
DATE: Friday, August 8, 1997                TAG: 9708070218


                                            LENGTH:   67 lines


Editorial was off the mark

Your editorial on Sunday, July 13, regarding ``uses for land at Sandbridge'' was off the mark in several important ways.

First, I attended the same meeting as the writer and did not see any ``cranky politicos'' who ``did not have their full eight hours.'' Rather, I saw responsible council members asking useful questions who deserve better than the seemingly flippant comments in your editorial.

Second, I witnessed no bashing of the property owner and far from giving the gentleman any ``guff,'' I heard Councilman Heischober compliment the man not once but twice for his cooperation.

Third, the businessman, or any citizen, can speak up at any formal City Council meeting simply by signing up before the meeting. He was not prevented from speaking.

Fourth and last, the gentleman could sell his property now, but he may get a much better price by waiting. If the project is approved, his land may become more valuable and he will get a better price by waiting.

This is a project that deserves a reasonable dialogue by which all citizens can track the decision-making process.

Robert D. O'Connor

July 15 Religious entertainment out of place at city fest

This past Saturday, my family attended the Princess Anne Park Art and Craft Festival. Overall, we had a good time, but there was a problem with one of the children's entertainers - Tidewater Leisure Ministries Puppet Show.

They were performing ``Old MacDonald'' as we approached the

children's stage. The next song was about Jesus. My 7-year-old understood this goes against our religious beliefs, we're Jewish, but my 3-year-old was quite upset that Mommy wouldn't let him watch it.

Later on we returned to the area for balloons, face painting and the other entertainers. While my son's rainbow was being painted, he was given a speech about how G-d created rainbows, the universe, even him, etc. Someone else painted my daughter's face and preached to her, too. We weren't given any literature, but I did notice quite a few of their pamphlets littering the area.

I can't believe the city endorses this. Why can't this group just provide wholesome family entertainment without inflicting its religious beliefs on impressionable children and their unsuspecting parents!

Each of us has to the right to decide what to teach our children about religion; religious zealots masquerading as children's entertainers do not. Tidewater Leisure Ministries Puppet Shows do not belong at city-run events that are open to the general public.

Debra Lynn Sinclair

August 6 Health care went extra mile

I received spinal surgery at Sentara Bayside Hospital under superb care of Dr. Edward Butts, neurosurgeon, and Dr. David Holt, primary physician.

I must also commend the administration and staff of Sentara Bayside Hospital for the professional, ``V.I.P.'' care I received from admission to discharge.

Every nurse on every shift went the extra mile with tender loving care in the most professional manner. The housekeeping staff was kind and caring, maintaining my room and bathroom spotlessly.

Joyce E. Jones


July 8

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