DATE: Friday, April 11, 1997 TAG: 9704110014 SECTION: LOCAL PAGE: B10 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Letter LENGTH: 118 lines
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on ``evangelizing''
Your April 4 article about the Southern Baptist Convention's attempt to ``evangelize'' Jewsis faulty from at least three points.
One, and most flagrant, it belies any attitude of friendship or love offered to Jews. That is, how can I say that I want you for a friend, and that I love you, while at the same time telling you that your faith is an entire rejection of God?
Secondly, the attempt to ``evangelize'' Jews relies on the spurious assumption that the only way to receive forgiveness from God is through Jesus. The Hebrew scriptures repeatedly point to forgiveness from sin as available through prayer, charity, good works, etc.
Thirdly, when an evangelical Christian is attempting to convert a Jew, he will often use misleading terminology. Terms such as ``Jesus Christ,'' ``convert,'' ``become a Christian,'' ``come to church'' and ``New Testament'' are not used. Instead, misleading vocabulary words are used, such as ``Messianic,'' ``completed/fulfilled Jew,'' ``second part of the Bible,'' etc.
The Christian fundamentalist attitude toward those who disagree with them can also be seen in their labeling the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists and other denominations with the same paintbrush, and calling them ``cults.'' These groups as well as Jews are said by the Southern Baptist Convention to have placed themselves outside of God's love.
Thomas Roper
Virginia Beach, April 7, 1997
Recycling containers
need recycling
The members of Virginia Beach City Council who approved spending $3.7 million of the taxpayers' money on a new recycling program must have their heads in the sand.
Where are people going to store these huge, ugly monstrosities? I can barely squeeze my 32-gallon garbage can through my gate. I wonder what visitors will think of our well-kept neighborhoods dotted with these big, ugly things.
We have a law at the Beach that prohibits people from parking RVs or boats past the front of their house. I wonder if this will hold true for these big cans.
What will happen to these cans in a strong wind? They will be all over the road, with cars dodging or running into them.
One consolation: We can always use them for storage purposes. My neighbor is going to store his garden and yard tools in his, and I'll store my lawn mower in mine.
William Du Bosky Sr.
Virginia Beach, March 25, 1997
Gilmore should step down
now as attorney general
I write to expose Attorney General Gilmore's recent double-talk for what it is. On April 3, he announced he will resign as attorney general on June 11, the day after the Republican primary, disingenuously claiming, ``I want to avoid even the suggestion that my actions as a public official are motivated by political considerations.''
But what about his actions between now and June 11? Already we have seen a large contribution from Philip Morris juxtaposed against his voluntarily filing an amicus brief supporting the tobacco industry's opposition to FDA regulations.
Mr. Gilmore's decision to resign the day after his primary is also disingenuous, suggesting he does not want to resign until he has his party's nomination. His aides say he needs two months to close out his pending work in the attorney general's office. But he hasn't been running a solo practice for the past four years - he has well over 100 attorneys working for him.
If Mr. Gilmore is going to boast about his ethics, let him demonstrate them now, rather than in two months.
Jerrauld C. Jones
Delegate, 89th District
Norfolk, April 7, 1997
Concealed handguns,
not shotguns, legal
Upon reading the April 2 article in the Hampton Roads section of The Virginian-Pilot concerning Gov. George Allen's veto of the Fairfax County gun bills, which would have prohibited the carrying of a legally licensed concealed handgun by a law-abiding citizen in police stations and recreation centers, I would like to clear up a few points: Fairfax County Sen. Bill Gartlan, who sponsored the bills, is quoted as saying: ``These places are often full of children. That people can walk around them freely carrying shotguns and pistols is not conducive to public safety.''
The concealed-weapon permits issued in Virginia are for the carrying of a concealed handgun only, not a shotgun. Furthermore, the only people who would have to fear a law-abiding citizen carrying a legally licensed concealed handgun are criminals.
I would feel more comfortable being around a group of legally armed, law-abiding citizens than around a group of illegally armed criminals any day of the week.
Steve Bell
Norfolk, April 4, 1997
Club needs support
Thank you for you recent articles on Southside Boys & Girls Club. As a parent of two children who are members, I feel it is important for the community to be aware of the many services offered by this inner-city club. Listening to the success stories of those individuals who have come through the doors of the club makes me proud that my children are members.
Coach Williams is no stranger to fund raising, always sponsoring events such as mega garage sales, carnivals, parent's night out, community-relations day and many more. These efforts would not be possible without the motivation and dedication of the club's leader and staff.
If Southside Boys & Girls Club were to close its doors tomorrow, then the doors to a positive alternative for our inner-city youth will also close.
I would like to thank those in the community who have stepped up in support of the club, and for those who haven't: They need your support.
Tonya and Andre Gill
Chesapeake, April 8, 1997
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