of
            the University of California press and here used for the first
            time.  The book has been arranged by Mr. Goudy in collaboration
            with Samuel T. Farquhar, manager of the press, and printed at the
            press in August, 1940."
          Language: English   Year: 1940
          Item CSUGAKX0916-B (Books)  AKX0916 (NOTIS)
Citation 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   United States. National Bureau of Standards.
TITLE:    Legibility of alphanumeric characters and other symbols.
IMPRINT:  Washington, For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.s. Govt.
            Print. Off., 1964-
LOCATION: Physics 530.2.S257 ed.5
SERIES:   Its Miscellaneous publication 262-1
TOPICS:   Legibility (Printing)--Bibliography.
          Pattern perception--Bibliography.
NOTES:    U.S. Supt. of Docs. No. C 13.10:262-1
          Language: English   Year: 1964
          Item CSUGAKS6679-B (Books)  AKS6679 (NOTIS)
Citation 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Tinker, Miles Albert, 1893-
TITLE:    An experimental study of legibility, perception, and eye movement in
            the reading of formulae ... By Miles Albert Tinker. June 1927.
IMPRINT:  [1927]
          3 p. l., iii, 255 numb. l. incl. mounted illus., XVI pl., form,
            tables. 28 cm.
LOCATION: Green Library Stacks 153.61.T589 (Library has c.1; c.2)
TOPICS:   Reading, Psychology of.
NOTES:    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Leland Stanford Junior University, 1927.
          Bibliography: l. 242-255.
          Language: English   Year: 1927
          Item CSUGAKA6978-B (Books)  AKA6978 (NOTIS)
Citation 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Goudy, Frederic W. (Frederic William), 1865-1947.
TITLE:    Typologia : studies in type design & type making, with comments on
            the invention of typography, the first types, legibility, and fine
            printing / Frederic W. Goudy.
IMPRINT:  Berkeley : University of California Press, 1940.
          xviii, 170 p. : ill. facsims., ports. ; 27 cm.
LOCATION: Green Library Stacks Z250A2.G6
TOPICS:   Type and type-founding--California--History.
          Legibility (Printing)
NOTES:    Language: English   Year: 1940
          Item CSUGADK9797-B (Books)  ADK9797 (NOTIS)
Citation 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Tinker, Miles Albert, 1893-
TITLE:    Legibility of print.
IMPRINT:  Ames, Iowa State University Press [c1963]
          ix, 329 p. illus., tables. 22 cm.
LOCATION: Green Library Stacks 094.24.T589
TOPICS:   Legibility (Printing)
          Type and type-founding.
NOTES:    Bibliography: p. 267-322.
          Language: English   Year: 1963
          Item CSUGADK4560-B (Books)  ADK4560 (NOTIS)
Citation 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Pyke, Richard Lionel, 1899-
TITLE:    Report on the legibility of print, by R. L. Pyke, M. A.
IMPRINT:  London, H. M. Stationery Off. [printed by Johnson, at the University
            Press, Oxford] 1926.
          123 p. incl. tables, diagr.  pl. 24 cm.
LOCATION: Green Library Stacks 610.6.M489 no.110
SERIES:   Medical Research Council (Great Britain). Special report series no.
TOPICS:   Type and type-founding.
NOTES:    At head of title: Privy Council. Medical Research Council.
          "Glossary to typographical and other terms used in this report": p.
          Bibliography: p. [118]-123.
          Language: English   Year: 1926
          Item CSUGAAH8764-B (Books)  AAH8764 (NOTIS)
Citation 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Goudy, Frederic W. (Frederic William), 1865-1947.
TITLE:    Typologia : studies in type design & type making, with comments on
            the invention of typography, the first types, legibility, and fine
            printing / Frederic W. Goudy.
IMPRINT:  Berkeley : University of California Press, 1940.
          xviii, 170 p. : ill. facsims., ports. ; 27 cm.
LOCATION: Item CSUG87-B93739 not yet cataloged; consult Special Collections
TOPICS:   Type and type-founding--California--History.
          Printing, Practical--California--History.
NOTES:    Language: English   Year: 1940
          Item CSUG87-B93739 (Books)  ABB1821 (NOTIS)
Citation 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Rehe, Rolf F., 1935-
TITLE:    Typography : how to make it most legible / Rolf F. Rehe.
IMPRINT:  4th rev. ed.  Carmel, Ind. (P.O. Box 27, Carmel 46032) : Design
            Research International, 1981, c1974.
          80 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
LOCATION: Green Library Stacks Z250.A4R43 1981
TOPICS:   Legibility (Printing)
          Letter spacing.
          Printing, Practical--Make-up.
