
DATE: Monday, March 3, 1997                 TAG: 9703010266


                                            LENGTH:   69 lines



DORN, HASKETT JOIN ACCOUNTING FIRM: Angela E. Dorn and Douglas C. Haskett II have joined the accounting staff at Eason, Lawson & Westphal. Dorn was named a senior accountant at the Hampton office and had been employed by a Florida accounting firm. Haskett was named a staff accountant and will work in the Chesapeake office. He was previously employed with NationsBank for several years.


WALTERS PASSES CPA EXAM: Richard C. Walters of Norfolk passed the CPA exam.

BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS EXCHANGE INSTALLS PRESIDENT: The Builders & Contractors Exchange of Hampton Roads elected William E. Chitty II, president of Roof Engineering Corp., as the 65th president.

STUBBS JOINS SMITH BARNEY: Kimberly Stubbs was named a financial consultant with Smith Barney. She was most recently an associate financial consultant with Wheat First Butcher Singer.


PENDER & COWARD RE-ELECTS OFFICERS: Pender & Coward has re-elected James B. Lonergan as chief executive officer and president, Mark E. Slaughter as chief financial officer and Charles M. Salle as secretary.

ALLEN JOINS MORTGAGE COMPANY: Vickie Allen has joined the staff of loan officers at Bay Mortgage. She has over 15 years of experience in Tidewater's real estate market.

TWISDALE PROMOTED: Southeastern Steel Buildings Inc. promoted Burt Twisdale to sales manager. Before joining the company, he was associated with the automotive sales industry for 20 years.

HOBBS ELECTED PRESIDENT: The Hampton Roads Utility and Heavy Contractors Association elected S. Paul Hobbs of Phil R. Hobbs & Son as president for 1997.

BROTMAN CERTIFIED: David Brotman received a certificate of educational achievement in tax planning and advising for closely-held businesses from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Brotman specializes in tax matters and is a shareholder at Jacobson, Waranch & Brotman, P.C., Certified Public Accountants.

WATTS APPOINTED TO VICE PRESIDENT POSITION: Dean Witter appointed Gregory A. Watts vice president, investments. He joined Dean Witter in 1981 as an account executive in the Virginia Beach office. He also serves as the branch coordinator for Equity Research.

NESTOR NAMED MANAGER: Robert Nestor was named a manager at Witt, Mares & Co. He formerly held manager positions with KPMG Peat Marwick in Norfolk and The Bionetics Corp. in Hampton. Most recently, he was self-employed, providing accounting and tax preparation services in Newport News.

WALKER ELECTED PRESIDENT: Jennifer A. Walker of Lillian Vernon Corp. was elected president of the Institute of Internal Auditors, Tidewater chapter.

ETMS MOVES; RAISOR PROMOTED: ETMS Inc. (Environmental Testing & Monitoring Services) has moved to a new location. Previously in Chesapeake, the company is now located at 2425 Bowland Parkway, Suite 107. Also, Brenton W. Raisor was promoted to director of new business development. He was previously a senior industrial hygienist and has been with the firm for a year and a half. MEMO: To submit an item for the Local Scene, please fax it to 446-2531. ILLUSTRATION: Lonergan




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