Town, Tech schedule Retire
Blacksburg '96By Clara B. Cox
Spectrum Volume 18 Issue 26 - April 4, 1996
Building on its designation by Rand McNally as one of the top retirement communities in the nation, the Town of Blacksburg and the Greater Blacksburg Chamber of Commerce, working with Virginia Tech, will hold their second annual event to draw retirees to the community-Retire Blacksburg 96-on June 6-9.
The weekend will begin with a Thursday evening reception, followed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday by seminars, discussions, exhibits, and tours. On Friday night the featured event will be a home hospitality dinner with local citizens hosting guests at various locations throughout the town. A dinner and entertainment for participants has been scheduled for Saturday night.
"What a marvelous way to evaluate an area. Every aspect of life was covered, and this opportunity to meet and socialize with residents was unequaled. Something this extensive is totally unheard of in any town," said a participant at last year's event.
A registration fee of $150 will cover all seminar materials, planned tours, breakfasts, Friday lunch, and Saturday dinner and entertainment. Participants will also receive "Blacksburg Bucks," which can be used for other meals and recreational fees.
For additional information call 1-800-288-4061, send an e-mail message to ; send a fax to 1-9886, or write Retire Blacksburg, Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0104.