NOTES:    Bibliography: p. 65-78.
          Includes index.
          Language: English   Year: 1974,1981
          Item CSUG87-B43216 (Books)  AHR1057 (NOTIS)
Citation 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Mergenthaler Linotype Company.
TITLE:    The legibility of type.
IMPRINT:  Brooklyn, N.Y. [c1935]
          67,[1] p. illus. 18cm.
LOCATION: Spec Coll Rare Books Ref Z250.A4.M5
TOPICS:   Type and type-founding.
NOTES:    Ex libris Edward De Witt Taylor.
          Language: English   Year:
          Item CSUG907049-B (Books)  AGL7766 (NOTIS)
Citation 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Legros, Lucien Alphonse, 1865-
TITLE:    A note on the legibility of printed matter; prepared for the
            information of the Committee on type faces ...
IMPRINT:  London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1922.
          1 p.l., 18 p. 33 cm.
LOCATION: Spec Coll Rare Books Ref Z250.L52 f
OTHER:    Great Britain. Committee on type faces.
TOPICS:   Type and type-founding.
NOTES:    Language: English   Year:
          Item CSUG2873575-B (Books)  AEH6049 (NOTIS)
Citation 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Watts, Lynne.
TITLE:    Legibility in children's books; a review of research [by] Lynne Watts
            and John Nisbet.
IMPRINT:  Windsor, NFER [1974]
          104 p. illus.(some col.) 22cm.
LOCATION: Education Z246.W37
OTHER:    Nisbet, John Donald, joint author.
TOPICS:   Printing, Practical--Style manuals.
          Children's literature--Publishing.
          Books and reading for children.
NOTES:    Distributed in the USA by Humanities Press, New York.
          Bibliography: p. [100]-104.
          Language: English   Year:
          Item CSUG2015595-B (Books)  AEA5100 (NOTIS)
Citation 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Ryder, John, 1917-
TITLE:    The case for legibility / John Ryder.
IMPRINT:  New York : Moretus Press, 1979.
          77, [1] p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
LOCATION: Spec Coll Rare Books Ref Z116.A3.R96
TOPICS:   Book design--Addresses, essays, lectures.
          Printing--Addresses, essays, lectures.
NOTES:    Language: English   Year: 1979
          Item CSUG14504391-B (Books)  ADW0140 (NOTIS)
Citation 15 -------------------------------------------------------------------
AUTHOR:   Ryder, John, 1917-
TITLE:    The case for legibility / John Ryder.
IMPRINT:  London : Bodley Head, 1979.
          77 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
LOCATION: Item CSUG12175820-B not yet cataloged; consult Special Collections
TOPICS:   Book design--Addresses, essays, lectures.
          Printing--Addresses, essays, lectures.
NOTES:    Language: English   Year: 1979
          Item CSUG12175820-B (Books)  AAS8260 (NOTIS)
Date:         Fri, 24 Jul 1992 16:44:56 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         James Powell <jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu>
Subject:      IJAEMA ps
I've just posted a PostScript version of the first electronic issue
of The International Journal of Experimental Analytical and
Experimental Modal Analysis.  This is a trial issue that I am
announcing only to VPIEJ-L.  I would like a few volunteers to take a
look at an article or two and see what you can do with it.  Then
respond to the questions listed below.  Please be aware that these
files are unix compressed PostScript page images and will require a
large amount of storage space when extracted.
ftp borg.lib.vt.edu (  ---- NOT 8AM-5PM EDT Mon-Fri
login: anonymous
cd /pub/IJAEMA/postscript/v7n2
Use binary mode for .Z transfers.
UNIX tools for DOS including tar, compress are available on borg in
the tools directory.
1. What type of computer do you have?
2. Are you directly connected to the Internet?
3. Were you able to view the images on your computer screen?
4. If not, what do you think was the problem?
5. Were you able to print the images or the single page PostScript
file included in the journal directory?
6. Which would you prefer - TIFF image files or PostScript files
containing the bitmap image?
7. In your opinion, would this be a useful format to you?
8. Optional: Do you think your library could provide these files to
Send responses to: jpowell@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu James Powell
Date:         Fri, 24 Jul 1992 13:57:51 -0700
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         jaffe@UCSCM.UCSC.EDU
I am on vacation until August 10.
Date:         Sun, 26 Jul 1992 21:48:28 -0400
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Comments:     Warning -- original Sender: tag was NETNEWS@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU
From:         Edward Vielmetti <emv@msen.com>
Subject:      ISSN numbers for e-journals
This is a list of e journals and their ISSN numbers.  It is posted to
VPIEJ-L periodically as updates warrant.  Additions should be sent to
The format used follows the extended "refer" scheme provided by the
Human-Computer Interaction bibliography, Gary Perlman, editor.
