
DATE: Saturday, May 10, 1997                TAG: 9705100364

SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A2   EDITION: FINAL 

                                            LENGTH:   40 lines



The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is

not participating in the Baltimore advertising campaign against the

Christian Coalition. That campaign is funded solely by People for

the American Way. An article published in Friday's Virginian-Pilot

was incorrect.

The NAACP said Friday it is teaming up with People for the

American Way on a ``Partners for Public Education Project,'' to

oppose private school vouchers and support the public schools. The

Christian Coalition has long supported private school vouchers.

People for the American Way will be holding a press conference

today at the Baltimore Hyatt Regency, where the coalition is holding

its racial reconciliation conference. The NAACP will not be part of

that event.

On the front of Friday's Preview section, a photograph of a

glass-and-metal artwork by Loretta Eby and Jeff Jackson was

incorrectly listed as part of Art Explosure, an outdoor art show

opening today at Town Point Park in Norfolk.

The artists' work went on view Friday at Artifax, a gallery at

1511 Colley Ave. in Norfolk, where it will remain on display through

May 21. Call 623-8840 for more information.

A Thursday box of information about leaving children alone said

children 6 to 12 should not be left regularly or for more than a few

hours at most. Social Services workers advise parents not to leave

children that age alone at all.

A story on Thursday's Hampton Roads front incorrectly identified

the presumed Democratic candidate for state attorney general this

year. He is Northern Virginia lawyer William Dolan.

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