ElAnt v1n5 - CASA Directory of Classical Scholars and Research for Higher Degrees at Universities in Sub-Saharan Africa
Compiled and Edited by
W. J. Dominik, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa.Published by the Classical Association of South Africa
Pretoria 1993
This CASA Directory lists classicists and research undertaken for higher degrees at universities in sub-Saharan Africa. The lists of classical scholars include the names of academic staff and their research interests. The lists of research for higher degrees contain the names of candidates and their topics as of 1 March 1993, with an important exception: an asterisk indicates that the candidate's thesis has been submitted and recommended for acceptance during the previous two years up to 1 March 1993. This Directory is intended to cover the period between the twentieth and twenty-first biennial meetings of the Classical Association of South Africa (1993-94).
The Classical Association of South Africa has compiled these lists as an aid to classical scholars and research candidates in Africa and overseas. This Directory is circulated to CASA members at Universities in South Africa and to classics and related departments in other African countries. It is also available for exchange with similar lists compiled by classical associations overseas.
This Directory has been compiled and edited with a view toward uniformity and readability in format and in the designation of names, qualifications, institutions, research interests and topics. In addition, the use of gender-specific (e.g., chairman) and value- laden terms (e.g., silver age) has been avoided. Special thanks are due to L F van Ryneveld (Orange Free State) for checking the final draft of the Directory and to Z N Mchunu for assisting in its preparation.
The editor apologises unreservedly in advance for any errors or omissions and expresses the hope that CASA will undertake to publish an updated and amended edition for 1995-96 that will include classical scholars and research for higher degrees at universities in North Africa. I A E Ismail (Ain Shames, Egypt) and D Konstan (Brown, USA) have already collected some of this information, but it was decided to hold this over until the 1995-96 edition so as not to delay further the publication of the 1993-94 Directory.
Copies of this Directory are available from L F van Ryneveld, Honorary Secretary, CASA, Department of Latin, University of the Orange Free State, P O Box 339, 9300 Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa.
W. J. Dominik e-mail: DOMINIK@mtb.und.ac.za
Department of ClassicsUNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN
Department of Classical LanguagesUNIVERSITY OF FORT HARE
Department of Classical LanguagesUNIVERSITY OF GHANA
Department of ClassicsUNIVERSITY OF IBADAN
Department of Classics
Department of Europe Studies
Department of Classics
Department of Classical LanguagesUNIVERSITY OF THE ORANGE FREE STATE
Department of Greek
Department of Latin
Office of the Dean, Faculty of ArtsUNIVERSITY OF PORT ELIZABETH
Department of Classics and Semitic StudiesUNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA
Department of Ancient Languages
Department of Greek and Latin StudiesRHODES UNIVERSITY
Department of Philosophy and ClassicsUNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA (UNISA)
Department of Classics
Office of the Dean, Faculty of ArtsUNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH
Department of Greek
Department of Latin
Departments of Latin and Classical CultureUNIVERSITY OF TRANSKEI
Department of Classical LanguagesUNIVERSITY OF VENDA
Department of Legal Theory and JurisprudenceUNIVERSITY OF THE WESTERN CAPE
Department of Hellenistic Greek
Department of ClassicsUNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE
Department of Religious Studies, Classics and PhilosophyUNIVERSITY OF ZULULAND
Department of Latin
Academic Staff and Research Interests
BRESLIN, M C (Lecturer)
BA (Hons) (Natal) MA (UNISA)
Greek and Latin language
Office (0140) 892438; fax (0140) 25775Department of Latin, University of Bophuthatswana, Private Bag X2046, 8681 Mmabatho, Bophuthatswana
Telephone (0140) 892438; fax (0140) 25775; telegrams 'Unibo Mmabatho'; telex 3072BPUNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
CUDJOE, R V (Lecturer)
BA (Hons) (Ghana) MA (Ghana) Greek rhetoric; Greek prose panegyric; classical civilisationDE GRAFT-HANSON, J O (Professor; Head of Department; Member, Editorial Board, Museum Africum)
BA (Hons) (London) BA MLitt (Cambridge) Greek drama: tragedy; Latin epic: Vergil; classical civilisationOPEKU, F (Senior Lecturer)