Further information about it can be had from
The list differs from other collections of electronic journals in that it
notes only journals that have ISSN numbers, and that it seeks to identify
exact references to interactive on-line archives of machine-readable back
issues.  This should prove useful in building servers (a la the HYTELNET
index for library catalogs) that can use these materials directly.  I have
not yet filled in all of the information that I have about all of these,
so consider this less than a complete effort.
This work is part of a CICnet project on access and archives for
electronic serials.
  Edward Vielmetti, vice president for research, Msen Inc. emv@Msen.com
        Msen Inc., 628 Brooks, Ann Arbor MI  48103 +1 313 741 1120
"We believe in: rough concensus and working code."  Dave Clark on the IETF
%J Communications of the ACM
%C New York
The WAIS database is experimental, contact brewster@think.com with comments.
%G ISSN 0001-0782; QA 76 A1 A78
%J Bulletin, new series, of the American Mathematical Society
%G ISSN 0002-9904
%J Labratory Primate Newsletter
%G ISSN 0023-6861
%J NSF Bulletin
%G ISSN 0145-0670; LCCN sn 78001066
%J I.S.P.O.B Bulletin YSSTI
%G ISSN 0353-9334
%G ISSN 0381-9361
%E Lena Bialkowska
%J Donosy
Daily news bulletin from Poland
US Contact: przemek@ndcvx.cc.nd.edu (Przemek Klosowski)
Rest of the world: Donosy@Plearn.BITNET
English edition: przemek@ndcvx.cc.nd.edu (Przemek Klosowski)
%G ISSN 0867-6860
%J Flora Online
%G ISSN 0892-9106
%J MAB Northern Sciences Network Newsletter
%G ISSN 1014-7470
%E A. E. Mossberg
%J South Florida Environmental Reader
%G ISSN 1044-3479
%J Journal of Technology Education
%G ISSN 1045-1064
%J ALA/RTSD Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues
%G ISSN 1046-3402
%J Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues
%G ISSN 1046-3410
%J The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
%G ISSN 1048-6542
%J Supercomputing Review
%G ISSN 1048-6836
%J Public-Access Computer Systems News
%G ISSN 1050-6004
%E John B. Harlan
%J News of Earth
%G ISSN 1052-2239
%E John James
%J AIDS Treatment News
%G ISSN 1052-4207; LCCN sn 88026868
%J Postmodern Culture
%G ISSN 1053-1920
%E Daniel Appelquist
%J Quanta
%X Digital Quill award, 1992.

%G ISSN 1053-8496
%E Ted Jennings
%J EJournal
%G ISSN 1054-1055
%J Ethnomusicology Research Digest
%G ISSN 1054-1624
%E John B. Harlan
%J USSR-D (USSR news and information digest)
%G ISSN 1054-6510
%J Chronicle of Latin American Economic Affairs
%G ISSN 1054-8874
%J Central American Update
%G ISSN 1054-8882
%J GRID News
%G ISSN 1054-9315
%E Stevan Harnad
%J Psycoloquy
%G ISSN 1055-0143
%J Bryn Mawr Classical Review
%G ISSN 1055-7660
%G ISSN 1056-6694
%J Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists
%G ISSN 1057-1337
%G ISSN 1057-5308
%J MeckJournal
%G ISSN 1058-692X
%J SOLSTICE An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics
%G ISSN 1059-5325
%J Digital Games Review
%G ISSN 1059-5457
%E David F. W. Robison
%J Current Cites

%G ISSN 1060-2356
%J NotiSur - South American & Caribbean Political Affairs
%G ISSN 1060-4189
%J List Review Service
%G ISSN 1060-8192
%J Pigulki

%G ISSN 1060-9288; LCCN sn 92003695
%J Citations for Serial Literature
%G ISSN 1061-7434
%J Law and Politics Book Review
%G ISSN 1062-7421
%J EFFector Online
%G ISSN 1062-9424
%X Digital Quill award 1992
%J ViewPoints
%G ISSN 1063-0325
%J Electronic Journal of Communication / La Revue Electronique de Communication
%G ISSN 1183-5656
%J Ioudiaos Review
%G ISSN 1183-9937
%J RD Graduate Research in the Arts
%G ISSN 1188-0708
%E Michael Strangelove
%J The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS
%G ISSN 1188-5734
%J BEN (Botanical Electronic News)
%G ISSN 1188-603X
Date:         Tue, 28 Jul 1992 13:50:12 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         James Powell <jpowell@vtvm1.bitnet>
Subject:      Internet archives
The vpiej-l Internet archive site is now running an experimental ftp program
that presents messages to users when they enter certain directories and will
provide other features when fully functional.  Up to five remote logins may
use this ftp site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Please try it out!
