
DATE: Monday, May 5, 1997                   TAG: 9705050084

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B2   EDITION: FINAL 

                                            LENGTH:  105 lines


Senior Olympics events begin today with golf, bowling

More than 600 Norfolk citizens will compete in this year's Senior Olympics this week.

Two major events are planned for today: a golf tournament at Ocean View Golf Course and a bowling tournament at Pinboy's. On Wednesday, the games will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Jewish Community Center and continue on Thursday.

Participants will compete in more than 40 activities, including tennis, swimming, basketball, table tennis and dancing.

The average age of the participants is 70, and many are older, including Esther Cawthorn, who received four gold medals during the 1996 Golden Olympics in Williamsburg.

For more information and schedules, call 441-2488. Virginia Beach

Former college president

awarded service medal

Lambuth M. Clarke, former president of Virginia Wesleyan College, was awarded The Jerry G. Bray Jr. Distinguished Service Medal at the annual dinner of the Board of Trustees and President's Advisory Council on Wednesday.

He is the third recipient of the medal, which was established in October 1995 in honor of Judge Bray, who was also the first person awarded the medal.

Clarke served as president of Virginia Wesleyan from 1966 to 1992. His tenure set the stage for the college to be classified by The Carnegie Foundation as a Baccalaureate I institution and to be included in U.S. News and World Report's ranking of national liberal arts colleges. Chesapeake

Alcohol-free post-prom

party planned by parents

Parents of prom-goers have decided the best way to protect kids from the tragedies that result from drinking and driving on prom night is to throw a big bash themselves. And they're looking for help from the community to do it.

``It just makes good sense,'' said Maury Brickhouse, who is involved with planning the after-prom party for Hickory High School students. The all-night, alcohol-free supervised party will be at Fort Story in Virginia Beach on Friday. Other schools will be having parties as well.

Brickhouse said community members and businesses can help by donating cash to help defray the cost of the parties, or gifts that the students can win in a late-night auction. He said the more gifts, the better.

``If there are three televisions instead of one, three kids are going to win, and three kids will stay later and not go to a party where alcohol is served,'' said Brickhouse.

Brickhouse said any donations or gifts that come in too late for this year's party will be used toward next year's event.

``It's not going to go to waste,'' said Brickhouse.

Those interested in contributing should contact the principals at local high schools. Portsmouth

Golf and picnic proceeds

to help leadership fund

The Vann H. Lefcoe Leadership Development Fund will benefit from the Hampton Roads Realtors Association Annual Golf Outing and Picnic on Wednesday at Sleepy Hole Golf Course in Suffolk.

Golf play will start at 1 p.m. The picnic will begin at 6:30 p.m.

The fund was started by the Portsmouth Partnership in memory of Lefcoe, a Portsmouth lawyer who died in February 1996. The first class of young citizens participating in a course to develop new leaders for Portsmouth is now under way.

The fee for playing golf in the outing is $50 per person; the cost for the picnic only is $12 per person. For information, call 397-4613.

Summer school sign-up

to continue through June 2

Summer school registration will be conducted in all Portsmouth elementary, middle and high schools through June 2. Information about summer school is available through each school's guidance department.

Elementary level summer-school classes will be held at S.H. Clarke Academy from June 23 through July 31.

Middle-school level classes will be held at Waters Middle School from June 23 through July 31.

High-school level classes will be held at Wilson High School from June 23 through Aug. 14.

Classes will meet Mondays through Thursdays. School bus transportation will be provided to students at no cost. For information, call Joe Watson at 393-8822.



Portsmouth - A special meeting of the City Council has been scheduled for 7 p.m. for adoption of the city's 1997-98 operating and capital improvement budgets. The meeting will be in the City Council Chamber in City Hall and is open to the public.


Norfolk - The Southeastern Tidewater Opportunity Project (STOP) will salute its volunteers at noon at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott. The event is part of the local observance of the first National Community Action Week. Call 858-1305 or 858-1366 for more information. MEMO: Staff writers Rebecca Myers Cutchins and Liz Szabo contributed to

this report.

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