
DATE: Friday, July 11, 1997                 TAG: 9707100218




                                            LENGTH:   96 lines


Waaa. It's hot. Road sympathizes with everybody who doesn't have air conditioning in their vehicle. Even the nicest person turns into a monster when you mix gridlock and 95-degree plus temps.

Road wants everyone to find a cool, shady spot, grab a cold drink, chill out and read on.


The following people called Road's INFOLINE number with their complaints.

Shawn Wilkinson, Ocean Lakes. I have two concerns. First, I was wondering how long work on the lower end of London Bridge, between Dam Neck and Shipps Corner, is supposed to take?

Also, I was wondering if there were any plans to make the left hand turn from London Bridge onto Dam Neck Road for the detour into two lanes? If there aren't any plans is that something you could look into and suggest to the proper authorities? Thanks.

RW: Right now, the detour will probably last until July 21. That's when a portion of London Bridge from Hornet Drive to Shipps Corner will open for local traffic only.

Then London Bridge from Hornet Drive down to Dam Neck will be closed on the same day.

Heading north on London Bridge at the intersection with Dam Neck, there will be permanent dual left turn lanes installed. Stay tuned to the The Virginian-Pilot the weekend of July 19. There'll be a big story about the new pattern for all to read.

Chuck Wray, College Park. Now that the South Military Highway improvements have been done the City of Virginia Beach came in to landscape the roadway, median strips and all the intersections. Whoever was in charge dropped the ball because nobody came back and did any watering and at least 50 percent of all the plantings that have been planted in the medians have died. Is this what happens to our tax money?

RW: Good question, Chuck. This same situation happened when Dam Neck Road was finished and the city was reimbursed by the nursery for new plants. These plants, too, are under warranty. The contractor is responsible for watering and maintaining them for a year. Roger Huff with Landscape Services says that 700 new plants are on order.

Sue, Charlestown.My question is are they ever going to finish Lynnhaven Parkway, between Brigadoon and Centerville Turnpike? That was promised quite a number of years ago. Thanks very much.

RW: Yes, one day Lynnhaven Parkway will stretch all the way to Centerville Turnpike. In fact, two Lynnhaven Parkway projects will be under way at about the same time.

Lynnhaven Parkway, Phase IX (number nine for those who don't know Roman numerals) calls for the widening of Lynnhaven Parkway from four to six lanes from Holland Road to Lishelle Place, about 1.37 miles. Construction is scheduled to start in July 2000 and finish in two years.

The last section of Lynnhaven, Lynnhaven Parkway Phase XI (number 11), includes construction of a four lane divided highway, with bike paths, from Indian River Road to Centerville Turnpike, about 2.1 miles.

Lynnhaven Parkway also will be constructed to extend to the city line with Chesapeake. This project will start in 1999 and finish around the same time as the above project, in 2002.

Bob Kelly, Kings Grant. I wonder when the City of Virginia Beach is going to enforce the ordinance that's on the books that prohibits begging on streets and beaches in Virginia Beach? I refer particularly to these individual who stand at major intersections begging for money with a sign saying, ``I'll work for food.'' Obviously, they just want the money. They make several hundred dollars on a good weekend. I think the city needs to enforce the law that's on the books. Thank you.

RW: Hear hear, Bob. Road is sick and tired of looking at these folks holding signs. Road has seen a couple at Rosemont and Virginia Beach Boulevard and at Baxter and South Independence. Road believes in helping those in need, but, as you say, Bob, they're probably making a fortune as it is and not having to pay taxes on it either!

Not to mention that several of these down-and-outers have on Nike shoes and name-brand jeans. What's next? A tattered looking kid in the median holding a sign?

Terry Carter, no address given. I was wondering if you're driving northbound on Lynnhaven Parkway and you want to go right on Virginia Beach Boulevard and there's two right turn lanes, can both lanes make a right on red? I didn't know and I was in the one that wasn't close to the curb and I didn't want to make a right on red because it just seemed really weird. I was wondering if you could answer my question so I won't delay traffic unnecessarily. Thanks a lot.

RW: Yes, Terry, you can take a right after stopping on red from the left-most right turn lane. Unless, there's a sign saying you can't.

Terry McElroy, Lake Placid.I was traveling down Princess Anne Road towards the courthouse. There is still a sign advertising the Southeastern Expressway on the right side of the road between Dam Neck and the Courthouse.

Is that monster still alive, Road? Have a good day.

RW: Yes, Terry, it's alive and well. The Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt (the name was changed to ``reflect the design of the road and emphasize extensive landscaping'') will be 11.5 miles of four-lane, divided roadway from Route 44, around Oceana Boulevard, to the Chesapeake city line.

If all permits are obtained, construction should start sometime around June 2001. The completion date is June 2008. That's seven years to build 11 miles of road. Granted, there's a lot of stuff in between.

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