CJTCS, CJstruct LaTeX support for readers
Distribution of CJstruct Version 1.1 and supporting materials
The following files were released on 4 April, 1995. Different browsers have different methods for saving, instead of viewing, the files: consult documentation or help for your own browser.
- CJstruct version 1.1 (49,840 bytes)
macro definitions. This single file
is normally installed
(for older
) and as
appear below.
- Sample article for the Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (63,109)
source code to test CJstruct,
producing a document that explains the publication format for
Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science
Normally installed as
- Bibliography (1,143)
Bibliography for the sample article in
Normally installed as
- Figure 1 (9,190)
- Figure for the sample article in encapsulated PostScript format. Normally installed as c9200f1.eps .
Known bugs
Please Register
I have not yet worked out a convenient Web form to help you register your use of CJstruct. Please register by electronic mail to odonnell@cs.uchicago.edu . Please include the following information
- your name
- your place of work
- your e-mail address
- whether you or your library subscribes to the Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science , the Journal of Functional and Logic Programming , or another journal that you expect will use CJstruct
- whether you have installed, or intend to install, CJstruct as a part of your local TeX library
- if so, the name and e-mail address of someone who is responsible for the installation
- your electronic publishing projects, if any
- any other comments about CJstruct or the use you hope to make of it
CJstruct: LaTeX macros supporting structural markup
CJstruct is not intended for use by authors. Authors should use the normal LaTeX / LaTeX2e article.sty / article.cls style definitions. There are separate instructions for authors, and the beginnings of a collection of LaTeX utilities to aid in drafting manuscripts.
CJstruct is required for readers who wish to format articles themselves from published LaTeX source. Readers who only wish to view precompiled articles may ignore CJstruct and fetch precompiled DVI or PostScript versions.
Published articles in the
CJstruct is a collection of macro definitions designed to be used with LaTeX under the name cjstruct.sty , and with LaTeX2e under the name cjstruct.cls .
The right way, through your system administrator
I recommend that you have your system administrator install cjstruct.sty in an appropriate TeX inputs directory, such as /usr/local/lib/tex/inputs , along with other LaTeX library material. Then, your system administrator should create a link to cjstruct.sty with the name cjstruct.cls , in the same or a similar directory, such as /usr/local/lib/tex/inputs2e , containing LaTeX2e material. When CJstruct is installed in this way, assuming that your executable latex command is adjusted to search those library directories, you may format Chicago Journal articles by collecting the appropriate source files into one directory, and executing latex .
The quick, do-it-yourself way
If for some reason you do not install CJstruct centrally, you may also place a copy of, or file system link to, cjstruct.sty / cjstruct.cls , in the same directory with each article source that you wish to format. If you use LaTeX2e , the file must have the name cjstruct.cls ; if you use an older form of LaTeX it must have the name cjstruct.sty . I recommend that you give it both names.
Testing CJstruct
You may test your installation of CJstruct by formatting the sample article provided above. Install the three auxiliary files above in a single directory, under the names cj92-00.tex , cj92-00.bib , and c9200f1.eps . cjstruct.sty / cls must be installed centrally, or in the same directory with the auxiliary files, as described above. Then, invoke LaTeX on the file cj92-00.tex , followed by BIBTeX , followed by LaTeX twice more. On a typical UNIX system the commands look like
See the instructions for readers for a more detailed treatment.latex cj92-00 bibtex cj92-00 latex cj92-00 latex cj92-00
If you do not have the LaTeX macros epsf.sty , which support the inclusion of encapsulated PostScript segments in a LaTeX document, then you will not see the picture in Figure 1 of the sample article. If you have encapsulated PostScript support under another name, or in another form, you may specify that alternative, as described in the detailed instructions .
I am grateful for extensive testing and improvements by Mitchell Marks, a helpful critique by Donald A. Ziff, and suggestions by Joseph Y. Halpern, Mark Hoover, Stuart A. Kurtz, V. T. Raman, and Manuel Chakravarty.
Utilities for authors and readers
Last modified: Wed Mar 6 10:15:44 1996