Server-Side Includes are a set of commands that can be
embedded in specialized HTML comments. These specialized
comments are parsed by the web server, which examines every
line of every html document delivered to an end user, and
replaces these commands with the appropriate output. Note
that to use Server-Side Includes, your web server must have
support for them compiled in, and must be configured to allow
their use. In some environments, files must be named with the
extension .shtml or .shtm to be parsed, in our environment
these extensions are not neccessary and are not supported,
use the regular extension .html instead.
Server-side includes can be used to include separate
files, to output variables such as the last modified time as
part of a page, and even to add some intelligence to the page
(i.e. if this condition exists, display this message, if not,
display another message.). The advantage of using Server-Side
Includes is that all of the inclusions and transformations
involved take place on the server (hence server-side),
so that the end user sees only finished HTML documents.
For our purposes, we're only concerned with two commands:
<!--#include --> and <!--#echo -->.
<!--#include -->
This directive is used to include in its entirety the
contents of another file (usually a text or html file). The
included file may contain server-side directives of its
own, i.e. a header for a small group of pages may include
the header for a larger group to which the pages
Example 1 |
Sample Code |
<!--#include virtual="includes/example1.html"
--> |
What It Looks Like |
At last, the chewy center...
Here's the source of example1.html
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#18DE1F" align=center> </td>
<td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#DED711" align=center> </td>
<td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#DED711" align=center> </td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align=center>
<!-- now we include another file -->
<!--#include virtual="/staff/handbook/skills/ssi/includes/example2.html" -->
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#1CDE20" align=center> </td>
As you can see, example1.html includes another file.
Here's the source of the second file:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#18DE1F" align=center> </td>
<td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#DED711" align=center> </td>
<td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#DED711" align=center> </td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align=center>
At last, the chewy center...
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#1CDE20" align=center> </td>
<!--#echo -->
The <!--#echo --> directive allows us to display
the contents of a variable within a page. We can define our
own variables if we like, but more commonly we use
predefined variables set by the web server itself.
Example 2 |
Sample Code |
This page was last modified on:<br>
<!--#echo var="LAST_MODIFIED" -->
<p>You are connecting from:<br>
<!--#echo var="REMOTE_HOST" -->
What It Looks Like |
This page was last modified on:
Monday, 20-Aug-2001 14:27:32 EDT
You are connecting from:
For a more thorough reference on Server-Side Includes,
consult one of the following pages: