American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
The following rhododendron and azalea names, submitted through the North American registrar, were approved and added to the International Rhododendron Register prior to August 1, 1995 by the Royal Horticultural Society, International Registration Authority for the genus
Color numbers refer to the RHS Colour Chart unless noted otherwise. Accompanying color names are taken from
A Contribution toward Standardization of Color Names in Horticulture
, R D Huse and K L Kelly, edited by D H Voss (ARS, 1984). Species names are those used by the RHS, based upon recent Edinburgh revisions of the genus. Equivalent former and present names are listed in
An Alphabetical Checklist of Rhododendron Species
(RHS, 1981), and in
The Rhododendron Handbook
(RHS, 1980).
Parents of a plant are reported in the conventional order: (seed parent x pollen parent). Abbreviations are used where appropriate: H = hybridized by, G = grown to first flower by, R = raised by, S = selected by, N = named by, I = introduced by, REG = registered by; dates are enclosed in parentheses immediately following the activity.
Synonyms are names used for a particular clone prior to registration, but unacceptable because of conflict with recommendations of the
International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1980,
or because the name was previously registered for a different clone.
'Blazing Crown': Elepidote. ( yakushimanum x falconeri ssp. eximium ). H and G: Cecil Smith, Newberg, OR; I: Smith Garden Committee; N and REG (1995): Herbert Spady, Salem, OR. Fls 21/dome truss, ventricose-campanulate, 2" across x 2" long, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; strong pink (48C) in bud, opening yellowish white (155D) with deep pink (185D) blotch and spotting on upper lobe. Calyx c 0.1", moderate orange (172D). Truss 6.5" wide x 4.5". Lvs held 3 years, obovate, convex, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, 3"-4" x l"-2", bullate and hairy above, with moderate orange (172D) felt-like hairs below. Shrub 3' tall x 3' wide in c 10 years, dense growth habit, moderately floriferous. Mid April. (Smith Garden code: 047)
'Bud's Yellow': Elepidote. {[('Inca Gold' x yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada') x wardii , KW 4170] x 'Dexter's Orange'}. H (1978): Frank Arsen, Lindenhurst, NY; G (1986), N, I (1992) and REG (1995): H C Gehnrich, Huntington, NY. Fls 12/ball truss, broadly funnel-campanulate, slightly scented, 2.25" across x 1.4" long, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; light yellow (11B) throughout. Calyx lacking. Truss 5" wide x 3.5". Lvs held 2-3 years, elliptic, flat, obtuse apex, rounded base, 4.25" x 1.75", glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 6' tall x 4' wide 16 years from seed, moderately floriferous. Plant hardy to at least -5°F; buds, 5°F. Mid May.
'Carolina Moon': Elepidote. [(Catfortcampy Group* x lacteum hybrid) x 'Golden Star']. H (1981), G (1990), and N: Russ and Velma Haag, Brevard, NC; REG (1995): Velma Haag. Fls 10/ball truss, open funnel-shaped, slightly scented, 4.25" across x 2.5", with 7 wavy-edged lobes; pale yellow green (4D) to light greenish yellow (4C). Calyx c 0.03" long, vivid yellow (17C). Truss 6" wide x 5". Lvs held 3 years, ovate, flat, obtuse apex, cuneate base, 4.25" x 1.75", dull green. Shrub 3' tall x 3.5' wide 14 years from seed, moderately floriferous. Plant hardy to at least -12F; buds, 0°F. Midseason.
'Cherries and Cream': Elepidote. [('Fabia' x bureavii ) x 'Lena's Cameo']. H (1989): Yasmin Workman, Everett, WA; G, N, I (1995, through Lake Tapps Rhododendron Nursery), and REG (1995): Stuart Imrie, Bonney Lake, WA. Fls cl4/flat truss, funnel-shaped, 2.25" across x 1.5"-1.75" long, of heavy substance, with 5 smooth-edged lobes; strong red (53B) in bud, opening outside deep purplish pink (55A); inside pale orange yellow (159B) with (55A) margins and (53B) spotting in throat. Calyx 1" long, deep pink (52B). Truss 6.5" wide x 3.5"-4". Lvs held 4-5 years, elliptic, convex, acute apex, cuneate base, 5"-6.5" x 2"-2.25", glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above; new growth bronze color. Shrub 2' tall x 3' wide 6 years from seed, dense habit, very floriferous. Late March-early April.