The ftp address is:
Problems, comments to jpowell@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu or jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu.
James Powell >>> Systems Support and Development, University Libraries, VPI&SU
             >>> JPOWELL@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU                                   O+>
             >>> jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu - NeXTMail welcome here
             >>> Owner of VPIEJ-L, a discussion list for Electronic Journals
Date:         Tue, 28 Jul 1992 14:50:01 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         John Price-Wilkin <jpw@poe.acc.virginia.edu>
Subject:      Re: Internet archives
In-Reply-To:  <9207281820.AB50164@poe.acc.Virginia.EDU>; from "James Powell" at
              Jul 28, 92 1:50 pm
> The vpiej-l Internet archive site is now running an experimental ftp program
I just joined vpiej-l.  Thanks.  (Yesterday's posting -- the one you
forwarded  -- was very interesting.)
Date:         Tue, 28 Jul 1992 15:27:00 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         BRIAN KAHIN <kahin@hulaw1.bitnet>
Subject:      Scholarly Communication Project: computer conferences announced
  Project on Scholarly Communication in the Network Environment
              Announcement of Computer Conferences
     The Science, Technology and Public Policy Program at
Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and the Coalition
for Networked Information have undertaken a project to address
principles, policy, and practice related to new forms of
scholarly communication in the network environment.  Funded in
part by the National Science Foundation's Program on Ethics and
Values Studies in Science and Technology, the Project looks at a
set of social, ethical, and legal issues raised in the
communication and dissemination of research results.  The goal is
to help different groups ranging from research teams to academic
and professional societies develop appropriate policies and
     A draft background paper has been prepared by project
director Brian Kahin and is available on the Internet by
anonymous ftp from ftp.cni.org using the following sequence of
   ftp ftp.cni.org
   login anonymous
   [send e-mail address as password]
   cd /CNI/projects/Harvard.scp
   get background.txt
     We are now ready to initiate a set of computer conferences
which will bring together diverse disciplinary and service
perspectives.  The conferences will address six issue areas which
are discussed sequentially in the background paper:
     1.) JOINT AUTHORSHIP AND OWNERSHIP -- How should jointly
authored research be structured and how should publication
processes be handled?
     list name: OWNERSHIP
     moderator: Michael Strait (mstrait@linknet.com)
     2.) RIGHTS IN COMPUTER CONFERENCING -- What are reasonable
expectations for the handling and reuse of messages and other
material posted to groups and mailing lists?
     list name: REPOST
     moderators: Edward Vielmetti (emv@msen.com)
                 Steve Cisler (sac@apple.com)
     3.) DERIVATIVE AND ITERATIVE WORKS -- What practices should
apply to sequenced and variant publications of the same and
related work?
     list name: DERIV
     moderators: Ann Okerson (okerson@umdc.bitnet)
                 Steven Zink (stevenz@equinox.unr.edu)
     4.) CONTROL OF DISSEMINATION -- To what extent should key
scholarly resources be controlled by particular scholars or
     list name: RESOURCES
     moderator: Doug Greenberg (sdgls@cunyvm.bitnet)
     5.) SITE LICENSING -- How will widespread site licensing
affect access to information by unaffiliated individuals and
small firms and organizations?
     list name: SITE-LICENSE
     moderators: John Garrett (jgarrett@nri.reston.va.us)
                 Steve Gilbert (gilbert@educom.edu)
     6.) INTERNATIONAL ACCESS -- How should researchers and
practitioners in the developing world be assured access to
research results?
     list name: INTERNATIONAL
     moderator: Art St. George (stgeorge@bootes.unm.edu)
     Persons interested in participating in one of these
conferences should send a single line mail message to
LISTSERV@CNI.ORG as follows:
subscribe [name of list] [your first name] [your last name]
If you wish to participate in more than one conference, put each
request on a separate line in the same format.  Please also send
the moderators background information so they will know who is
participating.  The moderators will set their own policies and
some may choose limit the size of their conference.
     We plan to report on these conferences at the November
meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information Task Force.
There will be an invitational workshop for the most active
participants and representative academic organizations in
Washington in early 1993.  A final report is due in the Spring.
