
DATE: Sunday, April 20, 1997                TAG: 9704200055

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B3   EDITION: FINAL 


DATELINE: PORTSMOUTH                        LENGTH:   60 lines


Two high schools and several local rowing clubs will share the river with six collegiate teams when the Crawford Bay Crew Classic is held April 26 along the downtown waterfront.

This is the first time in the event's seven-year history that organizers of the regatta have allowed noncollegiate teams to enter.

``We're really interested in getting youth rowing programs in Hampton Roads up to speed,'' said Todd West, regatta chairman. ``Hopefully the high school exhibition will get people more excited.''

The race between Norfolk Collegiate and Maury high schools, in addition to exhibitions among members of the Hampton Roads Rowing Club, Virginia Boat Club and Virginia Rowing Club, will take place from noon to 2 p.m.

Collegiate races begin at 10 a.m. with Old Dominion University, the College of William and Mary, Mary Washington College of Fredericksburg, Catholic University of Washington, D.C., and St. Mary's College and Towson State University, both of Maryland.

Typically, the regatta has been held in mid-March, making it the first competition of the rowing season; however, organizers decided to shoot for warmer weather this year and scheduled it for April.

``As you know, at the end of March you can have any kind of weather,'' West said. ``It could snow, it could be 40 degrees and windy or it could be 70 degrees and sunny. We've had every kind of weather.''

The change in dates, however, limited which teams were available to participate. Some of the larger, more competitive schools, such as the University of Virginia and George Washington University, already had previous commitments.

The Crawford Bay Crew Classic started in 1991 as a joint effort between Ports Events and Kathy Kitterman, a former Olde Towne resident interested in promoting the area. Every year since, families throughout Portsmouth have volunteered to house the visiting students, while several local churches prepare meals, often with food donated by Portsmouth businesses.

``It's a real Portsmouth community situation where everybody comes together,'' West said. ``It really is great.''

Spectators may view the competition from the Seawall along the Portsmouth waterfront near Portside. Depending on the weather, the event can attract a crowd of hundreds to more than 1,000.

A tailgate party, with spaces renting for $20 per vehicle in advance or $30 on race day, will be held from 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. in the Signet Bank parking lot next to Portside. Tailgaters can bring grills, food and beverages.

The regatta and tailgate party will be held rain or shine. To reserve a tailgate space, call 393-9933 or 1-800-296-9933. The deadline for advance reservations is Monday. Charge cards are accepted. ILLUSTRATION: Graphic


What: Seventh annual Crawford Bay Crew Classic rowing regatta.

Where: In the Elizabeth River along the Seawall in downtown


When: April 26. Collegiate races begin at 10 a.m. High school and

local rowing club exhibitions are from noon to 2 p.m.

Information: Call 393-9933. For directions, call Infoline at

640-5555, ext. 7678.

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