
DATE: Tuesday, August 19, 1997              TAG: 9708190231

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B5   EDITION: FINAL 


DATELINE: RICHMOND                          LENGTH:   52 lines


An endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police can burnish a candidate's law-and-order credentials, which is why both gubernatorial hopefuls are chasing the police union.

``The Fraternal Order of Police has symbolic importance,'' said Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political scientist. ``It suggests their choice is the bigger crime fighter.''

While the FOP's endorsement carries symbolic weight, Democrat Donald S. Beyer Jr. received a boost last weekend in an endorsement from the state's AFL-CIO, which can marshal legions of campaign workers and help with grassroots organization.

The state's largest police union will make its choice Saturday in Charlottesville after hearing from Beyer and Republican James S. Gilmore III, said Garth Wheeler, president of the state FOP.

``We're looking at somebody who's going to have a strong law-and-order position and who's going to look after law enforcement and that we're going to have their ear when it comes to law-enforcement issues,'' he said.

Wheeler said the FOP's endorsement won't bring the candidate much money or many campaign workers. ``Our big thing is our endorsement,'' he said. ``The public looks to law enforcement for guidance on law-enforcement issues.''

Beyer has said that he feels Gilmore's background as former state attorney general and prosecutor gives the Republican candidate an inside edge in getting the FOP's endorsement.

``Don is running against the attorney general and the attorney general likes to cast himself as the state's top cop,'' said Beyer's spokeswoman Page Boinest.

Four years ago, when Beyer was running for lieutenant governor and Gilmore was campaigning for attorney general, both received the FOP's endorsement.

While Beyer and Gilmore are fighting for the FOP's backing, Beyer has had an easier time with other labor groups. In May, Beyer was endorsed by the 55,000-member Virginia Education Association, the state's largest teachers' organization.

The AFL-CIO endorsement was an important trophy for the Democrat.

``They're good for a lot of money, telephone banks, volunteer support during the campaign and on election day,'' said Sabato. ``They can't elect a candidate in Virginia by themselves but they can make important contributions.''

Although not all 200,000 members follow the union's lead when they cast their ballots, Daniel G. LeBlanc, president of the Virginia AFL-CIO, said the union can be a potent force in a close election.

``We don't do empty endorsements,'' he said. KEYWORDS: GUBERNATORIAL RACE VIRGINIA CANDIDATES


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