Zhiwu Xie - Chief Strategy Officer at Virginia Tech's University Libraries
![Dr. Zhiwu Xie](xie.jpg)
- (540) 231-4453
- zhiwuxie at vt dot edu
- 5092 Newman Library
560 Drillfield Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Introduction to Cloud Computing: Part 1
- NLI Seminars open to all faculty members and graduate assistants
- 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM 03/17/14
- 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM 03/27/14
- 3060 Torgersen Hall, also available online
Introduction to Cloud Computing: Part 2
- NLI Seminars open to all faculty members and graduate assistants
- 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM 04/09/14
- 3060 Torgersen Hall
- NLI Seminars open to all faculty members and graduate assistants
- 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM 04/10/14
- 3080 Torgersen Hall
Research Data Management: An Implementation Primer
- FDI Workshop open to all faculty members and graduate assistants
- Two sessions: 1:00 PM - 2:45 PM 03/18/13 and 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM 04/04/13
- 3080 Torgersen Hall
- Register here
2016-2018 Developing Library Cyberinfrastructure Strategy for Big Data Sharing and Reuse, PI. Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services
2014 Archiving transactions towards uninterruptible web service. PI, Funded by Mellon Foundation/Columbia University Web Archiving Incentive Program
2013-2014 Modeling how traits mediate fish vulnerabilities to specific habitat alterations. Co-PI, Funded by US Geological Survey, Biological Informatics Program
Conference Papers and Posters
- Xie, Zhiwu, Herbert Van de Sompel, Jinyang Liu, Johann van Reenen, and Ramiro Jordan. "Archiving the relaxed consistency web." In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Conference on information & knowledge management, pp. 2119-2128. ACM, 2013. ACM DL arXiv VTechWorks
- Xie, Zhiwu, Emmanual A. Frimpong, and Sunshin Lee. "FishTraits version 2: integrating ecological, biogeographic and bibliographic information." In Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, pp. 447-448. ACM, 2013. ACM DL
- Xie, Zhiwu, Jinyang Liu, Herbert Van de Sompel, Johann Van Reenen, and Ramiro Jordan. "Poor man's social network: consistently trade freshness for scalability." In Presented as part of the 3rd USENIX Conference on Web Application Development. USENIX, 2012. USENIX with Video Presentation VTechWorks
- Xie, Zhiwu. “Scaling Web Applications: A Temporal Approach.” In Proc. 2011 VLDB PhD Workshop. Seattle, WA. 2011.
- Xie, Zhiwu, Jinyang Liu, Herbert Van de Sompel, Johann van Reenen, and Ramiro Jordan. "Improving scalability by self-archiving." In Proceedings of the 11th annual international ACM/IEEE joint conference on Digital libraries, pp. 415-416. ACM, 2011. ACM DL
- Xie, Zhiwu, Herbert Van de Sompel, Johann van Reenen, and Ramiro Jordán. "A standard‐based context sensitive service architecture for digital object dissemination." Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 44, no. 1 (2007): 1-5. ASIS&T
- Guenther, Rebecca, and Zhiwu Xie. "Implementing PREMIS in container formats." In Archiving Conference, vol. 2007, no. 1, pp. 71-74. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2007.
- Xie, Zhiwu, N. C. Menicucci, S. T. P. Boyd, D. A. Sergatskov, and R. V. Duncan. “Dynamic Computer Simulation of Superfluid/Normal Fluid Interface Motion in 4He.” In International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, July 5-9, 2004. Trento, Italy. 2004.
- Xie, Zhiwu, Kecheng Liu. “Modelling Business Rules with Ontological Dependency”, Proceedings of the 2003 ISOneWorld Conference, April 23-25, 2003. Las Vegas, NV. 2003.
- Simon Tan, Kecheng Liu and Zhiwu Xie. “A Semiotic Aproach To Oganisational Modellng Using Norm Analysis”, Proceedings of United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems 2003, April 9-11, 2003. Warwick, UK. 2003.
- Zhiwu Xie and Kecheng Liu. “Improving Business Modelling with Organisational Semiotics”, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Organisational Semiotics, June 14 15, 2002, Delft, The Netherlands. 2002.
- Boris Shishkov, Zhiwu Xie, Kecheng, Liu and Jan Dietz. “Using Norm Analysis to Derive Use Cases from Business Processes”, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Organisational Semiotics, June 14 -15, 2002, Delft, The Netherlands. 2002.
