Digitized Rare Books

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Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery in all its Branches . Philadelphia: J.E. Potter, 1860.
TX717.A189_1860 -
Adams, Abby Merrill. Sense in the Kitchen: a Guide to Economical Cooking. Syracuse, N.Y.: A.S. Hunter, 1884.
TX715.A13_1884 -
Allen, Ida Cogswell Bailey. Ida Bailey Allen's Modern Cook Book: 2500 Delicious Recipes; Formerly Published as Mrs. Allen on Cooking, Menus Service. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Pub. Co., [c1924].
TX715.A44322_1924 -
American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. Planning Industrial Arts Facilities, editor: Ralph K. Nair. Bloomington, Ill. : [The Council ; distributed by McKnight & McKnight, c1959].
T61.A56_1959 -
American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. Evaluation Guidelines for Contemporary Industrial Arts Programs, editors: Lloyd P. Nelson, Willliam T. Sargent. Bloomington, Ill.: The Council; distr. by McKnight & McKnight, c1967.
T61.A56_1967 -
American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. A Historical Perspective of Industry, Joseph F. Luetkemeyer, Jr., editor. Bloomington, Ill.: McKnight & McKnight, 1968.
T61.A56_1968 -
American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. Industrial Arts for Disadvantaged Youth: an Analysis of the Individual, His Meaningful Adjustment to Life and Society and the Function of Industrial Arts, Ralph O. Gallington, editor. Bloomington, Ill.: McKnight & McKnight, 1970.
T61.A56_1970 -
American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. Industrial Arts for the Early Adolescent, Daniel L. Householder, editor. Bloomington, Ill.: American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education; distributed by McKnight & McKnight, c1972.
T61.A56_1972 -
American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. Future Alternatives for Industrial Arts, edited by Lee H. Smalley. Bloomington, Ill.: American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 1976.
T61.A56_1976 -
American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. The Contributions of Industrial Arts to Selected Areas of Education. Bloomington, Ill.: American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education; distributed by McKnight & McKnight, 1982.
T61.A56_1982 -
American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. The Dynamics of Creative Leadership for Industrial Arts Education, edited by Robert E. Wenig and John I. Matthews. Bloomington, Ill.: McKnight Pub. Co., 1983.
T61.A56_1983 -
Approaches and Procedures in Industrial Arts , edited by G. S. Wall. Bloomington, Ill. : McKnight and McKnight, 1965.
T61.A56_1965 -
Atkinson, Edward. The Science Of Nutrition. Boston: Damrell & Upham, 1896, c1892.
Baldwin, Helen Rich. Nutrition and Health, with Twenty Suggested Lessons for Nutrition Classes. New York: The Borden Company, c 1924.
RJ206.B36_1924 -
Barrows, Anna. Principles of Cookery. Chicago: American School of Home Economics, 1907.
TX651.B2_1907 -
Beecher, Mrs. Henry Ward, Motherly Talks with Young Housekeepers. New York: J.B. Ford, 1873.
TX9.B41_1873 -
Beecher, Catharine Esther. Miss Beecher's Domestic Receipt Book: Designed as a Supplement to Her Treatise on Domestic Economy. New York: Harper, 1857, c1846.
TX715.B414M67_1857 -
Beeton, Mrs. (Isabella Mary). All About Cookery: a Collection of Practical Recipes. London, New York: Ward, Lock, Bowden, 1900.
TX717.B448_1900 -
Beeton, Mrs. (Isabella Mary). Mrs. Beeton's Cookery Book: All about Cookery, Household Work, Marketing, Trussing, Carving, etc. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1915.
TX717.B448_1915 -
Beeton, Mrs. Isabella M. Mrs. Beeton's Cookery Book. London: Ward, Lock [1925?].
TX717.B448_1925 -
Beeton, Mrs. The Book of Household Management. London: Ward, Lock and Co., [1878?].
TX717.B4_1878 -
Bevier, Isabel. Home Economics in Education. Philadelphia, London [etc]: J. B. Lippincott Company [c1924].
TX165.B48_1924 -
Blits, H. I. Professor H. I. Blits' Methods of Canning Fruits and Vegetables by Hot Air and Steam. [New York: The Author?,] c1890.