     For additional information, contact the list moderators at
the listed email addresses.  Or:
Brian Kahin
Director, Information Infrastructure Project
Science, Technology and Public Policy Program
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
79 John F. Kennedy St.
Cambridge, MA  02138
Fax: 617-495-5776
Paul Peters
Coalition for Networked Information
1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington DC 20036
Fax: 202-462-7849
For technical assistance:
Craig A. Summerhill, Systems Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Date:         Thu, 30 Jul 1992 22:57:24 EST
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         "A. Ralph Papakhian" <papakhi@iubvm.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: Internet archives
In-Reply-To:  Message of Tue, 28 Jul 1992 13:50:12 EDT from <jpowell@vtvm1>
On Tue, 28 Jul 1992 13:50:12 EDT James Powell said:
>The vpiej-l Internet archive site is now running an experimental ftp program
>that presents messages to users when they enter certain directories and will
>provide other features when fully functional.  Up to five remote logins may
>use this ftp site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Please try it out!
>The ftp address is:
>Problems, comments to jpowell@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu or jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu.
>James Powell >>> Systems Support and Development, University Libraries, VPI&SU
>             >>> JPOWELL@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU                                   O+>
>             >>> jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu - NeXTMail welcome here
>             >>> Owner of VPIEJ-L, a discussion list for Electronic Journals
is "unknown" from this end. Is that a problem here or there?
Most cordially,
A. Ralph Papakhian, Music Library (Co-Listowner for MLA-L@IUBVM)
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-2970  papakhi@iubvm.bitnet papakhi@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 04:53:46 +0000
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: Internet archives
In-Reply-To:  <"4420 Fri Jul 31 06:04:34 1992"@relay.surfnet.nl>
I just tried ftp'ing to borg.lib.vt.edu (Fri Jul 31 09:51:24 WET DST 1992)
and it worked. The ftp server is not special in some sense, whereas I
thought it would give messages with every command.
Dr. Nico A.F.M. Poppelier
Elsevier Science Publishers, Information Technology Development
Sara Burgerhartstraat 25, 1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-20-5862504. Fax: +31-20-5862425. Email: n.poppelier@elsevier.nl
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 08:36:56 U
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Kimberly Parker <kimberly_parker@yccatsmtp.ycc.yale.edu>
Subject:      Copyright concerns
REGARDING                Copyright concerns
Recently, we in our library have been having discussions regarding
copyright/other concerns for electronic journals which charge subscriptions (I
suppose some of it would apply to "free" e-journals, too.
Anyway, the substance of the discussion revolves around what a publisher would
consider a good-faith effort to prevent a library user from accessing a journal
on a library "subscription", and downloading the data and "redistributing" it
among their colleagues, lab group, or international community peers.
Things that have been discussed are forcing each user of electronic journals
from a library subscription to stare at a copyright screen in which they "sign
their life away" by acknowledging by hitting return, or some such thing.  (An
assumed here is that there would be a blockade in place to prevent
non-institution people from signing on/in).
I suppose if the publishers really want to prevent this type of thing, it is up
to them to encode their data, but that really seems to limit the usefulness of
So, now on to the group.  What are the opinions of the publishers out there?
Other information user groups?
--Kimberly Parker
   Yale Science Libraries
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 09:21:50 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Stevan Harnad <harnad@princeton.edu>
Subject:      Let's rethink copyright policy in the electronic medium
For both "free" and paid-subscription electronic journals, copyright
policy will have to be re-thought. Publishers of electronic journals
will of course have to cover their real expenses, otherwise electronic
publishing will not get very far, but those expenses may be so much
lower than paper publishing that the appropriate economic model may no
longer be that the author's words are copyrighted and then "sold" to
readers by the publisher.
Authors (actually, their institutions and research-funding agencies)
may instead prefer to pay to have their writing distributed and
archived electronically (as they already do in some areas of scientific
research). Or Universities, Research Institutions, Learned Societies
and Government Research-Supporting Institutions, Foundations and
Agencies may prefer to collaboratively under-write the expenses of
supporting the distribution and archiving of electronic scholarly and
scientific publication (including the peer review process).
In either case, there would no longer be any point in worrying about
"unauthorized" redistribution: From the author's point of view (and
that of scholarship in general), it has always been true that the more
scholarly eyes one's work reaches, the better. Until now, this implicit
desideratum has been heavily constrained by the unavoidable economic
exigencies of paper publishing and distribution. In planning the future
of this new medium, however, let's not be unnecessarily constrained by
possibly irrelevant features of the old model. Scholarly publishing is
not trade publishing; the motivations of authors and readers are
different; the reward structure is different.
Below is a statement of PSYCOLOQUY's copyright policy. It's not clear
why an electronic scholarly journal would want to lay claim to any more.
More would amount to RESTRICTING access to an author's work, and in this
medium this may no longer be necessary -- or in either the author's or
the scholarly/scientific community's interest.
