ElAnt v1n2 - VACANCIES - Possible Job Opening for a Classicist Programmer

Volume 1, Number 2
July 1993


The possibility has recently arisen that we will be able to hire a programmer to port Perseus 2.0 to the PC environment. The target PC delivery software will likely be Toolbook, but other software platforms could be considered. Funding is probable but in part contingent upon identifying a suitable candidate.

This job would involve collaboration between the Perseus Project at Tufts University and the Institute of Academic Technology (IAT) associated with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The programmer would begin work at the IAT in North Carolina, collaborating with the IAT faculty while implementing a preliminary port of Perseus 2.0. The final stages of the work would take place at Tufts University at Medford. Terms of residence at each site are flexible and will depend upon the needs of the project as it evolves. Tufts and the IAT will keep in close contact via network, as well as by frequent site visits.

There are two basic profiles for this programmer, either a very experienced programmer who would be expected to complete the job in six months or someone with solid, but less extensive, programming experience, who could complete the job within a year. The production of a working PC Perseus would be the main goal of this work, but we also hope that this will provide an opportunity for a future classicist to consolidate her/his technological skills and thus enrich her/his subsequent career. Electronic tools will play an ever increasing role in our field, and this job is designed to help increase the number of classicists with advanced skills in this area.

This job will require not only a skillful programming but a developed sense of the pedagogical and research needs of classics. The ideal candidate would be an advanced graduate student with a specialization in Greek literature and civilization, but recent BAs with particularly strong records are encouraged to apply. A solid knowledge of basic Greek would be an invaluable asset.

The stipend is expected to be c. US $25,000 with benefits during the 1993/1994. Work would ideally begin September 1. A prototype PC Perseus should be ready for display at the December 1993 APA/AIA meetings in Washington, DC. The final PC Perseus should be complete in time for the fall 1994 semester.

Candidates should send curricula vitae to:

Gregory Crane,
Department of Classics, Eaton Hall,
Tufts University, Medford,
 MA 02144, U.S.A.
Phone: (617) 495-9025
Fax: (617) 496-8886

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright remains with authors, but due reference should be made to this journal if any part of the above is later published elsewhere.

Electronic Antiquity Vol. 1 Issue 2 - July 1993
edited by Peter Toohey and Ian Worthington
ISSN 1320-3606