TX603.B58_1890 -
Blyth, Alexander Wynter. Foods: Their Composition and Analysis.. London: C. Griffin & Company, Limited, 1903.
TX531.B49_1903 -
Boland, Mary A. A Handbook of Invalid Cooking, for the Use of Nurses in Training-schools, Nurses in Private Practice, and Others Who Care for the Sick. New York: Century, 1897, c1893.
RM219.B64_1897 -
Bomberger, Maude A. Colonial Recipes, from Old Virginia and Maryland Manors, with Numerous Legends and Traditions Interwoven. New York: The Neale Pub. Co., 1907.
TX715.B695_1907 -
Bradley, Alice. Electric Refrigerator Menus and Recipes. Cleveland: General Electric Co., 1927.
TX715.B72_1927 -
Broughton, Alice C. Household Arts and School Lunches. Cleveland, O.: The Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, 1916.
Caldwell, Abigail B. Mrs. Caldwell's Cook Book: Containing 500 Economical Receipts with Complete Index. New York: J.H. Sears & Co., c1925.
TX715.C128_1925 -
Campbell, Helen. Household Economics, a Course of Lectures in the School of Economics of the University of Wisconsin. New York: Putnam, 1897, c1896.
TX145.C36_1897 -
Carpenter, Frank O. Foods and Their Uses. New York: C. Scribner 1907.
TX355.C33_1907 -
Carter, Herbert S. compiler. Diet Lists of the Presbyterian Hospital, New York City. Philadelphia, London: W.B. Saunders Co., 1913.
RM216.C27_1913 -
Carter, Herbert S., Paul E. Howe, and Howard H. Mason. Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics. Philadelphia, Lee & Febiger, [1923].
RM216.C3_1923 -
Chase, A. W. Dr. Chase's Recipes, or, Information for Everybody. Ann Arbor, MI: Published by the author, 1866.
TX153.C49_1866 -
Chicago Dietetic Association. Recipes for Institutions, Collected and Edited by the Chicago Dietetic Association, Inc. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1922.
TX820.C5_1922 -
Christian, Eugene. Encyclopedia of Diet : a Treatise on the Food Question : in five volumes. V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 . New York City: Corrective Eating Society, Inc., 1917, c1914.
RM216.C5_V.5 -
Church of the Ascension. Snap Shots at Cookery. Buffalo: Peter Paul & Son, 1909.
TX715.S667_1909 -
Coles. L. B. The Philosophy of Health. Boston: Pub. by the author, 1850.
RA776.C714_1850 -
The Complete Cook. Plain and Practical Directions for Cooking and Housekeeping; with Upwards of Seven Hundred Receipts. Philadelphia: W.A. Leary, 1849.
TX715.C543_1849 -
A Complete Course in Canning. Baltimore, Md.: From the Press of the Canning Trade, c1919.
TX603.C65_1919 -
Competency-based Industrial Arts Teacher Education , edited by Jack C. Brueckman and Stanley E. Brooks. Bloomington, Ill.: American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 1977.
T61.A56_1977 -
Components of Teacher Education: with Special Emphasis upon the Technologies of Content and Method / edited by Willis E. Ray and Jerry Streichler. Bloomington, Ill. : McKnight & McKnight, 1971.
T61.A56_1971 -
Congressional Club. The Congressional Club Cook Book; Favorite National and International Recipes. Washington, D.C. : Congressional Club, 1927.
TX715.C755 -
Conley, Emma. Principles of Cooking: a Textbook in Domestic Science. New York: American Book Co., c.1914.
TX663.C665_1914 -
Cooley, Anna M. Household Arts for Home and School. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1920.
TX167.C75_1920 -
Cooper, Lenna F. Nutrition in Health and Disease for Nurses. Philadelphia, Montreal [etc.]: J.B. Lippincott Company [c1933].
RM216.C68_1933 -
Cornelius, Mrs. (Mary Hooker). The Young Housekeeper's Friend. Boston: Taggard & Thompson, 1864.
TX715.C8_1864 -
Corson, Juliet. Miss Corson's Practical American Cookery and Household Management. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, c1885.
