
DATE: Tuesday, April 8, 1997                TAG: 9704070054

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B3   EDITION: FINAL 

TYPE: Public Safety 


                                            LENGTH:   48 lines


It's time to feed the helpful beast that takes a bite out of crime.

The 1997 Greater Hampton Roads Crime Line Telethon will air live Saturday on WVEC-TV, Channel 13, from 8 to 11 p.m.

Funds raised during the telethon, broadcast live from the WVEC studios in Norfolk and the Radisson Hotel in Hampton, benefit all of the region's Crime Line programs.

Last year, almost $75,000 was paid to people who provided tips that helped Hampton Roads police solve nearly 1,500 crimes and recover just over $8 million in stolen property and illegal drugs. That's a return of about $100 for every dollar paid out.

``We are very excited about this year's program,'' said Bud Warren, who is heading the event and is former chairman of Virginia Beach Crime Solvers. ``This is our 13th telethon, but I think it's going to be lucky 13 because of the enthusiasm of the participants and the support we are receiving from the community.''

Since the first area Crime Line program was started in 1981, more than $35 million in stolen property and illegal drugs have been recovered.

There are concerns, however, that people may not be supporting the anti-crime effort as enthusiastically as they have in the past. While the telethon's proceeds are shared among the various programs, each also solicits direct donations within its community.

Giving in Norfolk is so far off from past years that the Norfolk Crime Line program took out a newspaper ad. Donation figures were not available.

``Norfolk Crime Line mailed 7,000 letters to Norfolk businesses and individuals asking for pre-telethon pledges,'' the ad in The Compass read. ``But we have not heard from you, and we're concerned that you may not have received our letter.''

A major portion of Norfolk Crime Line's annual funds comes in from the pre-telethon fund-raising effort.

Hopes are that giving to the telethon - which will feature numerous stories on Crime Line successes - will help fill the gap.

``We're asking people to contribute,'' Warren said, ``and we intend to show them how Crime Line is a valuable investment in the safety of the community.'' ILLUSTRATION: Graphic

Crimes solved: 1,402

Rewards paid: $74,435

Property/drugs recovered: $8,019,001

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