
DATE: Friday, June 20, 1997                 TAG: 9706190355

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B3   EDITION: FINAL 

                                            LENGTH:   28 lines


In a recent national study, high school students were asked which of four selected items was most important in deciding how well one would do in a job or career. Among the responses*:

White high school students

Getting an excellent academic education: 30%

Having inner drive and not giving up: 31%

Knowing how to deal with people well: 23%

Knowing the right people and having the right connections: 10%

Black high school students

Getting an excellent academic education: 42%

Having inner drive and not giving up: 24%

Knowing how to deal with people well: 19%

Knowing the right people and having the right connections: 6%

*NOTE: Results do not total 100% because answers of ``not sure'' and other volunteered responses are not shown.

Source: Selected statistics from ``Getting By: What American Teenagers Really Think About Their Schools,'' a 1997 report from Public Agenda.

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