The Virginian Pilot

DATE: Friday, February 28, 1997             TAG: 9702280512

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B6   EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: ZUNI                              LENGTH:   22 lines


Ethel Bradshaw Braswell, 90, of the 8400 block of Winston Road died Feb. 26, 1997, in East Pavilion, Southampton Memorial Hospital.

A native of Southampton County, she was a member of Antioch Christian Church, Windsor. She was a retired home health aide. She was the daughter of the late Aurelius M. Bradshaw and Martha S. Hatfield Bradshaw and was predeceased by a sister, Hattie B. Raiford.

Survivors include her daughter, Doris Frances ``Dottie'' Wright of Franklin; sons, S. Gilbert Braswell of Suffolk, M. Autry Braswell of Windsor and E. Wayne Braswell of Zuni; sister, Annie B. Turner of Norfolk; nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

A funeral will be conducted at 1p.m. Saturday in Harrell Funeral Home by the Rev. John Hartman. Burial will be in Blackcreek Baptist Church Cemetery. Friends may join the family from 7 to 8 p.m. today in the funeral home and at other times in the residence. KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY

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