
DATE: Wednesday, April 9, 1997              TAG: 9704090378

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B9   EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: VIRGINIA BEACH                    LENGTH:   23 lines


Herman J. Butts of the 3200 block of Dam Neck Road died April 7, 1997.

A longshoreman for H.J. Butts Trucking and ILA No. 1248, he was retired. He was a native of Princess Anne County and a member of Piney Grove Baptist Church, Holland Road, Virginia Beach.

Survivors include his wife, Helen Butts; daughter, Diana Mullen of Virginia Beach; three sons, Terry Butts of Chesapeake, Carlton Butts of Newport News and Herman Riddick of Austin, Texas; two sisters, Dorothy Jordan and Ordell Butts, both of Virginia Beach; brother, John Butts of Virginia Beach; seven grandchildren; a great-grandchild; an aunt; a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

A funeral will be conducted at noon Thursday, April 10, 1997, in Piney Grove Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, by the Rev. Charles A. Vinson. Burial will be in Colonial Grove Memorial Park. Community Funeral Home, Virginia Beach Chapel, is in charge. KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY

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