'Cove Neck': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown; seed parent has red flowers). Open pollinated (c l983), G (1990), N, and REG (1995): Mrs. J E (Adeline Taylor) Nunez, Oyster Bay, NY. Fls 6-8/dome truss, open funnel-shaped, 1.5"-2" across x 1.5"-2" long, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; dark rose in bud, opening clear medium pink with green spotting on dorsal lobe. Calyx c l.3" long, green. Truss 5"-6" wide x 5"-6". Lvs elliptic, flat, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, 6" x 2.5", glossy. Shrub 4.3' tall x 4' wide 11 years from seed, sparsely floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -5F. April-May.
'Dick Leonard': Elepidote. ( fortunei x unknown). G (c l975): T Richard Leonard, Raynham, MA; N, I (1995), and REG (1995): Peg and Ed Brown, Lakeville, MA. Fls 12/ball truss, broadly funnel-campanulate, 3.25" across x 2.25" long, of heavy substance, with 5-6 wavy-edged lobes, highly scented; inside very pale purple (75D) with maroon red rays in base extending upward into dorsal lobe; outside very light purple (75C). Calyx lacking. Truss 6" wide x 6". Lvs held 3 years, elliptic, flat, broadly acute apex, oblique base, 7' x 2.75"; glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 9' tall x 8' wide 10 years from cutting, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least -15F; buds, -10F. Mid May.
'Doctor Harold Senn': Elepidote. (Selection from arboreum ). Seed obtained (1980), G (1992), N, and I (1995): Dr Harold Senn; REG (1995): H Vaartnou; both Victoria, BC. Fls 12/ball truss, tubular-campanulate, slightly scented, 2.5" across x 2" long, with 5 smooth-edged lobes; strong red (50A) throughout. Calyx rim-like, green. Truss 4" wide x 3". Lvs held 2 years, narrowly elliptic, flat, acute apex, cuneate base, 6" x 1.75"; hairless above with gray felt-like hairs below, aging to orange. Shrub 7' tall x 4' wide 15 years from seed, open habit, sparsely floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 12°F; buds, 20F. March.
'Eileen Driscoll': Elepidote. ('Scintillation' x 'Naomi'). H (1968), G, N, and REG (1995): Ben and Marion Shapiro, East Brunswick, NJ. Fls lightly scented, 13-14/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, of heavy substance, 3.5" across x 2.5" long, with 6-7 slightly wavy-edged lobes; light purplish pink (68D) margins, c 0.25" wide, shading gradually to nearly white in center of each lobe and in throat, and with two strong purplish pink (68B) streaks in throat, sparsely spotted with light olive brown (199B) and brilliant greenish yellow (1B); 10 vestigial stamens. Calyx up to 0.2" long, green. Truss 7" wide x 5". Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat to slightly convex, obtuse apex, rounded base, 5.5" x 3", dull, moderate yellow green (137C) above. Shrub 6' tall x 7' wide 25 years from seed, rounded habit. Plant hardy to at least -15F; buds, -5°F. Early May.
'Elizabeth Van Vleck': Elepidote. ('Goldsworth Yellow' x 'Dexter's Orange'). H (1969) and G: Howard Austin Van Vleck; N, I (1995), and REG (1995): The Van Vleck House and Gardens, Montclair, NJ. Fls 11/dome truss, broadly funnel-campanulate, 2" across x 1.5" long, with 5 very wavy-edged lobes; deep pink (52B) in bud, opening brilliant greenish yellow (2B) to light yellow green (2C). Calyx c 0.l" long, green. Truss 5" wide x 4". Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, flat, obtuse apex, cuneate to slightly oblique base, 4.5" x 2"; dull, moderate olive green (137A-B) above. Shrub 5' tall x 5' wide 25 years from seed, dense habit, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least -20F; buds, -10F. Third week in May.