- Kecheng Liu and Zhiwu Xie. “Semiotics for Information Systems Engineering”, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interpretive Approaches, 25-27 July, 2002. West London, UK. 2002.
- Zhiwu Xie, Ming Su, Shilie Weng. "An Integrated Approach for Gas Turbine Engine Simulation", Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 5-10, 2000. Orlando, Florida. 2000
- Zhiwu Xie, Ming Su, and Shilie Weng. "Distributed Object Simulation of Energy Systems", Proceedings of 16th IFIP World Computer Congress, August 22-25, 2000. Beijing, China. 2000
- Zhiwu Xie, Jun Yu, and Jinyang Liu. "Applying UML to gas turbine engine Simulation", Proceedings of 31st Technology of Object-Oriented Language and System Conference, September 22-25, 1999. Nanjing, China. 1999.
Book Chapters
- Zhiwu Xie and Kecheng Liu. “Improving Business Modelling with Organizational Semiotics”, in Gazendam, H.W., René Jorna, and R.S. Cijsouw. “Dynamics and Change in Organizations: Studies in Organizational Semiotics”. Springer, 2003.
- Boris Shishkov, Zhiwu Xie, Kecheng Liu, Jan L.G. Dietz. “Deriving Use Case from Business Process Models Developed Using Norm Analysis”, in Gazendam, H.W., René Jorna, and R.S. Cijsouw. “Dynamics and Change in Organizations: Studies in Organizational Semiotics”. Springer, 2003.
Journal Papers
- Xie, Z., Nicholas C. Menicucci, Steve T. P. Boyd, Dimitri A. Sergatskov, and Robert V. Duncan. “Dynamic Simulation of the Superfluid/Normal Fluid Interface Motion in 4He.” Journal of Low Temperature Physics 138, no. 1-2, pp. 79-84, 2005.
- Zhiwu Xie, Ming Su, and Shilie Weng. "Extensible Object Model for Gas Turbine Engine Simulation", Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 111-118, 2001.
- Zhiwu Xie, Ming Su, and Shilie Weng. "Gas Turbine Simulation Integration and its Distributed Object Implementation", Journal of Aerospace Power, 15(2), pp.197-200, 2000.
- Zhiwu Xie, Renxing Zhang, and Yonghong Wang. "A Thermodynamic Modeling Method for Gas Turbine Engine Health Monitoring and Diagnosis", Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power, 15(1), 2000.
- Zhiwu Xie, Ming Su, and Shilie Weng. "Software Construction Methods for Gas Turbine Engine Simulation: A Review", Journal of Naval University of Engineering, 91, pp.1-7, 2000.
- Zhiwu Xie, Jinyang Liu, Ming Su, and Shilie Weng. "Performance Analysis of Distributed Object Computation Using Orbix", Journal of Naval University of Engineering, 90, pp.14-17, 2000.
- Jinyang Liu, and Zhiwu Xie. "Distributed Object Implementation and Performance Analysis of a Counter", Journal of Hubei Polytechnic University, 14(4), pp. 52-55, 1999.
- Zhiwu Xie, Ming Su, and Shilie Weng. "An Extendable Object Model for Gas Turbine Simulation", Journal of Aerospace Power, 14(2), pp.143-147, 1999.
- Zhiwu Xie, Yonghong Wang, Bo Hong, and Delai Chen. "An Improvement to Kotliar Predicton of Turbine Performance by the Use of Inverse Computation Method", Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power, 13(3), pp.185-188, 1998.
- Zhiwu Xie, Delai Chen, and Shilie Weng. "Modeling for Object-oriented Gas Turbine Simulation", Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power, 13(4), pp.243-246, 1998.
- Zhiwu Xie, Delai Chen, and Bo Hong. "Object-oriented Design and Implementation of Gas Turbine Steady-state Performance Simulation", Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 32(7), pp.58-62, 1998.
- Delai Chen, Ming Su, Zhiwu Xie, Bo Hong, and Shilie Weng. "Chaos-Eliminated Strategies for Efficient Asynchronous Parallel Simulation", ACTA Electronica SINICA, 26(8), pp.18-21, 1998.
- Delai Chen, Bo Hong, Zhiwu Xie, and Shilie Weng. "Efficient Partially Asynchronous Parallel Simulation on Multicomputer Systems: Research and Practice", Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, v 9, n 2, p 40-7, 1998.