TX715.C843_1885 -
The Cosmopolitan Cook and Recipe Book: Containing Recipes for the Preparation of American, French, German, English, Irish, and Other National Dishes. [Buffalo, N.Y.? : Dingens Bros.?], 1890, c1882 (Buffalo, N.Y. : E.H. Hutchinson & Co.).
TX725.A1_C585_1890 -
Cox, Henry Edward. The Chemical Analysis of Foods. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1926.
TX545.C68_1926 -
Cramp, Helen. The Institute Cook Book: Planned for a Family of Four. Philadelphia, Pa.: Pub. For International Institute, c1913.
Dennett, Roger H. The Healthy Baby; the Care and Feeding of Infants in Sickness and in Health. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912.
RJ61.D4_1912 -
The Diamond Cook Book . Compiled from Tested Recipes. Minneapolis, MN: Cream of Wheat Company, 1900
TX809.W45D5_1900 -
Dry Milk Company. Original Diets--Classified and Calculated … New York: The Dry Milk Company [c1926].
Edgeworth, Mary L. The Southern Household Companion, Containing Valuable Information, Original and Otherwise, on All Subjects Connected with Domestic and Rural Affairs. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1878.
TX153.E24_1878 -
Emerson, William R. P. Nutrition and Growth in Children. New York, London: D. Appleton and Company, 1922.
RJ206.E6_1922 -
Epworth League of the First M.E. Church of Barnesville, Ohio. Tried and Approved Recipes. Cincinnati: Monfort & Co., 1907.
TX715.F56_1907 -
Every-day Facts for Every-day Life: a Book for the Household. New York: Dodd and Mead, 1875.
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent. Boston: Little, Brown, 1904.
RM219.F376_1904 -
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. The Boston Cooking-school Cook Book. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1914.
TX715.F234_1914 -
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. The Boston Cooking-school Cook Book. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1923.
TX715.F232_1923 -
Farmer, Fannie Merritt. The Boston Cooking-school Cook Book. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1924.
TX715.F232_1924 -
Faust, Bernhard Christoph. Catechism of Health for the Use of Schools, and for Domestic Instruction. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by William Spotswood, 1795.
RA775.F3_1795 -
Finck, Henry Theophilus. Food and Flavor: a Gastronomic Guide to Health and Good Living. New York: The Century Co., 1913.
TX631.F563_1913 -
First Presbyterian Church (Wausau, Wis.). The Wausau Cook Book: Proved Recipes. Wausau, Wis.: Wausau Sun Print, 1911.
TX715.W337_1911 -
Fisher, Marian Cole. Twenty Lessons in Domestic Science. [S.l. : s.n.], c1916
TX715.F57_1916 -
Fleming, Mrs. Geo. W. Emergency Helps for Housekeepers and Others. Lynchburg, Va.: J.P. Bell, Printers, 1906.
TX158.F53_1906 -
Follett, Ida Lee Rust. Table Decorations and Delicacies: a Complete Hand-book for the Hostess. Philadelphia: The John C. Winston Company [c1914].
TX871.F5_1914 -
Fothergill, J. Milner. A Manual of Dietetics. New York: William Wood, 1886.
RM218.5.F67_1886 -
French Cookery for American Homes: 634 Recipes of Simple and Easy Dishes. New York: A. Wessels, 1901.
TX719.F74_1901 -
Frost, S. Annie. Our New Cook Book and Household Receipts: Carefully Selected and Indexed. Boston: People's Publishing co., c1883.
TX715.S541_1883 -
Fuller, Andrew S. The Grape Culturist: a Treatise on the Cultivation of the Native Grape. New York: O. Judd & Company, c 1867.
Gillette, F. L. The Cabinet Cook Book: Adapted from the White House Cook Book. Springfield, Mass. : Phelps Publishing. Co., [1901].
TX715.G4818_1901 -
Gillette., F. L. The Presidential Cookbook: adapted from the White House Cook Book. Akron, Ohio: Saalfield, 1914, c1901.
TX715.G486 -
Goff, May Perrin. The Household (of the Detroit Free Press): a Cyclopaedia of Practical Hints for Modern Homes…. Detroit: The Detroit Free Press Co., c1881.
