
DATE: Thursday, June 26, 1997               TAG: 9706260310

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B10  EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: MATHEWS                           LENGTH:   20 lines


Jo Ann Farish Modlin of ``Edgemere,'' Gwynn's Island, died in her home June 25, 1997, surrounded by her family.

She was a charter member of the Christian Broadcasting Network and the 1000 Club, Christian Coalition, Foundation for Christian Living and the Holloway-Amiss-Leavell Society.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Amy Kumm of Smithfield, Mrs. Cathy Wilkins of Portsmouth, Miss Bobbi Modlin of Gwynn; and three grandchildren.

A graveside service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday in Gwynn's Island Cemetery by the Rev. Edward Strange of the Churchland Christian Fellowship Church. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Friday in the Foster-Faulkner Funeral Home, Mathews. KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY

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