
DATE: Saturday, March 1, 1997               TAG: 9702280048


COLUMN: Issues of Faith 

SOURCE: Betsy Wright

                                            LENGTH:   66 lines


Last Week's Issue of Faith: The Pilot's new Religion Page and the separation of church and state.

Reader Responses:

From Pat Stultz of Norfolk: ``It's documented that Americans are more faithful to their many faiths because of the separation of church and state.

This wall of separation blocks the state church while protecting citizens' choice of any church or no church. This wall has stood for religious freedom for over 200 years. If ever destroyed and reconstructed into a Protestant church or a Catholic church or a Jewish synagogue or anything, it won't stand another 200. It would be carved, changed and restructured in so many ways that it's stones would become dust to blow away forever. To me it is terrifying and heartbreaking to imagine losing the liberty that this wall stands for . . . I love the new Religion Page!

From James R. Bergdoll, vice president, College Relations and Development, Virginia Wesleyan College: ``Your column on `God's Stuff finds a home' last Saturday was right on target. We are pleased to see the new layout and the increased attention being given to `religion.' I wish you well in your continued significant contributions to a thoughtful discussion of religious issues in our area.''

From Mary Martin of Virginia Beach: ``. . . I agree with you that what was originally put forth in our Constitution has led to the vigorous state of religious thought in our country in the 20th century, and - having lived in both Britain and Germany and thus having observed `state churches' from close at hand - I would say we are better off for not having taken the route other countries have in this!''

From Richard H. Powell of the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center in Virginia Beach: ``Many thanks to your editors for the decision to have a religion section in the paper. Now, if they could just find a qualified person to write a column you would really have it all together.

``I have often complained about Ms. Wright's column and her lack of knowledge about the subject. I realize she is a very spiritual person and tries hard to do a good job, but that's like saying because I like to eat, I could write a column on food.

``Please . . . consider the idea of having a different pastor, priest, rabbi or other religious professional write the column each week. This would give the column diversity, touching many different interests, and not be a burden on anyone . . . I hope the paper will give some thought to this concept . . . ''

From Rabbi Israel Zoberman of Congregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach: ``The cause of religion is best served when its teachings and guidelines are expounded upon in one's church, synagogue and mosque, where interpretation is offered according to one's traditions.

``The United States has flourished due in large measure to its built-in pluralism, a complex and delicate texture that would unravel without one essential thread - the traditional separation between church and state as guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution.''

From Miles Pelton of Virginia Beach: ``The words of Bjorn as expressed in your column are very profound. His words provide insight into why God, when he made the most sophisticated of all of his creations, made freewill the final crowning glory.

``The words of Bjorn illustrate why we must have faith in God and ourselves. After all of his creative effort, God then put his faith in humankind and the concept of freewill which is why freedom (freewill) will prevail even though we have zig-zagged along the way. Of course, access to the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ has helped straighten the way considerably.''

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