TX153.G63_1881 -
Good Housekeeping Institute. Good Housekeeping's Book of Good Meals, How to Prepare and Serve Them. New York: Good Housekeeping, c1927.
TX715.G6245_1927 -
Good Housekeeping's Book of Menus, Recipes, and Household Discoveries. New York: Good Housekeeping [c1922].
TX715.G62_1922 -
Goodfellow, John. The Dietetic Value of Bread. London, New York: Macmillan and Co., 1892.
TX558.B7G66_1892 -
Greer, Carlotta C. A Text-book of Cooking. Boston, New York [etc.]: Allyn and Bacon [c1915].
TX663.G7_1915 -
Greer, Carlotta C. School and Home Cooking. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, c1920.
TX663.G65_1920 -
Greer, Carlotta C. School and Home Cooking. Boston, New York [etc.]: Allyn and Bacon [c1925].
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Mrs. Hale's Receipts for the Million. Philadelphia: T.B. Peterson [c1857].
TX153.H34_1857 -
Hamilton, Alexander V. The Household Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts and Daily Wants. Springfield: W. J. Holland & Co., 1873.
TX153.H22_1873 -
Harbison, Edith Gwendolyn. Low Cost Recipes. Philadelphia: G.W. Jacobs & Co. [1914].
TX715.H257_1914 -
Harland, Marion. 365 Luncheon Dishes: a Luncheon Dish for Every Day in the Year, Selected from Marion Harland, Christine Terhune Herrick, Boston Cooking School Magazine, Table Talk, Good Housekeeping, and Others. Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs & Co., 1902.
TX735.T57_1902 -
Harland, Marion. Common Sense in the Household: a Manual of Practical Housewifery. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1877.
TX715.H28_1877 -
Harland, Marion. Common Sense in the Household: a Manual of Practical Housewifery. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, [1886, c1880].
TX715.H28_1886 -
Harland, Marion. The Cottage Kitchen. A Collection of Practical and Inexpensive Receipts. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1883.
TX715.T346_1833 -
Harland, Marion. Cookery for Beginners, a Series of Familiar Lessons for Young Housekeepers. Boston: D. Lothrop and Co., [c1884]
TX715.T343_1884 -
Harris, Jessie W. and Elisabeth V. Lacey. Everyday Foods. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, [c1927].
TX353.H2_1927 -
Harrison, Grace Clergue. Allied Cookery, British, French, Italian, Belgian, Russian, Arranged by Grace Clergue Harrison and Gertrude Clergue, to Aid the War Sufferers in the Devastated Districts of France. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916.
TX725.H35_1916 -
Henderson, Mary F. Diet for the Sick; A Treatis on the Values of Foods … New York: Harper, 1885.
RM219.H52_1885 -
Henderson, Mary F. Practical Cooking and Dinner Giving: a Treatise Containing Practical Instructions in Cooking. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1886.
TX715.H498_1886. -
Herrick, Christine Terhune. The Chafing-Dish Supper. New York: Scribner's Sons, 1894.
TX825.H5_1894 -
Herrick, Christine Terhune. Consolidated Library of Modern Cooking and Household Recipes. New York: R.J. Bodmer Company, 1905.
TX715.H477_1905 -
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Cooking for Two; a Handbook for Young Housekeepers. [Boston] Little, Brown, and Company, 1909.
TX715.H657_1909 -
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Cooking for Two: a Handbook for Young Housekeepers. Boston: Little, Brown, 1923, c1909.
TX715.H657_1923 -
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Nyal Cook Book, Practical Recipes That Have Been Tested in Actual Use. Detroit: Nyal Company c1916. ([Boston]: Boston Cooking School Magazine Co.)
TX715.H658_1916 -
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-dish Dainties. Boston: Little, Brown, 1899.
TX715.H674_1899 -
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-dish Dainties. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1914, 1918.
TX715.H674_1918 -
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-dish Dainties. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1923 [c1914].
TX715.H674_1923 -
Hill, Sarah C. A Cook Book for Nurses. Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, 1909.
RM219.H65_1909 -
Hirtzler, Victor. The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book. Chicago, ILL: the Hotel Monthly Press, [c1919].
TX715.H723_1919 -
Hogan, Louise E. S. How to Feed Children: a Manual for Mothers, Nurses and Physicians. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1899.
