
DATE: Sunday, March 30, 1997                TAG: 9703300003

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B6   EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: CHESAPEAKE                        LENGTH:   24 lines


Louise Hill, 77, of the 1600 block of Weber Ave., died March 25, 1997.

Born in Farmville, N.C., he was a member of St. Thomas AMEZ Church, Norfolk, H.B. Suggs Organization of Norfolk and the Ruth Scott Floral Club of the church.

Survivors include three daughters, Brenda L. Green of Norfolk, Saundra K. Keeling of Chesapeake, Towanda A. Hill of Chesapeake; three sons, Grady L. Lucas of Philadelphia, Charles E. Lucas of Norfolk, Willie D. Hill of Norfolk; four sisters, Shirley Hines of Arlington, Va., Janie Norma-Edu of Burke, Va., Blondie Collins of Norfolk, Ann Carpenter of BaltimoreMd.; two brothers, Glenwood Earl Jones, John L. Jones, both of Farmville, N.C.; 13 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

A funeral will be conducted at 1 p.m. Monday in St. Thomas AMEZ Church, Norfolk, by Dr. G.L. Scott. Burial will be in Roosevelt Memorial Park, Chesapeake. Pretlow and Sons Funeral Home, Chesapeake. KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY

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