Stevan Harnad
Excerpt from PSYCOLOQUY Publication Policy Statement:
    Authors of accepted manuscripts assign to PSYCOLOQUY the right to
    distribute their text electronically and to archive and make it
    permanently retrievable electronically. However, they retain the
    copyright, and after it has appeared in PSYCOLOQUY authors may
    republish their text any way they wish -- electronic or print -- as
    long as they clearly acknowledge PSYCOLOQUY as its original locus of
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 10:02:15 -0400
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         heye@LPI.DNET.NASA.GOV
Subject:      Re: Internet archives
I, too, am having a problem accessing ftp borg.lib.vt.edu.
I get a message saying "borg" is unknown.
Mary Heye, Publications Services, Lunar and Planetary
Institute, Houston, Texas, LPI::HEYE (NSI/DECNET)
(713) 486-2143
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 14:53:00 GMT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         "John R. Garrett" <0004716758@MCIMAIL.COM>
Subject:      Re: Copyright concerns
Kimberly Parker, I'd like your permission to post your comment and query about
publishers and copyright on a private list for publishers that I follow.  I'll
suggest that they respond to you directly with any comments (I'll need your
e-mail address).  Is that OK?
John Garrett
Date:         Thu, 30 Jul 1992 20:42:00 PST
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Linda_Dobb.Library@MAILGATE.SFSU.EDU
Subject:      Re: Copyright concerns
just a note to let you know of a new copyright bulletin board that will have
its first postings Monday.  CNI-Copyright.  To subscribe write to Listserv at C
cni.org (Internet)
Mary Brandt Jensen of South Dakota is the originator.
---------------------- Replied Message Body ----------------------
Date: 7-31-92  8:06am
From: {0004716758@MCIMAIL.COM}:smtp:sfsu
  To: Linda Dobb:Library:sfsu
Subj: Re: Copyright concerns
Resent: From VPIEJ-L@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU  Fri Jul 31 08:06:46 1992
Resent: Received: from VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU by netgate.sfsu.edu (NeXT-1.0 (From
Sendmail 5.52)/NeXT-1.0)
Resent: id AA13306; Fri, 31 Jul 92 08:06:46 GMT-0800
Resent: Message-Id: <9207311606.AA13306@netgate.sfsu.edu>
Resent: Received: from vtvm1.cc.vt.edu by VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU (IBM VM SMTP V2R2)
Resent:   with BSMTP id 3152; Fri, 31 Jul 92 11:05:15 EDT
Resent: Received: from VTVM1.BITNET by vtvm1.cc.vt.edu (Mailer R2.08 R208002)
Resent: BSMTP id 2480; Fri, 31 Jul 92 11:05:14 EDT
Resent: Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 14:53:00 GMT
Resent: Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
Resent: Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
Resent: From: "John R. Garrett" <0004716758@MCIMAIL.COM>
Resent: Subject:      Re: Copyright concerns
Resent: X-To:         "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing,
Resent:              Archivin" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
Resent: To: Multiple recipients of list VPIEJ-L <vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
Kimberly Parker, I'd like your permission to post your comment and query about
publishers and copyright on a private list for publishers that I follow.  I'll
suggest that they respond to you directly with any comments (I'll need your
e-mail address).  Is that OK?
John Garrett
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 11:40:00 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: Copyright concerns
John Garrett in Reston, Va.:
Can I ask you to suggest to the publishers on your list to respond to Kimberly's
query on this VPIEJ-L list?  Is that OK Kimberly?  I'll bet there are many on
this list who'd be interested in the publisher point of view.
Carl Sandstrom
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 12:28:51 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Howard Pasternack <blips15@brownvm.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: Let's rethink copyright policy in the electronic medium
>From:         Stevan Harnad <harnad@princeton.edu>
>... Scholarly publishing is
>not trade publishing; the motivations of authors and readers are
>different; the reward structure is different.
 Probably true.  But this does not mean that the profit motive is not
 a factor.  Brendan Kehoe's Zen book is a case in point.
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 12:37:35 -0400
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         adams david l <vulcan@eagle.larc.nasa.gov>
Subject:      Borg FTP address
If you are getting a message saying BORG is an unknow host it could be that
your system can not translate the symbolic address into an IP address.  Try
using the IP address.  For borg.lib.vt.edu the IP address is
David Adams    Technical Library Branch, NASA Langley Research Center
Internet: vulcan@eagle.larc.nasa.gov      Voice: +1-804-864-2391
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 12:56:00 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         GMP@PSUVM.BITNET
Subject:      Copyrights and profit motive
    I am an author and editor.  It is my full time profession now, but I have
been working for publishing houses for the last 25 years.  I know authors of
all kinds, from threadbare poets to high powered "self help" book writers.