RJ206.H72_1899 -
Holt, L. Emmett. Food, Health and Growth, a Discussion of the Nutrition of Children. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1922.
RJ206.H78_1922 -
Holt, L. Emmett. The Care and Feeding of Children. a Catechism for the Use of Mothers and Children's Nurses. New York: D. Appleton, 1908.
RJ61.H7_1906 -
Hounihan, John Daniel. J.D. Hounihan's Bakers' and Confectioners' Guide and Treasure, a Practical Guide to the Art of Bread, Cracker, Cake and Pastry Baking. Staunton, Va. [c1877].
TX763.H6_1877 -
The Housekeeper’s Helper; Furnishing the Very Best Help in all the Necessities, Intricacies, Emergencies, and Vexations that Puzzle a Housekeeper…. Edgewood Publishing Company, [c1892].
TX145.H68_1892_C2 -
The Housekeeper’s Helper; Furnishing the Very Best Help in all the Necessities, Intricacies, Emergencies, and Vexations that Puzzle a Housekeeper…. New York: Union Publishing House, [c1892].
TX145.H68_1892 -
Housekeeping in the Blue Grass. Edited by the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church, Paris, Ky. Cincinnati: R. Clarke, 1881, c1874.
TX715.H834_1881 -
Howard, Maria Willett. Lowney's Cook Book, Illustrated in Colors…. Boston: the Walter M. Lowney Co., 1912.
TX715.H85_1912 -
Humelberglus Secundus, Dick. Apician Morsels; or, Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder. New York: Printed by J.& J. Harper, etc., 1829
Industrial Arts Education: Retrospect, Prospect , Edited by G. Eugene Martin. Bloomington, Ill.: American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 1979.
T61.A56_1979 -
Industrial Arts in the Open Access Curriculum , Edited by Lowell D. Anderson. Bloomington, Ill.: American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 1978.
T61.A56_1978 -
Industrial Technology Education: Relationships of 4-year Technology Programs with Technical Training, Engineering and Industrial Arts Teacher Education . C. Thomas Dean, editor; Nelson A. Hauer, editor. Bloomington, Ill.: McKnight & McKnight, 1969.
T61.A56_1969 -
An Interpretive History of Industrial Arts: the Interrelationship of Society, Education, and Industrial Arts . Co-editors: Richard Barella, Thomas Wright. Bloomington, Ill.: American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 1981.
Jack, Florence B. The Art of Laundry Work: Practically Demonstrated for Use in Homes and Schools. Edinburgh: T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1895
TT985.J12_1895 -
Jago, William and William C. Jago. The Technology of Bread-making, including the Chemistry and Analytical and Practical Testing of Wheat…. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., Limited. 1911.
TX558.B7.J33_1911 -
Johnson, Doris. Modern Dietetics. New York: Putnam [1951].
RM216.J68_1915 -
Joslin, Elliot Proctor. A Diabetic Manual for the Mutual Use of Doctor and Patient. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1937.
RC909.J78_1937 -
Joslin, Elliott Proctor. The Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1928.
RC660.J6_1928 -
Judson, Charles F. and J. Claxton Gittings. The Artificial Feeding of Infants, Including a Critical Review of the Recent Literature of the Subject. Philadelphia: Lippencott, 1902.
Kellogg, John Harvey. The Itinerary of a Breakfast. New York, London: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1920.
RC861.K45_1920 -
Kellogg, E. E. Science in the Kitchen. Battle Creek, Mich: Health Pub. Co., [c1892].
TX715.K353_1892 -
Kellogg, E. E. Science in the Kitchen. Battle Creek, Mich: Health Pub. Co., [c1892].
TX715.K353_1892 -
Kellogg, E. E. Science in the Kitchen. Chicago, Ill: Mocern Medicine Pub.. Co., 1893, c1892.
TX715.K353_1893 -
Kellogg, John Harvey. The New Dietetics; a Guide to Scientific Feeding in Health and Disease. Battle Creek, Mich., The Modern Medicine Pub. Co., 1927.
RM216.K55_1927 -
Kephart, Horace. Camp Cookery. New York: Outing Pub. Co., 1910.