BA (Hons) (London) DipEd (Ghana) PhD (London) Roman education in Africa; the population problem in classical literature; stylistics in classical literatureOSEI, R N (Lecturer)
BA (Hons) (Cape Coast) MA (Cape Coast) Greek and Akan proverbs; Plato and class interests in the Republic; concept in ancient Greek philosophyHigher Degree Candidate and Research Topic
A Comparative Study of Sophocles' King Oedipus and Rotimis' The Gods Are Not to Blame (MA)Department of Classics, University of Cape Coast, Private Post Bag, University Post Office, Cape Coast, Ghana Telephone 24409/24809; telegrams and cables 'University, Cape Coast'; telex 2552, UCC, Ghana
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
ATKINSON, J E (Associate Professor; Member, Editorial Committee, Acta Classica; Editorial Contributor, Akroterion; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia)
BA (Hons) (Durham) HDipLib PhD (Cape Town) Political, economic and social history of the Greek, Roman and Byzantine periods; Curtius Rufus' history of Alexander the Great Office (021) 6502607/2608; ah (021) 6854396; fax (021) 6503726/3918; e-mail atkinson@beattie.uct.ac.zaCHANDLER, C E (Assistant Lecturer)
BA (Hons) MA (Cape Town) Greek and Roman lyric poetry and rhetoric; Roman satire Office (021) 6502612; fax (021) 6503726/3918; e-mail chandler@beattie.uct.ac.zaCOLEMAN, K M (Associate Professor; Professor-elect, Trinity College, Dublin) BA (Cape Town) BA (Hons) (Rhodesia) DPhil (Oxford) Literature and society of the Roman empire; archaeology of the Roman world Office (021) 6502611; ah (021) 644871; fax (021) 6503726/3918; e-mail coleman@beattie.uct.ac.za
HEWETT, M (Senior Lecturer) BA (Hons) BEd STD (Cape Town) Roman-Dutch legal history Office (021) 6502609; ah (021) 7615097; fax (021) 6503726/3918; e-mail hewettml@beattie.uct.ac.za
MEZZABOTTA, M R (Lecturer) BA (Hons) Bristol PGCertEd (London) PhD (Cape Town) Greek drama, Augustan poetry; the role of women in ancient society; ancient veterinary medicine Office (021) 6502610; ah (021) 4344663; fax (021) 6503726/3918; e-mail mezza@beattie.uct.ac.za
SOLOMONS, G (Assistant Lecturer) BA HDE (Cape Town) Latin language teaching Office (021) 6502613; ah (021) 6864275; fax (021) 6503726/3918
WARDLE, D (Lecturer) MA DPhil (Oxford) Suetonius; political and social history of the Roman empire; Roman religion Office (021) 6503986; ah (021) 478168; fax (021) 6503726/3918; e-mail wardled@beattie.uct.ac.za
WHITAKER, R A (Professor; Head of Department; Vice-chair, Classical Association of South Africa; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA (Witwatersrand) MA (Oxford) PhD (St Andrews) Latin love- elegy; Homer and oral poetry; comparative literature; Roman- Dutch legal history Office (021) 6502607/2608; ah (021) 6855740; fax (021) 6503726/3918; e-mail whitr@beattie.uct.ac.za
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
HASTINGS, I A *The Politics of Public Records at Rome in the Late Republic and Early Empire (MA) Justin's History of Alexander the Great (PhD)
HERMANS, M *An Examination of Polybius' Theory of Anacyclosis (MA)
JACKSON, J L Suetonius' Life of Caligula (PhD)
LEARY, T J Martial's Apophoreta: An Introduction, Translation and Commentary (PhD)
PARKER, G R An Examination of the Literary Purpose of the Prose Prefaces to Martial's Epigrams and Statius' Silvae (MA)
CHANDLER, C E Luxury as a Theme in Roman Love Elegy (MA) Epicurean Rhetoric: The Volumina Rhetorica of Philodemus (PhD)
MUNRO, M Violence in the Early Roman Empire (MA)
RILEY, F R Diet and Nutrition as Factors Contributing to the Increase in Population and Economic Prosperity in Crete in the Bronze Age (PhD)
SHARLAND, S J *An Examination of Captatio in Its Social, Legal and Literary Context Under the Early Roman Empire (MA) The Influence of the Moralizing Genres of Folktale and Diatribe on Roman Satire (PhD)
Department of Classics, 5 University Avenue, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, 7700 Rondebosch, Republic of South Africa Telephone (021) 6502611; fax (021) 6503726/3918; telegrams 'Alumni'; telex 521439
Department of Classical Languages
Academic Staff and Research Interests
BOTHA, A D (Senior Lecturer) BA (Hons) MA (Pretoria) Virgil; historiography Office (031) 8202228; ah (031) 751072; fax (031) 8202383
JACKSON, L J (Lecturer; Exchanges Editor, Scholia) BA (Hons) (Orange Free State) MA DLitt (Port Elizabeth) Greek literature; Greek drama Office (031) 8202703; ah (031) 724076; fax (031) 8202383
MATIER, K O (Professor; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA (Cape Town) MA (Hons) (Aberdeen) PhD (Rhodes) Catullus; Horace; Roman satire; imperial epic, especially Silius Italicus Office (031) 8202343; ah (031) 862727; fax (031) 8202383
