
DATE: Sunday, July 20, 1997                 TAG: 9707190146


                                            LENGTH:   41 lines


The Suffolk School Board took the following actions at its July 17 meeting in City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building at 441 Market St. The meeting will be rebroadcast on WSPS-Cable Channel 6, the Suffolk Public Schools channel. Recommendation of 13 school officials and principals for Rezoning Committee for new central elementary school opening September 1998. Approved 7-0

Baseball and football field expansions at John Yeates Middle School requested by Bennetts Creek Baseball and Football associations. Approved 7-0

Contracts: Children's Harbor of Portsmouth, $88 to $96 per student, depending on age, for weekly programs for preschool children with disabilities; YMCA of South Hampton Roads, $55 per student for weekly programs for preschool children with disabilities; Louise Obici Memorial Hospital and Penn Engineering and Manufacturing Corp., to provide work experiences for older special-education students; Maryview Medical Center in Portsmouth, $40,000 for athletic-trainer services. Approved 7-0

Set meeting for Aug. 4 at 5:30 p.m. - after School Board all-day retreat - to discuss Capital Improvements Plan. Approved 7-0

Change orders totaling $57,717 for Oakland Elementary School for city recreation equipment and fire-protection modifications. Approved 7-0

Bids: parking lot paving at Driver and Robertson elementary and Forest Glen Middle schools, $32,064, The Blair Bros.; canopy at Florence Bowser Elementary School, $10,880, G. R. Bailey Co.; painting at Nansemond River and Lakeland high schools, John Yeates Middle School and Florence Bowser and Booker T. Washington elementary schools, $26,575, Bellamy Painting Contractors and Henson Painting; musical-instrument repairs at the middle and high schools, $19,270, Calamus Musical Instrument Repair Service and The Center of Music. Approved 7-0

First readings on changes to school policies due to legislative and regulatory changes, including allowing victims of school-related crimes to transfer to different schools, allowing homeless children to attend city schools if living in city shelters, and providing for new metal detectors at the high schools. Approved 7-0 KEYWORDS: SUFFOLK SCHOOL BOARD

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