TX823.K3_1910 -
Kettilby, Mary. A Collection of Above Three Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Physick, and Surgery. London: printed for Mary Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin ..., 1728.
TX151.K48_1728 -
Kinne, Helen. Foods and Household Management; a Textbook of the Household Arts. New York: Macmillan, 1914.
TX145.K5_1914 -
Kitchiner, William. Apicius Redivivus. The Cook’s Oracle. London: A. Constable & Co, 1823.
Leach, Albert. Food Inspection and Analysis. New York: John Wiley, 1913.
TX531.L45_1913 -
The League Cook Book . Compiled by Ladies of the School and Civil League, Crewe, Va. Crewe, Va.: The League, [1926?].
TX715.L423_1926 -
Lemery, Louis. A Treatise of all Sorts of Foods, Both Animal and Vegetable: Also of Drinkables. London: W. Innys, T. Longman and T. Shewell, 1745.
TX351.L57_1745 -
Lincoln, Mary J. Boston School Kitchen Text-book: Lessons in Cooking for the Use of Classes in Public and Industrial Schools. Boston: Little, Brown, c1909.
TX663.L73_1909 -
Lincoln, Mary J. The Home Science Cook Book. Boston: Home Science Publishing Company, 1902.
TX715.L734_1902 -
Locke, Edwin A. Food Values; Practical Tables for Use in Private Practice and Public Institutions. New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., 1911.
TX551.L63_1911 -
Lockette, Rutherford E. Industrial Arts in Senior High Schools. Bloomington, Ill.: McKnight Publ. Co. [1973].
MacKenzie, Colin. Five Thousand Receipts in all the Useful and Domestic Arts. Philadelphia: J. Kay, jun., for J. Grigg, U. Hunt [etc.]; New York: O. A. Roorbach, 1827.
TX153.M15_1827 -
MacKenzie, Colin. Mackenzie’s Ten Thousand Receipts in all the Useful and Domestic Arts…. Philadelphia: T. E. Zell, 1867.
TX153.M16_1867 ) -
Mackenzie, James. The History of Health: and the Art of Preserving It. Edinburgh: Printed for W. Gordon, 1760.
RA775.M15_1760 -
Mary Jane's Book of Household Hints. Boston, Mass.: Boston Traveler, 1915.
TX158.M3_1915 -
McCann, Alfred W. The Science of Eating. New York: Truth Pub. Co., c1919.
TX353.M13_1919 -
McCollum, Elmer Verner and Nina Simmonds. Food, Nutrition, and Health. Baltimore, Md.: The authors [c1925].
RM216.M18_1925 -
Mendel, Lafayette B. Changes in the Food Supply and Their Relation to Nutrition. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1916.
TX353.M4_1916 -
Menon. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise, Suivie de l’office. Paris: Libraires Associes, 1786.
TX707.M46_1786 -
Morris, Josephine. Household Science and Arts. New York: American Book Company, c1913.
TX167.M68_1913 -
Morse, John Lovett. Diseases of Nutrition and Infant Feeding. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916, c1915.
RJ216.M67_1916 -
Morse, Sidney. Household Discoveries: an Encyclopaedia of Practical Recipes and Processes. [New York], The Success Company, c1909.
TX145.M82_1909 -
My Favorite Receipt. New York: Royal Baking Powder Co., 1895.
TX715.M965_1895 -
Murrey, Thomas J. Murrey's Salads and Sauces. New York: Chas. T. Dillingham; Boston: Lee & Shepard, c1884.
Neill, E. The Every-day Cook-book and Encyclopedia of Practical Recipes: for Family Use. Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry, 1892.
TX715.N359_1892 -
Neil, Marion Harris. A "Calendar of Dinners" with 615 Recipes: Including the Story of Crisco. Cincinnati: Proctor & Gamble Co., c1915.
TX714.N44_1915 -
Neil, Marion Harris. The Story of Crisco. Cincinnati: Procter & Gamble Co., c1914.
TX714.N44_1914 -
Neil, Marion Harris, ed. Ryzon Baking Book: a Practical Manual for the Preparation of Food Requiring Baking Powder. New York: General Chemical Co., Food Dept., 1917.
TX652.R9_1917 -
Nesbitt, Florence. Household Management. New York: Russell Sage foundation, 1918.