SOMAROO, H (Lecturer) BA (Hons) MA (Durban-Westville) Neoteric poetry; literary theory and the classics; oral poetry; Pythagoras, Plato, scepticism, cynicism, stoicism and comparison with the Indian philosophic tradition; ancient Greek modes and parallels with Indian classical music Office (031) 8202520; ah (031) 848491; fax (031) 8202383
WATSON, A J M W (Lecturer; Vice-chair, CASA Natal Branch) BA (Hons) MA (Witwatersrand) Roman history: late republic and early empire Office (031) 8202704; ah (031) 7053739; fax (031) 8202383
Higher Degree Candidate and Research Topic
SOMAROO, H The Influence of Parthenius on the New Poets (DLitt)
Department of Classical Languages, University of Durban- Westville, Private Bag X54001, 4000 Durban, Republic of South Africa Telephone (031) 8202343; fax (031) 8202383; telegrams 'Udwest'; telex 623228SA
Department of Classical Languages
Academic Staff and Research Interests
ELS, J M (Professor; Head of Department) MA DLitt (Potchefstroom) BJuris (UNISA) Greek and Hellenistic history Office (0404) 22011 ext 2067; ah (04634) 32038
JENNINGS, R C (Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Bristol) MA (Cambridge) PGCertEd (London) Vergil; satire; religion in the Roman empire Office (0404) 22011 ext 2205; ah (0461) 28544
Department of Classical Languages, University of Fort Hare, Private Bag X1314, 5700 Alice, Republic of Ciskei Telephone (0404) 22011 ext 2067; fax (0404) 31643; telegrams 'Unifort'; telex 242193SA
Department of Classics
Academic Staff
ENGMANN, J (Senior Lecturer) BA BLitt (Oxford) Office Accra 667706
SHADOW, D K (Lecturer; Head of Department) MA (Ghana) Office Accra 667706
Department of Classics, University of Ghana, P O Box 25, Legon, Ghana Telephone Accra 667706; telegrams and cables 'University, Legon'; telex 2556 UGL GH
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
HENRY, N D (Lecturer) BPhil (Oxford) MA (St Andrews) Greek and Latin Literature; Greek and Latin Office 400550/579 ext 1416
IFIE, J E (Senior Lecturer) BA PhD (Ibadan) Roman principate; Greek and Roman mythology and religion; Greek and Roman drama; New Testament and Graeco-Roman world; history and archaeology of Roman Africa; Roman poetry; stoicism; historiography Office 400550/579 ext 1416
ILEVBARE, J A (Professor; Head of Department; Former President, Classical Association of Nigeria) BA (London) PhD (Ibadan) Greek and Roman history, especially history of Roman Africa (Maghrib); Greek and Latin Office 400550/579 ext 1416
NDUBOKWU, C O G (Senior Lecturer) BA PhD (Ibadan) Greek and Roman history; Greek and Roman women Office 400550/579 ext 1416
NWODOH, B M (Assistant Lecturer) BA MA (Ibadan) Sociology of Roman letters Office 400550/579 ext 1416
THOMPSON, L A (Professor; Editor, Museum Africum) MA (Cambridge) Roman society; Africa in classical antiquity; Latin Office 400550/579 ext 1416
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
ADEPOJU, O A The Five 'Good' Emperors and the Provincial Aristocracies (MA)
AKINOLA, F A Comparative Literature (MPhil)
AWOFISAYO, O O Paul and Seneca: Myth and Facts (MA)
IGE, J O Rhetoric (MA)
NWODOH, B M Roman Letters of Recommendation: A Sociological and Literary Study (PhD)
OLA, O K Love Themes in Greek Mythology (MA)
OLADETI, F Comparative Literature (MPhil)
OLALERE, J O Fire in Judaeo-Christian, Greek and Roman Mythology and Religion (MA)
OMOLE, A O Nobilitas in Tacitus (MA)
ONAYEMI, F Portraits of Women in Roman and Nigerian Drama: A Comparative Study (MPhil)
Department of Classics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria Telephone 400550/579 ext 1416; telegrams and cables 'University, Ibadan'; telex 31128
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
DE KUYPER, J G J (Lecturer) MA (Brussels) BEd MA MA (Ghent) General and comparative linguistics; literary theory and stylistics; legal history; ancient Near East Office (265) 522222 ext 326; ah (265) 522115; fax (265) 522046/523225
WAEGEMAN, M A F (Associate Professor; Head of Department) MA (Brussels) BEd MA PhD (Ghent) Magic and popular beliefs; Greek patristics; Old Testament; comparative literature Office (265) 522222 ext 327; ah (265) 522115; fax (265) 522046/523225
Department of Classics, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, Zomba, Malawi Telephone (265) 522222 ext 327; fax (265) 522046/523225; telegrams and cables 'University, Zomba'
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
BEVIS, A P (Lecturer; Reader and B X de Wet Essay Editor, Scholia) BA (Hons) (Cape Town) MA (Cambridge) Hellenistic and Roman poetry; Latin and Greek language; Greek and Roman religion Office (031) 2601307; fax: (031) 2602214