'Evelyn Maranville': Elepidote. ('Lemon Custard' x 'Hotei'). H (1966) and described: Walt Elliott; G (1972), N and REG (1995): B F (Frank) Heuston; both Shelton, WA. Fls 10-12/dome truss, open funnel-shaped, 3.5" across x 2" long, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; light greenish yellow (7D) shading to pale yellow (8D) margins, with small red flare in throat; pedicels moderate red (47A). Calyx 0.75", light greenish yellow (7D) edged red. Truss 6" wide x 3". Lvs held 2 years, ovate, concave, acute apex, cuneate base, 5" x 2", glossy above. Shrub 5' tall x 5' wide 10 years from seed, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 15F. Mid April to mid May.
'Fran': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown). H (c 1963): D L Hardgrove, Merrick, NY or P Vossberg, Westbury, NY; G (c l968), N, I (c l985) and REG (1995): Edward T Connors, Jackson, NJ. Fls 10-12/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 3.25" across x 1.9" long, with 6-7 ruffly-edged lobes; strong purple (77B) in bud, opening outside light purple (75A) at margins, shading to very pale purple (75D) at base; inside light to very light purple (75B-C) margins with white star-shaped center, light yellow green (150D) blotch on dorsal lobe, and moderate purplish red (186A) spotting on 3 upper lobes. Calyx c 0.1", light green, hairy. Truss 5.5" wide x 4". Lvs held 2-3 years, elliptic to obovate, flat to slightly concave, broadly acute apex, rounded base, 3.75"-4.75" x 1.5"-2", glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above, with sparse light tan hairs on new growth. Shrub 4' tall x 6' wide c 30 years from seed, dense habit, very floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -5F. Late May.
'Golden Delicious': Elepidote. {(Catfortcampy Group* x lacteum hybrid) x {'Goldfort' x ['Chlorops' x ('Hawk' x 'Idealist')]}}. H (1980), G (1987), and N: Russ and Velma Haag, Brevard, NC; REG (1995): Velma Haag; I (1989): Cardinal Nursery, State Road, NC and A Sandy Rhododendron, Sandy, OR. Fls c 10/ball truss, open funnel-shaped, 2.5" across x 1.75", with 7 smooth-edged lobes; straw yellow (HCC 604/3 with 604/1 throat), unmarked. Calyx c 0.06" long, HCC pod green, edged red. Truss 5" wide x 3". Lvs held 3 years, oblanceolate, flat, obtuse apex, cuneate base, 3.25" x 1.5", glossy green. Shrub 3' tall x 3' wide 14 years from seed, moderately floriferous. Hardy to at least -12F. Early.
'Herb's Choice': Elepidote. [( yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' x 'Fabia') x rex ssp. fictolacteum ]. H: probably Cecil Smith; G: Cecil Smith, Newberg, OR; I: Smith Garden Committee; N and REG (1995): Herbert Spady, Salem, OR. Fls 15/flat truss, open funnel-shaped, 2.5" across x 2" long, with 9 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (54A) in bud, opening outside strong purplish pink (55B), inside pale purplish pink (56C) with small dark red (187B) blotch and slight spotting on upper lobe. Calyx 0.25", pale yellow (160D). Truss 6" wide x 4.5". Lvs held 3 years, narrowly obovate, flat, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, 4"-7" x 1.5"-2.5", dull and hairless above, with moderate orange (173C) felt-like hairs below. Shrub 3.5' tall x 5' wide in c 10 years, moderately floriferous. Late April. (Smith Garden code: 545)
'Howard Van Vleck': Elepidote. ('Goldsworth Yellow' x 'Dexter's Orange'). H (1969) and G: Howard Austin Van Vleck; N, I (1995), and REG (1995): The Van Vleck House and Gardens, Montclair, NJ. Fls 15/open dome truss, funnel-shaped, 1.5" across x 1.5" long, with 5 smooth-edged lobes, slightly scented; light yellow in bud, opening light greenish yellow (4C) fading to pale yellow green (4D), with faint dorsal spotting of strong greenish yellow (151C). Calyx c 0.1" long, green. Truss 5" wide x 4". Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, slightly concave, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, 4" x 1.5"; dull, moderate olive green (147A) above, with sparse tan hairs on midribs below. Shrub 5' tall x 5' wide 25 years from seed, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least -20F; buds, -10F. Mid May.
