
DATE: Tuesday, March 25, 1997               TAG: 9703250461

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B3   EDITION: FINAL 

TYPE: Public Safety 

                                            LENGTH:   27 lines

Q & A

As a frequent visitor to the area's city parks, I often see them being used as golf driving ranges. Is that legal?

Joe Leatherman, Norfolk

It's not legal in Chesapeake. And while there are no specific laws that prohibit hitting golf balls in city parks in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach, the cities' parks and recreation officials and city attorneys don't recommend it.

In Chesapeake, a city code prohibits any games that send balls flying except in park areas set aside for those purposes. So, no golfing except on golf courses or actual driving ranges.

In Norfolk, Portsmouth and Suffolk, there's no law against it, but parks and recreation officials said any activity that endangers people or property is not allowed. Use your best judgment. If there are people or windows around, you probably shouldn't tee off in the park.

In Virginia Beach, there's no city law against golfing in public parks, but there are park rules against it. The parks aren't meant to be used as driving ranges, an assistant city attorney said.

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