DATE: Friday, April 18, 1997 TAG: 9704160183 SECTION: CHESAPEAKE CLIPPER PAGE: 1E EDITION: FINAL LENGTH: 150 lines
Lists of property crimes and robberies in the city are provided to The Clipper by Chesapeake Police. They include the address at which the crime occurred, the missing items and the approximate date. For robberies, a description of suspects also is provided.
(The rural southeast section)
No crimes reported.
(Including the Great Dismal Swamp)
Residential burglary, 2700 block of Dockside Court. Missing: Rossi handgun, Magnavox TV, JVC CD player, amplifier and receiver, Sentry safe, two watches and jewelry. March 17.
Residential burglary, 1400 block of Deep Creek Blvd. Missing: spool of copper wire. March 17.
Larceny, 2900 block of S. Military Hwy. Missing: Emerson VCR. March 17.
Residential burglary, 1900 block of Battery Park Road. Missing: Craftsman weedeater. Between March 16 and 18.
Residential burglary, 3300 block of Dietz Drive. Missing: Craftsman drill, five saws, Black & Decker sander, Wagner heat gun and power roller, three hammers, set anti-kick router bits, leather nail apron and a set of chisels. Between March 8 and 16.
Larceny, 3300 block of S. Military Highway, Deep Creek Tanning. Missing: Homelite generator. March 18.
Larceny, 3800 block of S. Military Highway. Missing: purse. March 18.
Residential burglary, 1100 block of N. George Washington Highway. Missing: TV and VCR. March 24 or 25.
Residential burglary, 400 block of Harper Court. Missing: Two Tasha nail guns and a staple gun and an air compressor. March 25.
Larceny, 1300 block of N. George Washington Highway. Missing: four tires and rims. March 24 or 25.
(Including Great Bridge)
Larceny, 800 block of Waterfall Way. Missing: hubcap. March 15.
Residential burglary, 1000 block of Bluebird Drive. Missing: Symphonic VCR, GPX stereo and four video tapes. March 27.
Residential burglary, 600 block of Southlake Circle. Missing: Pioneer CD player and a Cobra CB radio. March 26 or 27.
(The old city of South Norfolk)
Residential burglary, 1500 block of Atlantic Ave. Missing: ring, four necklaces, two VCRs, two watches and a telephone. March 17.
Larceny, 1200 block of Bainbridge Blvd. Missing: Motorolla cellular phone. March 17.
Grand larceny, 1800 block of Gannet Court. Missing: 1990 Mazda, blue, Virginia license ZGJ-4974. March 17.
Residential burglary, first block of Grady Crescent. Missing: Motorola pager, military hat, cash and four rings. March 18.
Larceny, 1100 block of Chesapeake Ave. Missing: city sticker. March 6.
Residential burglary, 1200 block of Commerce Ave. Missing: 50-feet of copper pipe. Between March 11 and 25.
Larceny, 3700 block of Bainbridge Blvd. Missing: Rockford power booster. March 25.
Larceny, 3100 block of Kemet Road. Missing: city sticker. March 19 or 20. Grand larceny, 2500 block of Narrow St. Missing: 1988 Ford, white, Virginia license ZPC-1248. March 22 or 23.
Residential burglary, 2100 block of Concord Drive. Missing: four wine coolers. March 26.
Residential burglary, 1400 block of Tatemstown Road. Missing: bicycle, camp cook set and a dutch oven. Between March 20 and 26.
Residential burglary, 1000 block of Bethel Road. Missing: GE TV. March 26.
Residential burglary, 2000 block of Flower Lane. The victim was threatened. March 26.
Residential burglary, 2900 block of Sunrise Drive. Missing: Master Card credit card. March 26.
Larceny, 700 block of B St. Missing: temporary license plates. March 26.
Larceny, 1200 block of Hull St. Missing: Murray bike. March 27.
Larceny, Dexter Street W. Missing: 1994 Geo Metro, green Virginia license ABK-1430. March 27.
