JOTS v24n1 - Guidelines for Authors
These guidelines reflect the commitment and interest of the Board of Editors to assist authors in developing their manuscripts to meet the standards of excellence that have been established for The Journal of Technology Studies . In doing so, we provide an open forum to exchange relevant ideas. Members of Epsilon Pi Tau, the journal's sponsor, and non-member friends in the technology and related professions are invited to submit manuscripts.
Authors should consider the Honorary's broadly conceived purposes. They are to:
- promote the values and contributions of professionals in technology;
- provide a medium for the professional development and recognition of individual members for leadership and achievement;
- enhance the status of the practitioners and the professions in technology;
- foster and encourage the acceptance among its members of the ideals of technical competence, social proficiency, and research; and
- advance understanding, appreciation, and awareness of technology as both an enduring and influential human endeavor and an integral element of culture.
These undergird the Honorary's mission of leadership and leadership development in the professions in technology. Therefore, topics should contribute to the fulfillment of this mission and be consistent with one or more of these.
General Requirements
Although sponsored by Epsilon Pi Tau, membership status plays no role whatsoever in the review, acceptance, rejection, or editorial interaction with prospective authors.
Prepare manuscript on a word-processing program. Macintosh-compatible programs are preferred. However, other PC-compatible programs will be accepted. Submit three double-spaced hard copies and a diskette. These items are non-returnable.
For full-length articles, the manuscript should:
- represent professional-level scholarly writing. Previous issues of the journal should be reviewed to ascertain the journal's standards.
- conform to the standards of form and style as specified in the Publication Manual, 4th Edition, 1994, of the American Psychological Association (APA).
- not have been published in any form prior to scheduled publication in The Journal of Technology Studies. If manuscript is under consideration by another publication, this fact must be clearly communicated to the editor of The Journal of Technology Studies .
- cover the topic adequately within approximately 15-20 pages, double spaced (3,500 to 5,000 words) including reference lists.
- be organized properly and, if included, figures, tables, photos, or artwork must be of acceptable quality for reproduction and printing and meet the above mentioned APA standards.
The journal's IDEAS section provides an outlet for submitted shorter manuscripts or selected longer submissions reduced to appear in the section. The standards and requirements listed above pertain to such articles except for length. IDEAS submissions should be 10 or less pages, no more than 2,000 words, including reference lists.
Send manuscripts and other inquiries to:
The Editor
Journal of Technology Studies
P.O. Box 12332
La Jolla, CA 92039-2332