
DATE: Thursday, July 24, 1997               TAG: 9707210343


                                            LENGTH:   42 lines


Some of the addresses listed may be those of the buyer, not the purchased property, because deeds sometimes do not include the property's actual street address. Realty sales are published as space is available. Realty sales are provided to The Compass by a service called The Court Report.

Norview - Elizabeth T. Glenn to Mr. and Mrs. Alton O. Davis, 3817 Wake Circle; $107,000.

Oakdale Farms - Manousos Enterprises to James E. Foth and others, 8255 Gygax Road; $66,490.

Ocean View - John G. Arnold Jr. to David E. Ray, 1432 Kingston Ave.; $32,000.

Ocean View - Theodore E. Paulin Sr. to Mr. and Mrs. William C. Leskovec, 104 Sunset Court; $35,839.

Poplar Halls - Mitilda Russell to Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Sivels, 408 Pepper Mill Lane; $75,000.

Princess Anne Park - Federal National Mortgage Association to Mark A. Little, 5396 Princess Anne Road; $60,700.

Roland Park - Robert J. Wishmeyer to N. Thomas Fox Jr., 549 Summers Drive; $69,900.

Sewells Gardens - Lewis M. Warren Jr. to Phyllis V. Malin, 6393 Dove St.; $45,000.

L.C. Snyder - Louise C. Snyder to Mr. and Mrs. Max V. Reyes, 1431 Braden Crescent; $92,000.

St. Andrews Place - George E. Berryman to Carlester White and others, 1462 E. Tanners Creek Drive; $52,600.

Vine Street - Elmo Overton and others to James P. Walden, 1623 Delavan St.; $58,000.

Wedgewood - Secretary, Veterans Affairs to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Pawloski, 1860 Dominion Ave.; $79,500.

West Ghent - Edward C. Irby Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. John M. Richardson, 1203 Gates Ave.; $174,500.

Westminster - Household Realty Corp. to Mr. and Mrs. Willie W. Monette, 5358 Lake Lawson Drive; $20,000.

Willoughby - Homeside Lending Inc. to Ruby W. Ladell, 860 W. Ocean View Ave.; $103,000.

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