
DATE: Friday, May 16, 1997                  TAG: 9705160691

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B9   EDITION: FINAL 


DATELINE: FRANKLIN                          LENGTH:   30 lines


Home schooling her three oldest daughters gave Cheryl Camak a new outlook and renewed zest for teaching.

A former high school science teacher, Camak found that she was learning - along with and from - Priscilla, Liorah and Ramona as they created their own school at home.

On Saturday, Camak and other home schoolers from the Treasure Home Educators Association will host a public information session on home schooling at Franklin's Ruth Camp Campbell Memorial Library. The free session is open to anyone interested in home education.

Yvonne Bunn, vice president of the Home Educators Association of Virginia, will explain Virginia laws pertaining to home schooling and discuss getting started.

``Some people still wonder if home schooling is even legal, but more and more are becoming aware of it as the trend grows,'' Bunn said. She said 1.2 million children are being taught at home across the country. MEMO: A home education seminar will be held at Ruth Camp Campbell

Memorial Library, 280 North College Drive, Franklin. Saturday, from 10

a.m. to noon. Free, open to public. For more information, call Ann

Correll: (757) 569-8617. KEYWORDS: HOME SCHOOLING

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