of Slave Narratives
Access the Appalachian
Narrative List
Photographs of
Read 3 Appalachian Slave
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& Livestock Production
How to Access Slave
Narratives Online
This is a copyrighted document from the
electronic archive for Wilma A. Dunaway, Slavery and Emancipation in the Mountain
South: Evidence, Sources, and Methods, Virginia Tech Library.
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Description of Appalachian
Slave Narratives
of Origin or Residence
Gender of slave
Age of
slave at beginning of Civil War
of WPA Interviewers
of Appalachian Narratives with the Entire WPA Collection
the List of Narratives

County of Origin
or Residence
Appalachian Counties of: |
Number Slave Narratives |
Alabama |
32 |
Georgia |
45 |
Kentucky |
26 |
Maryland |
13 |
North Carolina |
13 |
South Carolina |
2 |
Tennessee |
57 |
Virginia |
80 |
West Virginia |
25 |
Total Narratives |
293 |
Age of Slave at Beginning of Civil
Age of Ex-Slave in 1861 |
% All Narratives |
9 or younger |
27% |
10 to 15 |
40% |
16 to 25 |
21% |
26 or older |
12% |
Gender of Slaves
Gender of Ex-slave |
% All Narratives |
Female |
45% |
Male |
55% |
Who interviewed
the ex-slave in the 1930s?
Ethnicity of Interviewer |
% All Narratives |
White |
36% |
Black |
64% |
Comparison of
Appalachian Narratives with the Entire WPA Collection
Appalachian slave narratives are not handicapped by the kinds of
shortcomings that plague the national WPA collection. Large plantations, males, and house
servants are over-represented among the entire universe of respondents. In addition,
two-fifths of the ex-slaves had experienced less than ten years of enslavement. The most
serious distortions derived from the class and racial biases of whites who conducted the
vast majority of the interviews.
The Southern Mountain narratives were collected over a vast land area in
nine states. Thus, the significant distances between respondents offer opportunities for
comparison and for testing the widespread transmission of African-American culture.
By checking the slave narratives against Census manuscripts and slave
schedules, I established that the vast majority of the Appalachian narratives were
collected from individuals who had been enslaved on plantations that held fewer than
twenty slaves.
Most of the Appalachian respondents had been field hands, and very few
were employed full-time as artisans or domestic servants. In terms of gender
differentiation, the Appalachian sample is almost evenly divided.
In contrast to the entire WPA collection, three-quarters of the
Appalachian ex-slaves were older than ten when freed. Indeed, when emancipated, one-third
of the Southern Mountain respondents were sixteen or older, and 12 percent were 25 or
older. Thus, the vast majority of the Appalachian ex-slaves had endured fifteen years or
more of enslavement, and they were old enough to form their own memories and to retain
family oral histories.
Perhaps the greatest strength of the Appalachian collection has to do
with the ethnicity of interviewers. Nearly two-thirds of the Appalachian narratives
were written by the ex-slaves themselves or collected by black field workers. Many
Tennessee and Georgia interviews were conducted under the auspices of Fisk University and
the Atlanta Urban League, and all of the Virginia WPA interviews were conducted by black
interviewers from Hampton Institute.

Slave Narratives and Photographs 
To access these files, you will need Acrobat
Reader 3 which you can download free.

Access Slave Narrative List
Photographs of Ex-Slaves
Source: Federal Writers Project, National Archives
To view the full photo image on your screen, click "View" on
the Acrobat Reader menu, then "Fit in Window."
Delia Garlic Oliver Bell Sarah Gudger
You can access
additional photos at the Library of Congress website.
Read Three Slave Narratives Online 
Thomas Cole (northern Alabama)
Rachel Cruze (east Tennessee)
Sarah Gudger (western North Carolina)
Source: Federal Writers Project, National Archives
How to Access Slave Narratives Online
The WPA Collection of Slave
Narratives is now online at the Library of Congress website, so you will be able to
access most of the Appalachian narratives at that site.
Greenwood Press has posted the entire WPA
collection online; however, a subscription fee is required.
narratives are now online at the University
of North Carolina. However, I have not yet found any additional Appalachian narratives
in that collection.