ALAN v27n2 - Book Bubbles: Harborside Middle School students' reviews of The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Volume 27, Number 2
Winter 2000

Book Bubbles

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

by Elizabeth Speare Students in Mrs. Judy Lewis' 8th grade class
Harborside Middle School Milford, CT

  • Cynthia Hidalgo "After reading this book, I realized how much of an impact one person can have on your life and how much easier it is to have someone to talk to who understands your problems and can help you sort them out and cope with them."
  • Evan Kimberly "I thought that this book showed how people had trouble fitting in with the crowd in the 1600's. It was a very exciting book."
  • Mike Santava "I enjoyed it when Prudence stiffed her mother by proving she wasn't stupid and read and wrote her name."
  • Laura Ciesla "My favorite character was Kit because she reminded me of myself in many ways. The book showed how back in the 1600's people that were different weren't accepted any more than they are now."
  • Sarah White "Adventure, love, and struggle occurred in this book and it inspired me and it will you, too!"
  • Kristin Gillotti "I think that this book's purpose was to tell all children to show respect and not to stereotype others because of what they believe in."
  • Alexis Rooks "This book has everything a reader needs. Love, action, suspense, drama, and you can hardly tell what will happen next."
  • Amanda Veccharelli "This book taught me a lot about how biased people were about people they didn't know. This was worse than today's world because there were big towns of one religion."

Reference Citation: (2000) "Book Bubbles." The ALAN Review , Volume 27, Number 2, 64.