DOMINIK, W J (Lecturer; Editor and Business Manager, Scholia) CertIES (Durham) BA (Pacific) TchgCred (Calif) MA (Texas Tech) PhD (Monash) Roman literature; epic; rhetoric; generic theory Office (031) 2601306; ah (031) 4652410; fax (031) 2602214; e-mail dominik@classics.und.ac.za
GOSLING, M A (Senior Lecturer; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA (Natal) BA (Hons) (Exeter) MA (Natal) Satire; comedy; Augustan poetry; numismatics Office (031) 2602314/2312; fax: (031) 2602214; e-mail gosling@classics.und.ac.za
HILTON, J L (Senior Lecturer; Editor, CASA Natal Newsletter; Assistant Editor and Reviews Editor, Scholia) BA STD (Cape Town) BA (Hons) (UNISA) MA (Reading) Linguistics; rhetoric; Roman history; novel Office (031) 2601308; ah (031) 815686; fax (031) 2602214/1308; e-mail hilton@classics.und.ac.za
JACKSON, S B (Lecturer; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA (Hons) (Ulster) MA (Queens) PhD (Trinity) Hellenistic poetry Office (031) 2601309; ah (031) 724076; fax (031) 2602214
MACKAY, E A (Professor; Head of Department; Curator, University of Natal Museum of Classical Archaeology; Advisory Editor and In the Museum Editor, Scholia) MA (Cant) PhD (Victoria Wellington) Art and archaeology; oral literature; Greek tragedy; comparative literature Office (031) 2602315/2312; fax (031) 2602214; e-mail mackay@classics.und.ac.za
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Interests
DELANY, A Some Common Themes in Livy and Tacitus (MA)
GOSLING, M A The Teller and the Tale: An Examination of Narrative Technique in Ovid's Fasti (PhD)
HIFT, W Psychology in the Plays of Euripides (PhD)
HILTON, J L Neo-Platonic Themes and Motifs in the Aethiopica of Heliodorus (PhD)
HOLLANDS, J The Eidolon of Helen: An Investigation of the Helen Myth in Specific Greek Authors (MA) Elements of Comedy in Early Greek Poetry (PhD)
MURRAY, S Three Serious Comedies of Plautus: Amphitryo, Captivi and Menaechmi (MA)
Department of Classics, University of Natal, King George V Avenue, 4001 Durban, Republic of South Africa Telephone (031) 2609111; fax 2602214; telegrams 'University'; telex 621231SA
Department of Europe Studies
Academic Staff and Research Interests
KYTZLER, B (Professor; Head of Department; Member, Editorial Board, Groningen Colloquia on the Novel; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of the Classical Tradition) PhD Habil (Free University, Berlin) Ancient epic and rhetoric; epistolography; Horace; Neo-Latin Office (031) 2602375/1082; fax (031) 2602214; e-mail kytzler@euro.und.ac.za
EBERL, N (Junior Lecturer) DrPhil (Free University, Berlin) Neo-Latin Office (031) 2602380; fax (031) 2602214
Higher Degree Candidate and Research Topic
EBERL, N Cardanus, De Socrate: Introduction, Text, Translation and Commentary (PhD)
Department of Europe Studies, University of Natal, King George V Avenue, 4001 Durban, Republic of South Africa Telephone (031) 2602375/2380/2370; fax 2602214; telegrams 'University'; telex 621231SA
Executive Management
DE WET, B X (Professor and Registrar; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia; Former Head, Department of Classics) MA (Pretoria) HED (Pretoria) DLitt et Phil (UNISA) Biography: Greek historical sources; Greek tragedy, especially Sophocles; Greek language Office (031) 2602206; fax (031) 2602214
Executive Management, University of Natal, King George V Avenue, 4001 Durban, Republic of South Africa Tel (031) 2609111; fax 2602214; telegrams 'University'; telex 621231SA
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
BRUCE, P (Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Natal) MA (Oxford) Aristophanes; Greek history (5th century); Greek language Office (0331) 955559; ah (0331) 63703; fax (0331) 955575
LAMBERT, M (Senior Lecturer; In the Universities Editor and In the Schools Editor, Scholia) BA (Hons) HDE MA (Natal) Comparative Greek, Roman and African religion; gender and sexuality in antiquity; Augustan poetry; Plato Office (0331) 955556; ah (0331) 66533; fax 955575
PACKMAN, Z (Professor; Head of Department; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA (Washington) PhD (Yale) Papyrology; Roman comedy; Roman law Office: (0331) 955557; fax: (0331) 955575; e-mail packman@unpsun1.cc.unp.ac.za
PIKE, D L (Senior Lecturer) BA (London) BA (Hons) (Bristol) MPhil (London) Mythology; Greek and Roman epic; Greek tragedy Office (0331) 955555; ah (0331) 64959; fax: (0331) 955575
TENNANT, P M W (Lecturer; Chair, CASA Natal Branch) BA (Hons) STD (Cape Town) MA (Natal) Early Rome; Roman satire; Latin language; Greek sculpture Office (0331) 955560; ah (0331) 66551; fax: (0331) 955575; e-mail tennant@unpsunl.cc.unp.ac.za .
