
DATE: Sunday, April 20, 1997                TAG: 9704180277



SOURCE: Michelle Schloff 

                                            LENGTH:   69 lines


Although he's been doing it for only a year, bowling has become serious business for 10-year-old Justin Long.

Long and teammates Bobby Coley, Billy Crook, David Hooper, and Matthew Sheets from the Prep League at Bowlarama will be competing in the National Duckpin Championships in Hagerstown, Md., June 27-29.

Despite his relative inexperience, Long racked up a 280 set and three marks in a row - strike, spare, strike - to lead his team, the Animaniacs, in the O'Neil Wynn State Duckpin Tournament last weekend.

``There have been quite a few of these kids having good years,'' league secretary Susan Meador said. ``There are some really good bowlers on these teams and many of these kids are first-time bowlers.''

Long credits his mother for turning him on to the sport.

``My Mom just asked me one day if I wanted to try bowling and I told her I would,'' said Long. ``She also said that if I didn't like it that I wouldn't have to do it ever again. Well, I liked it.''

Long has spent many hours practicing, but his bowling has turned out to be an inexpensive hobby thanks to the staff at Bowlarama.

``Yes, this is not the cheapest entertainment for a kid to do,'' Meador said. ``We have some kids that stay out here and practice five or six nights a week. The alley is so good to them that most of the time they don't charge for the games because they know the kids are not out somewhere getting in trouble.''

The Majors team of Brandon Skees, Ellen Weaver, Shawn Meador, Bobby Coley, and Charlie Gower will be joining the Animaniacs at the nationals in Hagerstown. Both teams won at the national tournament last year, which was held at Bowlarama.

``I know we're going to win in Nationals,'' Long said. ``We have the best team out there.''

BOWLER OF THE WEEK: This week's honor goes to Kirk Traber in the Tuesday Mixmasters at the Naval Air Station Oceana Bowling Lanes. Traber, who has a 168 average, rolled a 300 game.

TENPIN TIDBITS: In the Saturday Night Moonlighters at Pinboy's of Western Branch, Bill Skillman strung together games of 269, 244, and 225 for a 738 series. ... John Hawk of the Indian River Commercial League at Indian River Lanes rolled games of 255, 288, and 268 for an 811 series. ... In the Guys and Dolls League at Pinboy's of Military, James Baggett had games of 263, 248, and a 218 for a 729 set. ...

In the Primetime Winter League at Pinboy's of Chesapeake, Ray Jaecques rolled a 669 series and Richard Hoover nailed a 604 series. ... Stanley Holland of the Wednesday Night Mixed League at Pinboy's of Western Branch registered games of 249, 242, and 206 for a 697 average. ... With a 145 average in the Fairlawn Athletic League at Pinboy's of Military, Pat Smith fashioned a 225 game. ... In the Friday Misfits at Pinboy's of the Beach Lore Degen registered games of 230, 199, and 179 for a 608 series. ... Dave Umberger of the Sunday Night Mixed League at Pinboy's of Western Branch racked up games of 290, 253 and 183 for a 726 series.

DUCKPIN DATA: Winners in the Pee-Wee Division (7-8 year olds) of the O'Neil Wynn Tournament who will not be competing in the National Tournament in Hagerstown this year are Bobbi Corell, Ashely Lindermath, Samantha Englehardt, Joey Swearingen and Brian Flusch.

BOWLING NOTE: On June 28, Pinboy's of Chesapeake will host the Portsmouth and Chesapeake Face Off to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The winner gets to house the traveling trophy until it's time to meet the challenge next year against the city of their choice. For more information, contact Maria McGill at 461-0177.

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