QBARS - v16n4 Citation for David G. Leach

Citation for David G. Leach
Read by Mr. David Mink, Curator Pennsylvania Horticultural Society

It is the custom of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society each year to present one or more certificates of Merit to either an organization or individual who has made an outstanding contribution in the field of Horticulture. This year, 1962, the Society decided to make three such awards, two of which were presented at the Annual Spring lunch, one to Longwood Gardens, Kennet Square and one to the Neighborhood Garden Association of Philadelphia.

This evening it is our great pleasure to present number three of these awards to a man who has done outstanding work with the genus Rhododendron , David G. Leach of Brookville, Pa. widely known to all of you for his successful experiments in growing and hybridizing rhododendrons in his somewhat unfavorable climate of Western Pennsylvania and regarded as an authority in both America and England. He has lectured extensively on the subject and written articles for journals,  magazines and newspapers. In his breeding program he strives for hardiness, clean color, flower substance, plant form and year round attractiveness. Because rhododendrons are so versatile as garden plants, the contributions of Mr. Leach are of especial interest but, of particular significance is his comprehensive work, "Rhododendrons of the World" which is being acclaimed as a reference book for everyone. It covers planting, care, diseases, propagation, forcing, greenhouse cultures and hardiness. It gives the history of rhododendrons, their distribution over the world and plant anatomy and adaptability for garden use. This great work is profusely illustrated, has a detailed listing of 148 species and is not only practical for Mr. Average Gardener but should be an invaluable reference book for nurserymen, landscape architects and horticulturists.

And now to David G. Leach who has made such an outstanding contribution to horticulture it is my great pleasure to present this certificate of Merit of the Pennsylvania Horticulture Society. The citation on the Award reads as follows: To David G. Leach for his personal devotion to investigation, research and development in the genus Rhododendron and for his comprehensive book, "Rhododendrons of the World" and how to grow them.