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
LAMBERT, M Aspects of Ancient Greek and Traditional Zulu Religion: A Comparative Analysis (PhD)
MASOGA, M A An Analysis of a Pan-African Response to Selected Extracts of Classical Literature (internship programme) A Comparative Study of the Generic Features of Ancient Greek and African Prayer (BTh)
PIKE, D L The Character of Jason in Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica (PhD)
TENNANT, P M W The Concept of the 'Feminine' in Roman Satire (PhD)
Department of Classics, University of Natal, P O Box 375, 3200 Pietermaritzburg, Repubic of South Africa Telephone (0331) 955557; fax (0331) 63497; telegrams 'University'; telex 643719
Department of Classical Languages
Academic Staff and Research Interests
LOUW, J R (Senior Lecturer) BD PGDipTh MA DLitt (Pretoria) Greek lyric, especially Pindar Office (01522) 2584; fax (01522) 4942
MABUZA, V D (Lecturer) BTh (Hons) BA (Hons) (North) Office (01522) 2584; fax (01522) 4942
SAAYMAN, F S (Professor; Head of Department) BA (Hons) (Orange Free State) MA (Pretoria) DLitt (Stellenbosch) Discourse analysis and grammar; Greek ethics Office (01522) 2584; ah (01522) 821959; fax (01522) 4942
Department of Classical Languages, University of the North, Private Bag X106, 0727 Sovenga, Republic of South Africa Office (01522) 2584; fax (01522) 4942; telegrams 'Unicol, Sovenga'; telex 331813
Department of Greek
Academic Staff and Research Interests
CRONJE, J V (Professor; Head of Department) BTh LisTeol MA (Stellenbosch) DLitt (Orange Free State) Rhetoric and stylistics Office (051) 4012615; ah (051) 223872
LE ROUX, L V (Senior Lecturer) BTh LisTeol BA (Hons) MA (Stellenbosch) BA DLitt (Orange Free State) Patristic studies Office (051) 4012614; ah (051) 312960
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
KING, W P V 'n Semioties-Strukturalistiese Analise van 1 Petrus (MA)
RIEKERT, S J P K Casustoekennig in Openbaring 4 en 5 in Terme van die GB-Teorie (MA)
STEYN, R S 'n Semioties-Strukturalistiese Analise van die Tweede Brief aan Timotheus (MA)
Department of Greek, University of the Orange Free State, P O Box 339, 9300, Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa Telephone (051) 4012615; fax (051) 2117SA
Department of Latin
Academic Staff and Research Interests
CILLIERS, J F G (Senior Lecturer) BA (Hons) UED (Orange Free State) Drs Litt et Phil (Leiden) MA DLitt et Phil (Rand Afrikaans) Ancient literary theory; early Christian Latin poetry Office: (051) 4012791; ah (051) 311178; fax (051) 483942
CILLIERS, L (Professor; Head of Department; Chair, Classical Association of South Africa; Ex officio member, Editorial Committee, Acta Classica; Editorial Contributor, Akroterion) MA (Pretoria) Drs Litt et Phil (Leiden) DLitt et Phil (Rand Afrikaans) Greek and Roman drama; Roman history; literary theory Office: (051) 4012303; ah (051) 311178; fax: (051) 483942
COETZEE, D J (Lecturer) BA (Stellenbosch) HED BA (Hons) MA (Orange Free State) Narratology; lyric; rhetoric Office (051) 4012258; ah (051) 225600; fax (051) 483942
VAN RYNEVELD, L F (Senior Lecturer; Secretary, Classical Association of South Africa; Editor, Obiter Classica; Chair, CASA Orange Free State Branch) BSc MA (Orange Free State) MA (London) Comparative studies in Dante and Vergil; Satire; Lucretius Office: (051) 4012271; ah (051) 300204; fax (051) 483942
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
BARKHUYSEN, M A Felicius-Boxelinus, Tractatus de Societate: A Translation from the Original Latin Text with Clarifying References (MA)
COETZEE, D J Die Funksie en Betekenis van die Narratologie in die Martelaarshimnes van Prudentius (DLitt)
FOURIE, P J 'n Studie van Humor in Enkele Komedies van Plautus, in die Lig van die Klassieke Teorie% (MA)