Residential burglary, 1100 block of Park Ave. Missing: cans of food. March 28 or 29.
Residential burglary, 4100 block of Reid St. Missing: GE TV. March 29.
Residential burglary, 1200 block of Yeadon Road. Missing: Huffy bike. March 28 or 29.
Residential burglary, 600 block of Partridge Ave. Missing: antique radio. Between March 26 and 30.
Residential burglary, 3100 block of Border Road. Missing: cash. March 29 or 30.
(Including Indian River and Greenbrier)
Larceny, 1300 block of S. Military Highway. Missing: city sticker. Between Feb. 18 and March 7.
Larceny, 1600 block of Elbow Road. Missing: license plate ZJC-6427. March 16 or 17.
Larceny, 1100 block of S. Military Highway. Missing: purse. March 18.
Larceny, 1100 block of S. Military Highway. Missing: city sticker. March 17.
Residential burglary, 200 block of Haviland Road. Missing: set of air tools and a hose. March 25.
Residential burglary, 2300 block of Paramont Ave. Missing: compact computer and monitor, Hewlett Packard printer, two printer accessors, NEC computer and monitor, elephant statue, safe containing two titles and 20 United States savings bonds. March 25.
Larceny, 600 block of Jarman Road. Missing: Sony CD player and a CD. March 24.
Armed-robbery, Providence and Rokeby streets, basketball court. An armed male threatened the victim, then took his basketball. Description of suspect: black male, early 20s, 6-feet-2-inches, 210 pounds.
Residential burglary, 1000 block of Fontana Ave. Missing: GE TV. March 26.
Grand larceny, 500 block of Harbor North Drive. Missing: 1978 Ford Fairmont, brown, Virginia license 154458. March 14.
Residential burglary, 800 block of Creekside Drive. Missing: Atlantic cellular pager and 45 CDs. March 27.
Larceny, 1400 block of Greenbrier Parkway. Missing: temporary license plate Virginia Z885-581. March 28.
Larceny, 1600 block of Weber Ave. Missing: temporary license plate Virginia Z705-529. March 28.
Larceny, 200 block of Red Cedar Court. Missing: CD player, carrying case and 24 CDs. March 28 or 29.
Grand larceny, 100 block of Medical Parkway. Missing: 1988 Chevrolet Blazer S-10, red and black, Virginia license MO-BO 2. March 27.
Grand larceny, 2700 block of Roadside Lane. Missing: 1994 Jeep Cherokee, red, Texas license VBJ-79P. March 28.
Grand larceny, 100 block of Horse Run. Missing: 1979 Ford F-150 truck, black, Virginia license ZFP-1068. March 30.
Residential burglary, 2700 block of Ike St. Missing: Sony TV and a cordless phone. March 30 or 31.
Residential burglary, 200 block of Red Cedar Court. Missing: cash. March 30.
Larceny, 2000 block of S. Battlefield Blvd. Missing: two Jamsport book bags, sunglasses five cassette tapes and and L.L. Bean coat. March 30.
Larceny, 1600 block of S. Military Highway, Little Joe's Autos. Missing: two tires and wheels. Between March 29 and 31.
(Suburban area west of Portsmouth)
Residential burglary, 3700 block of Bosun Drive. Missing: tools. March 17.
Residential burglary, 4200 block of Portsmouth Blvd. Missing: Pioneer stereo and an Arizona jean bag. March 17.
Commercial burglary, 4100 block of Chesapeake Blvd. Missing: Milwaukee drill and a lock. March 25 or 26.
Larceny, 4100 block of Chesapeake Square Blvd. Missing: Honda generator. March 25 or 26.
Residential burglary, 2300 block of Meadows Landing. Missing: cash, weedeater, Homelight Bandit edger and a blower. March 21.
Larceny, 4700 block of W. Military Highway. Missing: wallet. March 26 or 27.
Larceny, 4700 block of W. Military Highway. Missing: wallet. March 27.
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