JVER v25n3 - Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Debra D. BraggToward a More Unified Education: Academic and Vocational Integration in Illinois Community Colleges
Debra D. Bragg and William M. Reger IVA Comparison of Selected Outcomes of Secondary Tech Prep Participants and Non-Participants in Texas
Carrie H. BrownRevisiting Applied Academics: A Review of a Decade of Selected Literature
Donna E. DareHigh Schools That Work and Tech Prep: Improving Student Performance in Basic Skills
Jim FlowersCounselor Involvement in Professional Development and Preparedness for Roles in Tech Prep
Paula A. Puckett and Debra D. BraggBook Essay: Kliebard, Herbert M. (1999). Schooled to Work: Vocationalism and the American Curriculum, 1876-1946
William M. Reger IVThe Journal of Vocational Education Research (JVER) is published four times a year and is an official publication of the American Vocational Education Research Association ( AVERA ). AVERA was organized in 1966 and strives to: (a) stimulate research and development activities related to vocational education, (b) stimulate the development of training programs designed to prepare persons for responsibilities in vocational education research, (c) foster a cooperative effort in research and development activities with the total program of vocational education, other areas of education and other disciplines, and (d) facilitate the dissemination of research findings and diffusion of knowledge.