
DATE: Tuesday, August 19, 1997              TAG: 9708190228

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B5   EDITION: FINAL 


DATELINE: NORFOLK                           LENGTH:   44 lines


A helicopter from the Norfolk-based carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower and a second copter from the Coast Guard's air station in Elizabeth City, N.C., teamed up late Saturday and early Sunday to rescue a seriously ill civilian fisherman at Cape Lookout, N.C.

For the Navy copter crew, the rescue became a daring, night-time operation, hovering above the fishing boat and hoisting the fisherman aboard.

For the Coast Guard helicopter crew members, this was the first time they had landed on a carrier at night.

``This was a great example of team work,'' said the Eisenhower's commanding officer, Capt. Greg Brown. ``Our response to the situation was timely, our medical team performed superbly and the coordination between all participating units was flawless.''

The Eisenhower was conducting night carrier operations about 25 miles from Cape Lookout when the carrier received a request from the Coast Guard to go to the aid of the 49-year-old fisherman, suffering from a bleeding ulcer. The man was aboard a vessel identified only as the ``Outer Banks,'' operating about 15 miles from the carrier.

``As soon as I was sure that we had the capability to safely conduct this rescue,'' said Brown, ``I immediately accepted the mission. Night search and rescue missions on the high seas are inherently dangerous and extremely unforgiving.''

Brown ordered one of his SH-60F helicopters launched with a flight surgeon and rescue swimmer aboard.

Meanwhile, an HH-60 helicopter from Elizabeth City was making its way toward the carrier.

While the Coast Guard copter had not been certified to land aboard a carrier at night, the landing took place without incident, officials said.

``He's certified now,'' said one Navy spokesman.

Once the rescue was completed, the victim was taken to the carrier, where his medical condition was stabilized. He then was taken by the Coast Guard helicopter to an Elizabeth City hospital.

This was the second successful night search and rescue mission for the Eisenhower since May, when the carrier assisted three Dutch civilian sailors whose 45-foot sailboat lost its mast and engine power. KEYWORDS: ACCIDENT BOAT RESCUE

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