'June Bee': Lepidote. ( keiskei , prostrate selection x 'Mary Fleming'). H (1969): Warren E Berg; G (1972): June Sinclair; N and REG (1995): Warren E Berg and June Sinclair, both Port Ludlow, WA. Fls 17-22/multi-bud ball truss, open funnel-shaped, 1.5" across x 1" long, with 5 slightly wavy-edged lobes; pale yellow green (4D) in bud, opening yellowish white (155B); some fls with faint narrow longitudinal ribbon of pale purplish pink (56A) on outside of dorsal lobe. Calyx < 0.1", pale yellow green (155A). Truss 3.5"-4" wide x 2.5". Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, slightly concave, obtuse apex, rounded base, 1.75"-2" x 0.6"-0.75"; dull, dark green (135A) above, with brown scales below. Shrub 3.75' tall x 4.8' wide 17 years from cutting, dense habit, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least -15F. Early-mid April.
'Keith Brown': Elepidote. ('Henry's Red' x 'War Dance'). H (1983): Peg Brown; G (1989), N, I (1995), and REG (1995): Peg and Ed Brown, Lakeville, MA. Fls 15/dome truss, open funnel-shaped, 3" across x 3" long, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong red (46A) throughout with black blotch on upper lobes, and with white anthers. Calyx negligible. Truss 5.5" wide x 6". Lvs held 2 years, oblong, convex with wavy margins, broadly acute apex, rounded base, 4.25" x 1.75"; dull, moderate olive green (137B) above. Shrub 5' tall x 5' wide 11 years from seed, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least -20F; buds, -15F. Early June.
'Lemon Lights': Deciduous azalea. ([Unnamed cross between Exbury hybrid seedling and another hybrid with atlanticum heritage], open pollinated). H (1978), G, N, and REG (1995): University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Chanhassen, MN. Fls 8-10/ball truss, tubular funnel-shaped, slightly scented, 1.6"-2" across x 1.6"-2" long, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; brilliant yellow (13C) with vivid orange yellow (21A) blotch on upper petal. Calyx < 0.1". Truss 4"-4.75" wide x 3"-3.5". Lvs elliptic, flat, acute apex, cuneate base, 3"-4" x 1.2"-1.6", slightly glossy, moderate olive green (137A) and hairless above, with discrete white hairs below. Shrub 5' tall x 4.2' wide 15 years from seed, open growth habit, very floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -32F. Late May.
'Magic Mood': Elepidote. ('Mary Belle' x 'Dexter's Honeydew'). H (1974) and G (1977): Weldon E Delp; N: Ginny Delp, Harrisville, PA; REG (1995): Delp Preservation Committee, Great Lakes Chapter. Fls 9/truss, funnel-shaped, 3" across x 3" long, with 6-7 ruffly-edged lobes; deep yellowish pink (39B) and moderate red (179A) in bud, opening inside light greenish yellow (8C) and pale yellow (8D) with strong red (46A) freckling on all petals and in throat; outside deep yellowish pink (39B). Calyx lacking. Truss 5.6" wide x 4". Lvs oblong-lanceolate, 5.5" x 2.1". Mid May.