I know that scholarly writers do not do it for profit. Although a first year
academic publishing in a quality journal can expedite promotion and tenure,
raise salary, which in turn raises TIAA contributions which, according to
an accountant colleague of mine, could make an article worth about $60,000
over a lifetime in 1990 dollars.  Electronic publishing can appeal to this
kind of motivation.
    I have just begun a stint as editor of an electronic journal.  I have my
accountant friend keeping very close track of the costs of "publishing" and
distributing a Ejournal. I suspect they are somewhat less than a paper
journal (about $15,000 and issue), but we will know soon.  Figuring out how
to make a profit on scholarly publishing is silly.  No one makes a profit
on journals except for companies who contract with associations who guarantee
a certain number of copies sold to the membership. That plus standing orders
to libraries covers the cost and adds a margin of profit. For some houses, this
can be considerable.
    Protecting copyrights is not as complicated as you think. For one thing,
academics violate copyrights all over the place.  Academics steal chapters
from their colleagues and xerox them for "student packets." They do not even
bother asking permission.  There are several lawsuits going on about this
matter.  Used book publishers make money on someone else's authorship.  There
is a national organization working on this, too.  There are very few authors
who make a living at it.  A good text will sell for the first two years, but
if it does not hit 50,000 copies, everyone loses money.  A scholarly mono-
graph can get by with a sale of 750, if you price it high enough and have
some libraries as regular customers.  It doesn't matter who you steal with,
if theft is the norm, an I assure you, there are few academics who haven't
"borrowed" text without paying the fee and most of the time with precious
little acknowledgment.
    At the moment, those who want to do Epublishing are eleemosynary and
there is nothing to be done about it.  But it will probably be no worse than
in print publishing.  When some major trade publisher decides there is a buck
to be made on electronic publishing, they will, no doubt, contract with
Compuserv on a fee basis and do it like pay-per-view cable.  The technology
for this already exists, but it is expensive.  On the other hand, it is
no more expensive that chopping a thousand trees, producing paper pulp and
turning it into newsprint, cutting it, printing the pages, and binding them
and then shipping them to individuals and dealers.  How many of us can afford
    Now, the final issue -- Epublishing could mean a lot to academics seeking
promotion and tenure.  We have yet to document the credibility of Epublication
and so electronic journals do not attract contributions.  I would argue that
it is absolutely necessary to distinguish between genres of publication. There
are some Epublications that qualify as newsletters; some as op-ed bulletins;
some as calendars of events.  Some are quasi-scholarly, like the ones that
feature an article with several commentaries and a rejoinder. This is an
exciting form of publishing, but it doesn't make it with the "dean's promo-
tion and tenure review committee."
    In the Ejournal I have been asked to edit, we are going to try to qualify
for promotion and tenure consideration on a reasonable level.  I suspect
Harvard and Princeton would ignore us, but I think we could make it in the
Big Ten given our editorial board and review policy (and if you can make it
there, you can make it anywhere).
    In sum, we must do our best to maintain scholarly standards, post a
copyright notice, and hope for the best.  We have been doing this in print
publishing for several years.  You would be amazed at the number of companies
that have taken Chapter 11, and I suspect a number of Epublications will go
under.  Piracy and copyright violation play a major role, but unless you
want some form of thought police, or imposition of complex and expensive
controls, you are stuck with doing the best you can.
    I hereby release rights to this text and acknowledge that it was
inspired by the contribution of Kimberly Parker.
Gerald M. Phillips
Editor: _Interpersonal Computing and Technology: A Journal for the 21st
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 15:20:13 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         BILL MCCONNELL <mcconnwf@duvm.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: Copyrights and profit motive
In-Reply-To:  Message of Fri, 31 Jul 1992 12:56:00 EDT from <gmp@psuvm>
   Gerald's summary of electronic publishing and scholars (promotion,
   etc.) is accurate and realistic. It lacks a point, however, which
   I would suggest is a major deterrent at this time for those with a
   work of value to the academic community. And that is a very basic one -
   the peer reviewed journals that we are discussing are not indexed
   (beyond their own archive). To anyone wanting(needing) exposure to
   the opinions of other scholars, indexing of their work has to be a
    significant  consideration when it comes time to select a journal
   for publication.
   I am a strong supporter of our desires to get "real" electronic
   journals up and running. However, as an individual with a paper that
   I want to see given broad consideration, and as an individual that
   points other scholars to the strong and deep indexes(as a librarian),
   I am planning to publish in a journal with strong indexing. Until the
   electronic journal can offer that exposure, it will walk on the fringes
   of academia.
