
DATE: Wednesday, September 24, 1997         TAG: 9709240362

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B8   EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: CHESAPEAKE                        LENGTH:   30 lines


Cola Winborn ``Bootney'' Beale Jr. of the 2600 block of Roadside Lane died Sept. 22, 1997, in Norfolk.

Born in Jacksonville, N.C., he retired from Piedmont Aviation Services after 38 years. He was a member of First Baptist Church, Berkley, Norfolk, and its male usher board.

Survivors include his wife, Mary E. Beale; two daughters, Lael Thomas of Skippers, Va., Mildred Wilder Banks of Toano, Va.; a son, Cola W. Beale III of Dillwyn, Va.; mother, Lillie Beale and father, Cola W. Beale Sr., both of Norfolk; three sisters, Lucy Rowe of Norfolk, Gwendolyn Laing of Newark, N.J., Jacquelin Wilborn of Norfolk; three brothers, Hamilton Beale of Seattle, Wash., Nathaniel Beale, Cornelius Beale, both of Norfolk; five grandchildren, Gerald Smith, Julius Smith, both of Skippers, Bernard Wilder Jr., Karlisa Wilder, both of Toano, Cola W. Beale IV of Norfolk; two sons-in-law, Michael Banks of Toano, Dwayne Thomas of Skippers; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives and friends.

A funeral will be conducted at noon Friday in First Baptist Church Berkley, 706 E. Berkley Ave., Norfolk, by the Rev. William Tyree III. Burial will be in Woodlawn Memorial Garden, Norfolk. Body will be placed in the church at 10 a.m. Friday. Family and friends will assemble at 2626 Roadside Lane, Chesapeake, Holly Point section, at 11 a.m. Friday for the procession to the church. Metropolitan Funeral Home is handling arrangements. KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY

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