
DATE: Friday, June 27, 1997                 TAG: 9706270189


                                            LENGTH:   38 lines



CHEAP SUNGLASSES will be required when ZZ Top plays the GTE Virginia Beach Amphitheater tonight at 7. The little ol' band from Texas is on a whirlwind tour behind last year's splendid ``Rhythmeen.'' Don't be late. Opening is Cheap Trick, whose just-out self-titled disc is their best in years. $12.75 to $29.75, plus parking and service charges; order at 671-8100.

- Craig Shapiro

THE 30TH EDITION of the Hampton Jazz Festival continues at Hampton Coliseum. The great B.B. King headlines Friday's blues-heavy bill. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Stylish George Benson tunes it up the same time Saturday. Festival fave Patti LaBelle caps it off Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Tickets: $35 per day, plus service charge; order at 671-8100. Info: (757) 838-4203.

- Craig Shapiro

GOOD NEWS: Lollapalooza makes its local debut Tuesday. Good News II: Returning founder Perry Farrell has put it back on the cutting edge, recruiting Orbital, Tool, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Tricky, Korn and Julian and Damian Marley and the Uprising Band. 2 p.m., GTE Virginia Beach Amphitheater; gates open at noon. $34, plus parking and service charges; order at 671-8100.

- Craig Shapiro

THAT BATTERY-HAWKING bunny doesn't have a thing on Miss Tina Turner. She might be 57, but she still knows how to do it just one way. Which is what she'll do Thursday night at the GTE Virginia Beach Amphitheater. The forecast is for high energy. Cyndi Lauper gets it started. 7:30. Tix: $14.75 to $34.75, plus parking and service charges; order at 671-8100.

- Craig Shapiro ILLUSTRATION: Color photos

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