DATE: Friday, October 10, 1997 TAG: 9710090222 SECTION: VIRGINIA BEACH BEACON PAGE: 09 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Letters LENGTH: 76 lines
Some people never cease to astonish me.
The world is mourning the death of two irreplaceable and exceptional women, Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. Both dedicated their lives to helping less fortunate people - terminally ill children, people with AIDS, victims of land mines, the homeless, the poor and the oppressed.
Enter the superior right wing media outlets of Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh. On a recent Thursday's ``700 Club,'' Robertson posthumously berated the Princess with scathing remarks about adultery, her use of a psychic and horoscope reading, linking her to ``occult practices.'' A fill in for Limbaugh on Friday, contrasting the lives of the two women, suggested that Princess Diana is less deserving of our sympathy because she led a glamorous life. One caller even questioned the sincerity of the President's weekly radio address, which focused on the women.
If this attitude embodies the majority of the conservative mindset, then thank God I'm a liberal.
Perhaps Diana's brother summed it up best, ``My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum.''
David Lee
Sept. 8 Thanks for local rescue
We wish to try to thank the wonderful, kind gentleman who came to the aid of my husband at Holland Road Plaza on the afternoon of Sept. 2 around 2 p.m. when his car caught fire. His alertness in quickly coming with his fire extinguisher to the car truly saved my husband's life.
We are grateful to him beyond words.
Jewett and Gloria McKee
Sept. 3 A reminder to be kind
I was really impressed with Jo-Ann Clegg's Sept. 12 column, ``Death of the princess affects the queen, too.'' Millions, including me, took Princess Diana's death as if it were a personal loss.
It took a generous heart for Ms. Clegg to ponder Queen Elizabeth's life and all the historical baggage that she and the royal family carry with them. I think they are all doing a lot of soul searching right now. It is much harder to make efforts to understand all sides in a tragic situation like this, than it is to bash the handiest scapegoat. May God be with the royal family during this difficult time, and God bless Jo-Ann Clegg for her wise words. It was good to be reminded to be kind.
Kim Korman Brown
Sept. 14 Bad park habits not limited to dog walkers
This letter is in response to the one written by William E. Smith Jr. which appeared in the Aug. 23 Beacon.
I am one of the dog walkers at Mount Trashmore. Not every dog walker is as bad as Mr. Smith portrays. I walk with a cane and pick up after my dog, that is on a leash.
However, I have a bone to pick with joggers and bikers. Why does someone who is disabled have to get out of their way? They have nearly run me down, yelling at me to, ``Get out of my way!''
What is wrong with you? You are going much faster than I am. Can't you go around me? I have seen you repeatedly jog/bike into the flocks of ducks and geese, maiming them and making them so mad they hiss at everyone.
As to dogs off their leashes and charging you with bared fangs, either you hate animals or perhaps your behavior is the cause. The dogs and owners I encounter at the park are not as you portray. Also, please remember that dogs usually do not have large enough back yards to run, an activity they need as much as walking. I am not condoning breaking this law, but there is no where in this large city where a dog can run. I believe something needs to be done about that.
Rosie Kantor
Sept. 9
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