Department of Latin, University of the Orange Free State, P O Box 339, 9300, Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa Telephone (051) 4012303; fax (051) 483942
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts
Academic Staff and Research Interests
SNYMAN, A H (Professor and Dean, Faculty of Arts; Former Head, Department of Greek) BA (Orange Free State) BTh (Stellenbosch) MA DLitt (Potchefstroom) Rhetorical analysis of the New Testament and other early Christian documents Office: (051) 4012240; fax (051) 483942
Office of the Dean, University of the Orange Free State, P O Box 339, 9300 Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa Telephone (051) 4012240; fax (051) 483942
Department of Ancient Languages
Academic Staff and Research Interests
HAVEMANN, J C T (Professor; Head of Department; Editorial Contributor, Akroterion) BA BA (Hons) BTh MTh (Stellenbosch) MA (Pretoria) DLitt (Port Elizabeth) Euripides; literary theory Office (041) 5042222; ah (041) 532080; fax (041) 5042574
LEWIS, B E (Senior Lecturer; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA BA (Hons) MA (Rhodes) BA MA (Cambridge) DLitt (Port Elizabeth) Valerius Flaccus Office (041) 5042234; ah (041) 342889; fax (041) 5042574
Department of Ancient Languages, University of Port Elizabeth, P O Box 1600, 6000 Port Elizabeth, Republic of South Africa Telephone (041) 5042222; fax (041) 5042574; telex 243342
Department of Classics and Semitics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
CORNELIUS, E M (Lecturer) BA BA (Hons) MA (Potchefstroom) Rhetoric; epistolography Office (0148) 991604; fax (0148) 991562
DIRCKSEN, M R (Lecturer) BA BA (Hons) (Pretoria) MA (Rand Afrikaans) Roman history; narratology; Roman women Office (0148) 991603; ah (0148) 2971075; fax (0148) 991562
NELSON, M E (Senior Lecturer) BA BA (Hons) MA (Stellenbosch) BA (Hons) DLitt (Potchefstroom) Patristics; Latin grammar; Roman comedy; translation Office (0148) 991603; ah (0148) 2947248; fax (0148) 991562
SWANEPOEL, J (Associate Professor) BA BA (Hons) BPhil DLitt (Potchefstroom) Roman poetry; literary theory Office (0148) 991607; ah (0148) 2944670; fax (0148) 991562
Department of Classics and Semitics, Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, Private Bag X6001, 2520 Potchefstroom, Republic of South Africa Telephone (0148) 991028; fax (0148) 991562; telegrams 'Puk'; telex 346019
Department of Ancient Languages
Academic Staff and Research Interests
BARKHUIZEN, J H (Professor; Head of Sub-department of Greek; Chair, South African Association for Patristic and Byzantine Studies) MA (Orange Free State) BA (Hons) BD DLitt (Pretoria) Greek poetry; Greek religious texts; patristic and Byzantine liturgical texts; classical and early Christian art Office (012) 4202350; ah (012) 5491941; fax (012) 432185
STANDER, H F (Professor; Editor, Acta Patristica et Byzantina) BA (Hons) MA DLitt (Pretoria) Patristics; early Christian art; semantics Office: (012) 4202691; ah (012) 473638; fax (012) 432185; e-mail stander@libarts.up.ac.za
SWART, C J (Senior Lecturer) BA (Hons) MA DLitt (Pretoria) Greek poetry; tragedy; Hellenistic studies; Septuagint studies; New Testament Apocrypha Office: (012) 4202762; ah (012) 868285; fax (012) 432185
Higher Degree Candidate and Research Topic
LOUW, J R The Epinician Speaker in Pindaric Odes with Special Reference to Isthmian Eight (DLitt)
Department of Ancient Languages, University of Pretoria, 0002 Pretoria, Republic of South Africa Telephone (012) 4202350; fax (012) 3422712; telegrams 'Puniv'; telex 322723SA
Department of Latin
Academic Staff and Research Interests
