JOTS v24n1 - Editor of Publications
Editor of Publications
To effect leadership in the 21st century, Epsilon Pi Tau is responding to increasing internationalization and diversity of its membership. To accomplish this, there is a need to ensure that quality and effective Epsilon Pi Tau services are continued in this context of change. Epsilon Pi Tau publications constitute a major service element, and a new editor of publications will have imagination, energy, creativity, a record of demonstrated editorial expertise, experience in a technology profession, a record of successful administrative leadership or demonstrated potential for such leadership, and a general knowledge about the professional fields devoted to preparation in, and practice of, technology.
The Board of Directors is seeking to establish a long-term relationship with an individual who will be appointed Editor of Publications. This person will be expected to:
- Conceptualize and lead the implementation of the publication program described above;
- Evaluate the existing publication program and conceptualize, propose, and submit for approval of the Board of Directors a publications program that may include journal(s), newsletter(s),Website(s), Web news dissemination, and other forms of communications;
- Establish a publication schedule and administer a budget;
- Implement and maintain solicitation efforts for articles and items for each publication/communication mode;
- Maintain, monitor, and assure quality of writing and scholarship;
- Establish, administer, and supervise publications system, and also undertake, as needed to supplement staff work, such activities as preliminary manuscript review and the variety of editing tasks required to produce the publication; and
- Represent Epsilon Pi Tau in general and the Epsilon Pi Tau publications effort in particular at appropriate domestic and international conferences.
The following is extracted from the Code of Epsilon Pi Tau and covers the responsibilities of the current position and, aside from the expanded responsibilities described above, will apply to the position that will be filled:
The Board may appoint an Editor of Publications who will report to the Executive Director and will be responsible for the publications emanating from the International Office. The Editor of Publications shall:
Select qualified personnel from the Honorary's fields of interest to serve on the Board of Editors for the Journal of Technology Studies, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Establish a system for and assert leadership in selecting, reviewing, and refereeing manuscripts for publication in the Journal of Technology Studies and reviewing, editing, assembling, and arranging for publication of the Journal of Technology Studies, the newsletter "Quote/Unquote" and such other pamphlets and brochures that may be authorized for publication by the Board of Directors.
Be responsible for recruiting, training, and supervising the personnel necessary to produce publications such as copy editors, proofreaders, desktop publishers and propose specifications and contracts and supervise their proper and economical accomplishment by printers and other providers of media and electronic communications.
Applications should include a brief letter of interest along with a curriculum vita. A brief statement (no more than 2 pages and 600 words) must also be included. This statement will demonstrate the candidate's grasp of Epsilon Pi Tau's role and mission and convey the candidate's concepts for a comprehensive visionary, cost-effective, creative publications program that will serve and be attractive to the diverse membership of the honorary, serve the professions of technology, and meet the traditional high quality standards of Epsilon Pi Tau. Suggestions for means to implement such a program should also be included.
Inquiries and applications should be sent to:
Dr. Jerry Streichler, Executive Director
P.O Box 12332
La Jolla, CA 92039-2332