JARS v40n2 - In Memoriam: Donald McClure

In Memoriam: Donald McClure
Bob Badger, Kent, Washington

Some thirty-five or more years ago, Don McClure became enthused about growing, collecting and improving rhododendrons. This led to his joining the Seattle Rhododendron Society. He held almost every elected position in the Seattle Chapter. He also volunteered to head almost every committee and rhododendron show he was able to work on over the years. He was a National American Rhododendron Society Director. The National Society awarded him the Gold Medal for his outstanding contributions to the Genus.

A banker by profession and a conservative by nature, his greatest love was to interest others in selecting the finest of the rhododendron species and hybrids for their own, to enjoy in their personal gardens. He wanted the Annual May Show to be the largest and best in the country. He always wanted the best and most glorious trusses and plants to win ribbons and trophies. He recognized that the best way to get a gardener to become an ARS member was to show that person a huge, opulent truss of rhododendron flowers of a new variety and then suggest that if that person became an ARS member that he or she would find out where and how to get a plant for their own garden.

We shall miss Don, but remember him well.