CATALYST v24n2 - Editor's Page
Editor's Page
Darrel A. Clowes
The last several issues of the Catalyst have explored the various roles and the shifting priorities of CS/CE in the community college. We continue that approach in this issue with two articles on the financing of CS/CE, two articles looking at the clientele of CS/CE, and four articles continuing our exploration of different dimensions of the CS/CE mission. Financing is an increasing concern. Shaoli Wang and the editor teamed to put together an historical perspective on CS/CE financing in the community college. The national pattern is clear. State and local funding is declining; the CS/CE function is becoming less a service and more a profit center. Rhoda Kaufman explores this issue in detail in selected states to present a more focused look. She illustrates the issues raised by various state funding decisions with specific reference to Pennsylvania.
Hazell shares a survey of Canadian postsecondary institutions that illustrates their commitment tooexpanding the CS/CE function and the client group served. Parks and Keim contribute an article describing a study of client service in one small Illinois community. The parallels are enlightening.
Divergent dimensions of the CS/CE mission are explored in four different articles. Trounstine illustrates a service function in her theatre behind bars article -- an inspiring and positive contribution threatened by the bottom-line approach endemic in our society. Kantor exemplifies the pragmatic approach in profit generation as she discusses the need to train the faculty trainers while Oberst describes a training model for citizen leaders. Skean and Scragg describe the benefits to faculty who teach in CS/CE as another dimension of the mission.
With this issue the editorship passes to other hands. This transition marks the end of 17 years of association between the Catalyst and Virginia Tech faculty and graduate students. Charles Atwell served as editor from 1979 to 1986, Bob Sullins from 1986 to 1989, and I from 1990 to 1995. Among the many graduate students and faculty who have contributed to the success of the Catalyst over those years, Debbie Floyd and Marjorie Keatley deserve special acknowledgement. For those of us who have been associated with Virginia Tech and with the Catalyst , I would like to thank the editorial board members, the authors, and the officers of NCCSCE for their support and their contributions. May the next 24 years of the Catalyst be as successful as these first 24.