HASSE, P (Senior Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Pretoria) BA (Hons) MA (UNISA) THOD Roman literature; ancient history; ancient historiography Office (012) 4202427; ah (012) 432837; fax (012) 3422712
KRITZINGER, J P K (Lecturer) BA (Potchefstroom) BA (Hons) BD MA (Pretoria) Latin patristic literature Office (012) 4202280; ah (012) 9912238; fax (012) 3422712
MANS, M J (Associate Professor; Editorial Contributor, Akroterion and Acta Patristica et Byzantina) BA (Hons) MA DLitt (Potchefstroom) THOD Latin patristic literature; Seneca; Martial Office (012) 4202269; ah (012) 463611; fax (012) 3422712
MARTIN, M E B (Lecturer) BA (Hons) MA (Orange Free State) Greek and Latin bucolic poetry; Latin elegiac and lyric poetry; ancient religion Office (012) 4202027; ah (012) 3443272; fax (012) 3422712
SCHOLTEMEIJER, J (Professor; Head of Department; Editorial Secretary and Member, Editorial Committee, Acta Classica; Editorial Contributor, Acta Patristica et Byzantina) BA (Hons) (Potchefstroom) MA DLitt et Phil (UNISA) Roman literature; Historia Augusta; Roman comedy; translation and the science of translation. Office (012) 4202416; ah (012) 6644793; fax: (012) 3422712
VAN DEN BERG, D P (Lecturer) BA (Stellenbosch) BA (Hons) MA BEd (Orange Free State) SOD Roman epic poetry Office (012) 4203304; ah (012) 981342; fax (012) 3422712
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
FAUL, M Karaktertekening in Seneca se Phaedra (MA)
GROVE, F Die 'Servus Callidus' as Dramaturg, Regisseur en Akteur in Plautus se Komedies (MA)
KRITZINGER, J P K Hieronymus, Brief 57: 'n Literer-strukturele analise (MA)
MARTIN, M E B 'n Kommentaar op die Eclogae van Calpurnius Siculus (DLitt)
SCHOEMAN, A Metatheatre in Plautus: A Study of the Amphitryo (MA)
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, C S 'n Literer-strukturele Analise van die Vita Heliogabali in die Historia Augusta (MA)
Department of Latin, University of Pretoria, 0002 Pretoria, Republic of South Africa Telephone (012) 4202416; fax (012) 3422712; telegrams 'Puniv'; telex 322723SA
Department of Greek and Latin Studies
Academic Staff and Research Interests
BASSON, A F (Lecturer) BA Hons MA (Rand Afrikaans) BD PGDipTh (Pretoria) Dipld'EtApprof DrCand (Provence) Genres and late Latin poetry Office (011) 4892736; ah (011) 4358349; fax (011) 4892797; e-mail afb@rau1.rau.ac.za
COETZEE, P J (Senior Lecturer) BTh (Potchefstroom) MA (Rand Afrikaans) Augustinus Enarrationes in Psalmos Office (011) 4892740; ah (011) 7262425; fax (011) 4892797
HENDERSON, W J (Professor; Board Member, Institute for Afro-Hellenic Studies; Editorial Contributor, Akroterion; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia; Latin Prescribed Books Committee, Transvaal Education Department) BA BA Hons MA DLitt (Stellenbosch) Greek and Latin lyrical poetry; Latin literature Office (011) 4892738; ah (011) 6784345; fax (011) 4892797; e-mail wjh@rau1.rau.ac.za
HENDRICKX, B (Professor; Chair of Department; Editor, Ekklesiastikos Pharos; Vice-chair, South African Association for Patristic and Byzantine Studies; Director, Institute for Afro- Hellenic Studies; Editor, News Bulletin of IAHS; Editorial Contributor, Acta Patristica et Byzantina) CandAncHist LicHistAnc Agr,gPhil et Lett LicHist et CivByz (Louvain) DPhil (Thessaloniki) Hellenistic and Byzantine history and political theory; Hellenism in Africa; crusades and feudalism in the Latin East Office (011) 4892742; ah (011) 7266858; fax (011) 4892797; e-mail bh@rau1.rau.ac.za
KRUGER, M (Lecturer) BA Hons MA (Rand Afrikaans) Antony and Cleopatra Office (011) 4892735; ah (011) 6469272
MATZUKIS, C (Senior Lecturer; Editorial Advisor, Ekklesiastikos Pharos) BA (Witwatersrand) PhD (Zimbabwe) Medieval and Modern Greek; Byzantine manuscripts and historiography Office (011) 4892741; ah (011) 6153144; fax (011) 4892797
