CJTCS Volume 1997
1997 Articles
- On Limited versus Polynomial Nondeterminism by Uriel Feige and Joe Kilian, 12 March 1997
- On the Hardness of Approximating Max k-Cut and Its Dual by Viggo Kann , Sanjeev Khanna , Jens Lagergren, Alessandro Panconesi , 3 June 1997
- Self-Stabilization by Tree Correction by George Varghese, Anish Arora, and Mohamed Gouda ( Special Issue on Self-Stabilization , Shlomi Dolev and Jennifer Welch editors), 4 November 1997
- Superstabilizing Protocols for Dynamic Distributed Systems by Shlomi Dolev and Ted Herman ( Special Issue on Self-Stabilization , Shlomi Dolev and Jennifer Welch editors), 19 December 1997
- Determinant: Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Complexity by Meena Mahajan and V. Vinay , 31 December 1997
- 1997 Abstracts
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Last modified: Tue Mar 10 18:42:02 CST