'Mary Ascenzi': Elepidote. ('Red Yard' x 'Naomi'). H (1968), G, N, and REG (1995): Ben and Marion Shapiro, East Brunswick, NJ. Fls 10-12/dome truss, open funnel-shaped, of heavy substance, 4" across x 3" long, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; white, lightly flushed brilliant yellow green (150A) deep in throat; no stamens. Calyx up to 0.1" long, green. Truss 7" wide x 5". Lvs held 2 years, broadly elliptic, flat, obtuse apex, rounded base, 4.3" x 3". Shrub 4' tall x 6.5' wide 27 years from seed, fairly dense habit, moderately floriferous. Plant hardy to at least -15°F; buds, 0°F. Early May.
'Mary de Mezey': Elepidote. ( williamsianum , Feng form x wardii ). H (1975), G (1980), N, and I (1985): Albert de Mezey; REG (1995): H Vaartnou; both Victoria, BC. Fls 5/lax truss, open funnel-shaped, 3.5" across x 2.75" long, with 7 smooth-edged lobes; pink in bud, opening strong purplish pink (55B) to pale purplish pink (56C). Calyx minute, pinkish. Truss 5" wide x 2". Lvs held 2 years, ovate, flat, broadly acute apex, cordate base, 2.25" x 1.75". Shrub 3' tall x 4' wide 15 years from seed, dense habit, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 5°F. March. (Synonym: 'Mary's Favorite')
'Mary's Favorite': Registered name of a Meerkerk hybrid, (Dido Group x orbiculare ssp. cardiobasis ); used incorrectly as synonym for 'Mary de Mezey'.
'Max Resnick': Elepidote. ('Mars' x Idealist'). H (1975), G (1981), and N: Ed Brown; I (1995),and REG (1995): Peg and Ed Brown, Lakeville, MA. Fls 13/ball truss, open funnel-shaped, slightly scented, 3.25" across x 2.1" long, with 6-7 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (60D) in bud, opening inside light reddish purple (74C) at edges, shading through moderate purplish pink (74D) to light purplish pink (65B) center; outside light reddish purple (74C) edges fading to moderate purplish pink (74D) base. Calyx negligible. Truss 6" wide x 5". Lvs held 2 years, oblong, convex with wavy margins, broadly acute apex, oblique base, 4.75" x 2"; glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 5.5' tall x 8' wide 20 years from seed, open habit, very floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15F. Mid-late May.
'Mrs Dora Kreiss': Elepidote. (Open pollinated souliei ). Seed obtained (1964), G (1972), N, I, and REG (1995): H Vaartnou; Victoria, BC. Fls 15-18/ball truss, flat saucer-shaped, moderately scented, 2.75" across x 2.5" long, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; pale yellow flushed pink in bud, opening pale yellow (158B). Calyx 0.25", green. Truss 6" wide x 5". Lvs held 2 years, ovate, flat with twisted margins, broadly acute apex, cordate base, 3.5" x 2.5"; glossy and hairless above, glaucous blue-green below. Shrub 12' tall x 8' wide 30 years from seed, open habit, moderately floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 5F. April.
'Mrs Karen Morrison': Elepidote. (Selection from decorum ). Seed obtained (1964), G (1972), N, I, and REG (1995): H Vaartnou; Victoria, BC. Fls 10/ball truss, open funnel-shaped, of heavy substance, moderately scented, 4" across x 2.5" long, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; white with greenish throat. Calyx c 0.1", green. Truss 6" wide x 5". Lvs held 3 years, narrowly oblong, flat, broadly acute apex, rounded base, 5" x 1.75"; hairless above with gray-green indumentum below on new growth only. Shrub 12' tall x 8' wide 30 years from seed, open habit, very floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. April-May.
'Mrs Margaret Buffam': Elepidote. (Open pollinated macabeanum ). Seed obtained (1975), G (1985), N, I (1990), and REG (1995): H Vaartnou; Victoria, BC. Fls up to 25/ball truss, oblique campanulate, 3.25" across x 3" long, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; light pink at first, fading to white. Calyx rim-like, reddish. Truss 7" wide x 5.5". Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, broadly acute apex, cordate base, 6.5" x 3"; dull, dark green. Shrub 12' tall x 15' wide 20 years from seed, open habit, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 5F; buds, 10°F. March.
