
DATE: Friday, October 17, 1997              TAG: 9710170675

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B8   EDITION: FINAL 

                                            LENGTH:   95 lines


These are the actions from the Norfolk City Council meeting Tuesday. All members were present. Unless otherwise noted, all actions were unanimous.


A letter from the city manager transmitting financial statements as of July 31, for the first month of the fiscal year.

Recommended action: receive and file. Approved.

City Planning Commission's recommendation on Tabernacle Church of Norfolk's application for approval of the institutional development plan for property at 6926 Granby St.

Recommended action: authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing on Nov. 25. Approved.

City Planning Commission's recommendation on Broad Creek Crossing Shopping Center's application for a change of zoning on property along the western line of Military Highway, north of Lowery Road.

Recommended action: authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing Nov. 25. Approved.

City Planning Commission's recommendation on the application of Norfolk Collegiate School's application to close, vacate and discontinue that portion of Blanch Drive which extends westwardly from Tidewater Drive to its western terminus.

Recommended action: authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing on Nov. 25. Approved.

Letter from the city manager transmitting the Statement of Legal Debt Margin as of Sept. 30. Approved.


Matter of a public hearing scheduled for today on Kevin Hill's application to change the zoning of 1255 to 1257 Norview Ave. from R-7 (one-family) to conditional C-2 (corridor commercial). Passed by at the Sept. 23 meeting. Denied.

An ordinance vacating a portion of Montclair Avenue and authorizing the conveyance of the underlying street bed to Ford Motor Co., upon a certain condition. Passed by at the meetings of Sept. 23 and 30. Approved.

An ordinance to amend and reordain Chapter 38, Article 1 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, by amending Section 38-5 and by adding Section 38-5.1 entitled ``Definitions,'' and Section 38-5.2 entitled, ``Sale of Goods Pawned.'' Approved.

An ordinance appropriating $375,433 to the Norfolk Community Services Board for early intervention services for infants, toddlers and families. Approved.

An ordinance approving acceptance and appropriating $100,000 in inmate telephone contract profits, if and when received from the Norfolk sheriff. Approved.

An ordinance accepting with appreciation the donation of $5,000 from Webb Technologies for event marketing services and authorizing expenditure of funds. Approved.

An ordinance accepting with appreciation the donation of $5,000 from Peter Decker for event marketing services and authorizing expenditure of funds. Approved.

An ordinance authorizing the Norfolk Airport Authority to apply for and receive federal grants to fund certain improvements at Norfolk International Airport, giving certain assurances to the Federal Aviation Administration with regard to said grants, and authorizing the city manager to execute such documents as may be necessary to perfect the application and receive the funds. Approved.

An ordinance to amend and reordain Section 25-652 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, to make A View Avenue a one-way street. Approved.

An ordinance authorizing the city treasurer to docket a lien against certain lands or premises for the expenses to abate nuisances. Approved.

An ordinance amending and reordaining Chapter 25 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, to add one new section numbered 286.9 designating the 2700 block of Middle Towne Crescent as a parking permit area. Approved.

An ordinance approving the acquisition of an easement from Christopher R. Whitbeck and Susann Whitbeck. Approved.

An ordinance granting permission to Cora A. Chavis to encroach into the right of way of Lead Street. Approved.

An ordinance authorizing acceptance of $224,132 from the Virginia Department of Social Services, $5,460 from the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority and $7,134 from other community agencies for the Family Preservation and Family Support Program, appropriating the funds and authorizing the expenditure of $12,309 in local matching funds. Approved.

An ordinance approving the receipt of additional funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act, appropriating such funds, and authorizing the city manager to employ four persons as special project employees in the Department of Human Services, and providing for salaries. Approved.

A resolution of the City Council requesting the Virginia Municipal League to consider this city for the site of its 2002 VML conference. Approved.

An ordinance repealing subsections (78) and (119) of section 25-653; and amending and reordaining sections 25-654 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, in order to add stop signs at various intersections. Approved.

An ordinance to amend and reordain Sections 25-653 and 25-654 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, to add yield signs and a stop sign at various locations. Approved.

An ordinance to amend and reordain section 25-632 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, regarding the use of roller skates and similar devices, to prohibit their use on certain sidewalks. Approved.

An ordinance approving a lease with Norfolk and Western Railway Co. relative to two parcels of property located near Brambleton Avenue. Approved.

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