
DATE: Saturday, September 20, 1997          TAG: 9709200391

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B5   EDITION: FINAL 


DATELINE: NORFOLK                           LENGTH:   31 lines


The FBI and Portsmouth police arrested six people who were recently indicted on federal drug trafficking charges, the U.S. Attorney's office announced Friday.

On Sept. 9, Curtis Lee ``Big Curt'' Richardson, 25; Derrick Lamont ``Black'' Blackwell, 26; Shaune Antelle ``Little Moot'' Dickens, 25; Jason Lamont Cradle, 26; Walter ``Boo'' Manning Jr., 32; and Correy Fitzgerald Joyner, 23, were charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and crack cocaine.

Additionally, Blackwell was charged with engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise, the so-called ``Drug kingpin statute.''

All but Dickens were in custody Friday night.

They face penalties of 10 years to life in prison without parole if convicted on the conspiracy to distribute charge; Blackwell could receive 20 years to life without parole if convicted on the continuing criminal enterprise charge.

The indictment covers the period from 1990 to Sept. 8, 1997, and alleges that the group used guns, cellular telephones and pagers to distribute illegal drugs from a local residence. The indictment details 121 alleged drug transactions.

Portsmouth police and FBI agents seized a late-model Lexus, a Volvo and several weapons allegedly used by the group. KEYWORDS: DRUG ARREST

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