'Pa-Jo': Elepidote. (believed to be fortunei hybrid). H (late 1960s) and G (early 1970s): Joseph B Gable, Stewartstown, PA; N and REG (1995): Joan C and Paul H Netherwood, Jr., Joppa, MD; described in part by Caroline Gable. Fls 10/somewhat lax truss, open funnel-shaped, of heavy substance, very fragrant, 3.5" across x 2.5" long, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red/pink (63B-C) in bud, opening outside very pale purple (69A) at margins shading to (69C), and with deep purplish pink (70C) midribs; inside very pale purple (69B) at margins shading to nearly white center with pale greenish yellow (2D) dorsal blotch spotted moderate yellow green (146C). Calyx <0.1", green. Truss 10" wide x 5". Lvs held 3-4 years, elliptic, convex, acute apex, rounded to oblique base, 5.5" x 2", moderate olive green (137A) above, with sparse light tan hairs below. Shrub 14' tall x 16' wide c 28 years from seed, dense habit, very floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15F. May.
![]() |
R. 'Pa-Jo'
Photo by Joan Clark Netherwood |
'Peachy': Elepidote. ('Scintillation' x unnamed yellow-flowered hybrid). H (1968), G, N, and REG (1995): Ben and Marion Shapiro, East Brunswick, NJ. Fls 12/dome truss, open funnel-shaped, of heavy substance, 3" across x 2.4" long, with 5-6 slightly wavy-edged lobes; moderate yellowish pink (37C) in bud, opening inside pale yellow (12D) throat and mid lobes, shading to light and pale purplish pink (55C-D) margins, and with 0.4"-0.6" long streaks of brilliant yellow (7B) in throat and sparse (7B) spotting on dorsal lobe; outside moderate to light yellowish pink (38B-C) tube with light purplish pink (55C) veining, shading to pale purplish pink (55D) margins. Calyx up to 0.2" long, green. Truss 6" wide x 4". Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat to slightly wavy, obtuse apex, rounded base, 5" x 2.5", glossy, moderate yellow green (147B) above. Shrub rounded, 7' tall x 7' wide 25 years from seed. Plant hardy to at least -15F; buds, -5°F. Early May.
'Peggie Roberts': Elepidote. [('Fancy' x yakushimanum ) x 'Coronation Day']. H (1984), G (1988), N, I (1995), and REG (1995): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 14/ball truss, open funnel-shaped, 3.5" across x 2.25" long, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (63A) in bud, opening inside strong purplish pink (68B) at edges, fading to very pale purple (69B) with central pattern of dark red (59A) spotted streaks radiating from base, extending upward 1.25" in dorsal throat; outside strong purplish pink (68B). Calyx lacking. Truss 5.5" wide x 5.5". Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, concave, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, 5.25" x 2"; glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 3.5' tall x 3.5' wide 11 years from seed, dense habit, moderately floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 0°F. Early to mid May.
'Reverend James Whitaker': Elepidote. ('Award' x 'Esther Wagner'). H (1983): Ted Anderson; G (1991), N, and REG (1995): Harry S Baker; both Longview, WA. Fls 15-17/dome truss, open funnel-shaped, 3.5"-4" across x 3" long, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; deep pink (52C) in bud, opening deep purplish pink (54B) on inside margins, shading to strong purplish pink (55B); dorsal lobes and upper dorsal throat spotted with strong greenish yellow (151A); outside deep purplish pink (54B). Calyx minute, light green. Truss 7'-8" wide x 5"-6". Lvs held 3-4 years, narrowly elliptic, convex, acute apex, oblique base, some twisted, 7" x 1.5"-2", moderate olive green (137A) above, bullate. Shrub 4'-5' tall x 5' wide 10 years from seed, moderately floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. Mid April.
