
DATE: Friday, August 15, 1997               TAG: 9708150676


                                            LENGTH:   72 lines



MCKIM & CREED EXPANDS ENGINEERING PRACTICE INTO VIRGINIA: McKim & Creed, a full-service engineering, surveying, architectural and planning firm headquartered in Wilmington, N.C., has expanded its operations into Virginia with a new office at 860 Greenbrier Circle, Suite 202. Robert A. Sciacchitano was named project manager of the new office. He was a corporate officer for both HDR Engineering and Wiley & Wilson. Beverly A. Noffsinger was appointed marketing and business development representative. She was a senior marketing coordinator with HDR Engineering and Wiley & Wilson.


COLONNA'S SHIPYARD LANDS SCHOONER AND NAVY CONTRACTS: A 147-foot schooner sailed into Colonna's Shipyard Inc. this week for a complete overhaul. The schooner, which Colonna's vice president Doug Forrest called one of the world's finest schooner yachts, will stick out among the tugs, barges and ships Colonna's typically works on. Owned by a British citizen, the schooner Zaca A Te Mouana will be in the Norfolk shipyard for three months, Forrest said. Colonna's also won a $561,144 contract from the Navy for repairs on a caisson, a graving dock gate from Norfolk Naval Shipyard's dock three. The caisson arrives Aug. 19 for up to six weeks of maintenance in Colonna's drydock. Colonna's employs about 400 workers.

LUBIN ELECTED FELLOW OF AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Dr. Barry C. Lubin, an internist with Ghent Medical Associates, a member of Sentara Medical Group, was elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, the society of internists. The honor recognizes achievements in internal medicine.


UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION AND TIDEWATER JEWISH FOUNDATION TO RELOCATE: The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Tidewater Jewish Foundation are relocating their offices from the campus of the Jewish Community Center on Newport Avenue in Norfolk to 5029 Corporate Woods Drive. The new address will be effective Aug. 25.

CANADIAN SHIPPING FIRM TO BUY CONTSHIP: Contship Holding N.V. has agreed to sell Contship Containerlines Ltd. to Canadian Pacific Ltd. It could not be determined Thursday what impact the sale will have on Contship's North American headquarters in Virginia Beach. That office employ about 70 people, and local officials referred questions to Contship's headquarters in Ipswich, England. Contship vessels provide service to Australia and New Zealand from the port of Hampton Roads. Local port officials expect little impact from the sale. Canadian Pacific, the parent of CP Rail, also owns the CAST line, Canada Maritime line and recently acquired Lykes Lines. Once the Contship sale goes through, Canadian Pacific will have a fleet of 45 container ships carrying the equivalent of more than one million 20-foot shipping containers a year.


CORT BUSINESS SERVICES CHANGES TICKER SYMBOL: CORT Business Services Corp. based in Fairfax said effective today, the ticker symbol by which the company is known on the New York Stock Exchange will become CBZ. CORT has traded under the symbol CBS. This change is being made to ensure that investors can trade in CORT's shares.

JAMES RIVER COMPLETES FORT HOWARD ACQUISITION: Fort James Corp., which will be the No. 2 producer of tissue products after Kimberly-Clark Corp., begins trading today under the ticker symbol FJ. Construction of Fort James's headquarters, in the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, is under way. About 250 employees will move into the building next year, the company said in a statement. Fort James will pay an initial quarterly dividend of 15 cents a share. The new company is a combination of Richmond-based James River Corp. and Fort Howard Corp.





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