Old housekeeper. The Housekeeper's Assistant, Composed Upon Temperance Principles. Boston: J. Munroe, 1845.
TX715.A44_1845 -
Owens, Frances E. Mrs. Owens' Cook Book and Useful Hints for the Household. Chicago: Household Helps, 1882.
Panton, J. E. (Jane Ellen). From Kitchen to Garret: Hints for Young Householders. London : Ward & Downey, 1890.
TX321.P35_1890 -
Parloa, Maria. Home Economics; a Practical Guide in Every Branch of Housekeeping. New York: Century, 1915 [c1906].
TX145.P26_1915 -
Peters, Lulu Hunt. Diet and Health: with Key to the Calories. Chicago: Reilly and Lee Co., c1918 (1923 printing).
RM216.P5_1918. -
Powell, Ola. Successful Canning and Preserving; Practical Hand Book for Schools, Clubs, and Home Use. Philadelphia, London: J. B. Lippincott Company, [c1917].
TX601.P7 -
Priscilla Publishing Company. Modern Priscilla Home Furnishing Book. Boston: The Priscilla Publishing. Co. [1925],
Richards, Ellen H. The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning: a Manual for House Keepers. Boston: Whitcomb and Barrows, 1907.
TX531.R53_1907 -
Roberts, Lydia J. Nutrition Work with Children. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press [1927].
RJ206.R63_1927 -
Rorer, Sara Tyson Heston. Mrs. Rorer's Philadelphia Cook Book. A Manual of Home Economics. Philadelphia: Arnold and Company, [c1914].
TX715.R815_1914 -
Rorer, Sarah Tyson Heston. Mrs. Rorer's Diet for the Sick; Dietetic Treating of Diseases of the Body, What to Eat and What to Avoid in Each Case, Menu and the Proper Selection and Preparation of Recipes, Together with a Physician's Ready Reference List. Philadelphia: Arnold [c1914].
RM219.R7_1914 -
Rose, Mary Swartz. Feeding the Family. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916.
TX551.R67_1916 -
Rose, Mary Swartz. A Laboratory Hand-book for Dietetics. New York: Macmillan, c1912.
TX551.R7_1912 -
Rose, Mary Swartz. A Laboratory Handbook for Dietitics. New York: The Macmillan Company, [c1921].
TX551.R7_1921 -
Rundell, Maria E. A New System of Domestic Cookery: Founded Upon Principles of Economy. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1844.
TX715.R94_1844b -
Rundell, Maria Eliza Keelby. A New System of Domestic Cookery: Formed Upon Principles of Economy. London: J. Murray, 1816.
Sargent, Charles S. Report on the Forests of North America (Exclusive of Mexico). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1884.
F591.W462_WA_09069 Microfiche Format -
Sherman, Henry C. Chemistry of Food and Nutrition. New York: The Macmillan Company, [c1918].
TX531.S6_1918 -
Sherman, Henry C. Chemistry of Food and Nutrition. New York: The Macmillan Company, [c1911].
TX531.S6_1911 -
Sherman, Henry C. Food Products. New York: Macmillan Company, c1924 (1926 printing).
TX353.S46_1924 -
Sherman, Henry C. Food Products. New York: Macmillan, 1914 (1920 printing).
TX353.S46_1914 -
Sherman, Henry C. Chemistry of Food and Nutrition. New York: Macmillan, 1927, c1926.
TX531.S6_1926 -
Smith, Edward. Foods. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1873.
TX551.S64_1873. -
Smith, Mary Stuart Harrison. Virginia Cookery-book. New York: Harper, 1885.
TX715.S665_1885 -
Spencer, Maryellen. Food in seventeenth-century Tidewater Virginia : a method for studying historical cuisines. 1982.
LD5655.V856_1982.S772 -
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. House and Home Papers. By Christopher Crowfield [pseud.]. Boston: Ticknor and Felds, 1865.
Tanty, Francois. La Cuisine Francaise: French Cooking for Every Home. Chicago: Rand, McNally, 1896.
TX719.T3_1896 -
Technology and Society: Interfaces with Industrial Arts , co-editors, Herbert A. Anderson, M. James Bensen. Bloomington, Ill.: American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, 1980.