'Ridgewood Salmon': Elepidote. [( decorum x griffithianum ) x hardy red hybrid]. H (c l940) and G: G G Nearing, while in Ridgewood, NJ; N and I: Unknown; REG (1995): Edward T Connors, Jackson, NJ. Fls 10/dome truss, broadly funnel-campanulate, moderately scented, 3.5" across x 2.5" long, with 6 slightly wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (63A) in bud, opening inside near white with c 0.3" wide (63A) margins and sparse (63A) dorsal spotting; outside (63A). Calyx < 0.1", green, covered with white hairs. Truss 6" wide x 6". Lvs held 2-3 years, elliptic, flat, broadly acute apex, rounded base, 4.75" x 2.2", dull, moderate olive green (147A) above, with fine white hairs on new growth. Shrub 2.75' tall x 4' wide c 9 years from cutting, dense habit, moderately floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -5F. Mid May.
'Ruth Tracy': Elepidote. ( williamsianum x 'Vera Elliott'). H (1980), G, and described: Walt Elliott; N and REG (1995): Art Tracy; both Shelton, WA. Fls 8-10/ball truss, open funnel-shaped, 2" across x 1.5" long, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong yellowish pink (38A) in bud, opening strong pink (48D) with moderate pink (35D) throat. Calyx 0.75", moderate yellowish pink (38B). Truss 4" wide x 3". Lvs held 2 years, ovate, flat, broadly acute apex, rounded base, 4" x 2", dull, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 3' tall x 5' wide 10 years from cutting, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 10F. Mid to late April.
'Sweet Dreams': Elepidote. ('Nancy Evans' x 'Pink Petticoats'). H (1988), G (1991), N, I (1995), and REG (1995): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 25/ball truss, open funnel-shaped, 2.5" across x 1.75" long, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong red (53C) in bud, opening deep purplish pink (55A) at edges, fading to pale purplish pink (56C) inside with upper lobe flushed pale yellow (20D); strong red (53C) nectaries. Calyx 0.75" long, moderate pink (49B) with two strong red (53C) spots on front. Truss 5.5" wide x 5.5". Lvs held 2 years, narrowly elliptic, flat, acute apex, cuneate base, 4.5" x 1.5"; dull, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 3' tall x 3' wide 6 years from seed, open habit, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 3°F. Mid to late May.
'Wax Red': Elepidote. (Unknown, but probably maximum x possibly 'America'). H (pre 1972), G (c l976), N, and I: Eugene A Skonieczny, Kensington, CT; REG (1995): August E Kehr, Hendersonville, NC. Fls 14-18/dome truss, open funnel-shaped, 3" across x 2" long, of heavy substance, with 5 smooth-edged lobes; strong red (46A). Calyx lacking. Truss 4.5" wide x 5". Lvs elliptic, concave, acute apex, rounded base, 5"-6" x 1.75"-2.25", dull, deep green above, bullate with deep indentations at midrib and side veins. Shrub 5' tall x 3.5' wide 15 years from cutting, moderately floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. Early May.
'Winnie Cranstoun': Elepidote. (Unknown parentage). H (c l985): Unknown; G (c l990), N and REG (1995): Donald Cranstoun, Lawrenceville, NJ. Fls c l2/dome truss, open funnel-shaped, 7-lobed, 3.5" across x 2.6" long; pale purplish pink (56C) margins, shading lighter to star-shaped center flushed pale yellow green (4D), and with a flare of strong red (46A) and brilliant greenish yellow spots on dorsal and edges of two adjacent lobes, extending from throat to within 0.6" of margins; outside pale purplish pink (56D) with narrow bands of strong to light purplish pink (55B-C) on midribs. Truss 7" wide x 7". Lvs elliptic, flat, broadly acute apex, oblique base, 5.75" x 2.4". Shrub 4' tall x 4' wide in c 10 years, moderately floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -10F. Mid May. (Blue ribbon, Princeton Chapter ARS show, 1993)
* The following unregistered name appears as a parent in the above listing: Catfortcampy Group: Gable hybrid, [( catawbiense x fortunei ) x campylocarpum ]
'Cinnamon Bear':
Correct parentage is (
'Koichiro Wada' x
AM 1939). (cf.
Journal ARS, Vol. 43, No. 2, Spring 1989)