   Bill McConnell
   Drexel University Library
   Philadelphia, PA
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 16:30:35 EDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Editors of PMC <pmc@ncsuvm.bitnet>
Subject:      Re: Copyrights and profit motive
In-Reply-To:  Message of Fri, 31 Jul 1992 15:20:13 EDT from <mcconnwf@duvm>
I think you'll find that more than one e-journal has addressed the problem
of indexing.  _Postmodern Culture_ has worked fairly hard at this, and is
now one of two e-journals indexed by the MLA Bibliography.  There are
other indexes we'd like to be covered in (including CARL's Uncover
database), and we're continuing to work on them.
John Unsworth
_Postmodern Culture_
Date:         Fri, 31 Jul 1992 16:36:21 CDT
Reply-To:     "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
Sender:       "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving,
              and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
From:         Richard W Meyer <rmeyer@vm1.tucc.trinity.edu>
Subject:      Let's rething copyright...
Unfortunately, I missed the remarks by Kimberly Parker (if she reads
this a re-posting to me will be appreciated.)
Pasternak quotes Harnad who said
>>... Scholarly publishing is
>> not trade publishing; the motivations of authors and readers are
>> different; the reward structure is different.
Then Howard goes on to say:
 > Probably true.  But this does not mean that the profit motive is not
 > a factor.  Brendan Kehoe's Zen book is a case in point.
Exactly. Kehoe's book is precisely a case in point that illustrates why
Hardad is correct in suggesting that copyright may need rethinking.
Kehoe published first as a scholar, then as a profit seeking author.
This is appropriate if we recognize what copyright is and then what
roles authors and publishers play.
Copyright is ostensibly a legal invention created to stimulate creative
activity. Without the monopoly protection afforded by it, creative
effort would face a severe disincentive brought on by the risk to the
author of loss through theft.  This mechanism works well for a
general category of writing which conveys entertainment, cost saving
or earnings increasing advice, how to information, and factual
syntheses.  Copyright is an effective stimulus to the novelist, textbook
author, and journalist, where quantity of sales is the means of
reward.  However, scholars face another incentive structure, which
creates a second category of publication.  Given the tiered reward
structure of academe, scholars are differentially rewarded by the
quality of their work.  In this environment, they face an incentive to
associate the highest quality brand name possible with their writing.
Ergo, they transfer ownership to a publisher -- copyright re-
assignment becomes the means --  in return for assumption of risk by
the publisher and services in the form of gatekeeping, distribution,
and especially quality assessment.  The higher the regard for the
publication forum --  eg., respect in the field for the journal -- the
higher the reward returned to the scholar.  In the print realm this
mechanism has worked.  In the electronic, it hasn't yet.
It's my assessment of his motivations that Kehoe published the first
edition of ZEN because of the intellectual challenge of articulating a
complex, new, navigational tool.  It was a scholarly effort of sorts.  It
became very popular.  In order to reap a significant financial return
(Kehoe is an undergraduate student, not a faculty member) he was
constrained to the print realm.  However, there is a distinct difference
between the nature of the first and second editions of ZEN.  The
popularity of the first edition along with the decreased need to grasp
new territory caused the second edition to fall more into the first
category of publication, the how to book rather than the scholarly
category.  This constrained Kehoe to seek his rewards in the print
Harnad suggests that scholars pay publishers directly to distribute
their work in the electron realm.  The merit in this suggestion relates
to the nature of risk assignment and reward in the two realms.  In the
print world the publisher bears the risks, and reaps the excess of
rewards over the expected return.  In the electronic realm, paying the
publisher up front does not transfer the risk back to the author, but
the author reaps all excess return over expectations. It does overcome
much of the risk factor the publisher faces because of the reproducible
nature of electronic messages. That is, the publisher gets paid for
offering a simple service, but doesn't have to be concerned with theft
because he's been paid up front.  Therefore his suggestion offers some
real hope that an effective mechanism will emerge.  Being paid ahead
of time offers incentive to publishers to assume the costs of the other
services of gatekeeping, dissemination, and archiving. But that
mechanism will not solve the dilemma Kehoe faced on how to get the
rewards of quantity associated with a how to publication.  Is it fair to
say that further thinking is required?  However, that thinking may
only need to be limited to how to associate benchmarks of quality
with scholarly publication and how to give sales rewards for quantity
to authors of non-scholarly (no pejorative intention in this choice of
words is intended) items.
RICHARD W. MEYER                                 TELEPHONE: 512/736-8121
Director of the Library
Trinity University
715 Stadium Dr


James Powell