T61.A56_1980 -
Telford, Emma Paddock. Good Housekeeper's Cook Book. New York: Cuppies & Leon, c1908.
TX715.T4_1908 -
Thompson, W. Gilman. Practical Dietetics, with Special Reference to Diet in Disease. New York, London: D. Appleton and Company, 1905.
RM216.T46_1905 -
Turner, Alice M. The New England Cook Book: the Latest and Best Methods for Economy and Luxury at Home. Boston: Chas. E. Brown Pub. Co., [c1905].
TX715.T918_1905 -
Twentieth Century Cook Books; an Up-to-date and Skillful Preparation on the Art of Cooking and Modern Candy Making Simplified. Chicago, Ill.: Geographical Pub. Co. [c1921].
TX715.T93_1921 -
Twentieth Century Cook Book. Chicago, Ill.: Compiled and Published by the Geographical Publishing Co., c1925.
TX783.T94_1925 -
Tyson, M. L. The Queen of the Kitchen. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson [c1886].
United States Food Administration. Food Saving and Sharing. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1918.
Van Cleve, B. Frank. Van Cleve's Receipts. Philadelphia: Inquirer Book and Job Printing Office, 1873.
TX153.V23_1873 -
Van Rensselaer, Flora Rose and Helen Canon, compilers. A Manual of Home-making. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1919.
TX145.M35_1919 -
Virginia Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs. Recipes from Old Virginia. Richmond, Va.: Dietz Press, c1946.
Wadhams, Caroline Reed. Simple Directions for the Cook. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1917.
TX651.W2_1917 -
Wallace, Lily Haxworth. The Rumford Complete Cook Book. Providence, R.I.: Rumford Chemical Works, c 1908.
TX715.W23_1908 -
Wallace, Lily Haxworth. The Rumford Complete Cook Book. Providence, R.I.: Department of Home Economics of the Rumford Company, c1918.
TX715.W23_1918 -
Wallace, Lily Haxworth. The Rumford Complete Cook Book. Providence,R.I.: Department of Home Economics of the Rumford Company, 1926. c.1918.
TX715.W23_1925 -
Wallace, Lily Haxworth. The Rumford Complete Cook Book. Providence, R.I.: Department of Home Economics of the Rumford Company, 1926. c.1918.
TX715.W23_1926 -
Wallace, Lily Haxworth. The Rumford Complete Cook Book. Providence, R.I.: Department of Home Economics of the Rumford Company, 1927. c.1918.
TX715.W23_1927 -
Ward, Artemas. The Grocer’s Encyclopedia . New York, 1911.
TX349.W32 -
Webster, A. L., Mrs. The Improved Housewife, or Book of Receipts. Hartford: sold by the Agent, 1847.
TX715.W383_1847 -
Wells, Robert. The Pastrycook & Confectioner's Guide: for Hotels, Restaurants, and the Trade in General, Adapted also for Family Use... . London: Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1889.
TX773.W4457_1889 -
Whitney, A.D.T. Just How: a Key to the Cook-books. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co. [c1895, 1878).
TX715.W55_1885 -
Willard, Florence. Dietetics for High Schools. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1920.
TX551.W6_1920 -
Williams, Henry T. The Ladies' Complete Manual of Home Duties: a Book of the Household. New York: World Manufacturing Co., 1885.
TX153.W54_1885 -
Williams, Mary E. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Cookery; a Textbook of Household Science, for Use in Schools. New York: Macmillan, 1913 [c1901].
TX663.W72 -
Williams, Mary E. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Cookery; a Textbook of Domestic Science for Use in Schools. New York: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., ltd., 1916, 1928.
TX663.W72_1928 -
Williams, William Mattieu. The Chemistry of Cookery. New York: D. Appleton, 1896.
TX651.W47_1896 -
Willich, A. F. M. The Domestic Encyclopaedia; or, A Dictionary of Facts and Useful Knowledge. Philadelphia: W. Y. Birch and A. Small, 1803-1804.
TX11.W54_1803 -
Winton, Andrew Lincoln. Microscopy of Vegetable Foods, with Special Reference to the Detection of Adulteration and the Diagnosis of Mixtures. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1906.
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