PAUW, D A (Professor; Co-editor, Aambeeld) BA Hons MA (Pretoria) DrsLitt et Phil DLitt et Phil (Leiden) Literary aspect of ancient historiography; dramatic elements and the role of emotions in ancient historiography Office (011) 4892743; ah (011) 6785107; fax (011) 4892797; e-mail dap@rau1.rau.ac.za
SANSARIDOU-HENDRICKX, T (Lecturer) BA Hons (Rand Afrikaans) PhDCand (Ioannina) Ethnicity in Byzantium; modern Greek language Office (011) 4892742; ah (011) 7266858; fax (011) 4892797; e-mail th@rau1.rau.ac.za
WOLMARANS, J L P (Lecturer; Editor, Lewende Woorde; Chair, Sub-group for General Linguistics and Literary Science, The New Testament Society of South Africa) BA Hons (Rand Afrikaans) BD MA (Pretoria) DLittCand (Potchefstroom) Semantics applied to the New Testament Office (011) 4892737; ah (011) 7264667; fax (011) 4892797; e-mail jlpw@rau1.rau.ac.za
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
DEACON, A The Portrayal of Nero by Tacitus and Suetonius (MA)
DIRCKSEN, M R Narrative Elements in Tacitus (PhD)
KOMAITIS, C Modern Greek Poetry: Tradition in Ritsos (PhD)
NTSHINITI, P Late Latin Poetry; Corippus; Political Theory (Late Roman Empire) (PhD)
SEMMELINK, W Semiotics of the Epistle of James (MA)
THOMPSON, B Dramatic Elements in Livy (MA)
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, J D N Rhetoric Applied to the Epistle of James (MA)
VAN VEENENDAAL, C Aspects of Ancient Rhetoric in P Voet (MA)
Department of Greek and Latin Studies, Rand Afrikaans University, P O Box 524, 2006 Auckland Park, Republic of South Africa Telephone (011) 4892735; fax (011) 4892797/2191; telex 424526SA
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
BELL, B M (Lecturer; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA (Hons) (Natal) MA (Colorado) MPhil (London) Terminology for foreign institutions in Latin writers; satire; Hesiod Office: (0461) 318274; ah: (0461) 28712; fax: (0461) 25049
GAIN, D B (Professor) BA (Hons) MA (Hons) (Sydney) PhD (London) Greek and Latin poetry Office (0461) 318272; ah (0461) 26135; fax (0461) 25049
JACKSON, J L (Lecturer) BA (Hons) HED (Natal) MA (Rhodes) Greek and Roman biography and history; New Testament Greek Office (0461) 318273; ah (0461) 22937; fax (0461) 25049
SNOWBALL, W D (Senior Lecturer; Curator, Rhodes University Classics Museum) BSc (Cape Town) BA (Hons) (Rhodes) MA (London) Greek vases, sculpture and architecture; Greek tragedy; Roman epic Office (0461) 318273; ah (0461) 24157; fax (0461) 25049
Department of Classics, Rhodes University, P O Box 94, 6140 Grahamstown, Republic of South Africa Telephone (0461) 318111 ext 272; fax (0461) 25049; telegrams 'Rhodescol'; telex 747227
Department of Philosophy and Classics
Academic Staff
CEESAY, O (Lecturer) MA (Kansas) Office Freetown 27260
HOY, P M (Lecturer) BA (York) PhD (Leeds) Office Freetown 27260
LABOR, A F (Lecturer) BA (Louvain) MA (Indiana) PhD (Duquesne) Office Freetown 27260
COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, G (Teaching Fellow; Head of Department) BA (Durham) Office Freetown 27260
Department of Philosophy and Classics, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, P O Box 87, Freetown, Sierra Leone Telephone Freetown 27260; cables and telegrams 'Fourahbay'
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
BOSMAN, P R (Junior Lecturer) MA (Pretoria) BD (Pretoria) Early Christian literature and history; Greek and Roman religion; Greek tragedy Office (012) 4296745; ah (012) 3414943; fax (012) 4293221
CONRADIE, A B (Junior Lecturer) BA BA (Hons) (Pretoria) Greek tragedy; epic poetry Office (012) 4296649; ah (012) 835042; fax (012) 4293221
DAMBE, S (Lecturer) BA BA (Hons) MA (UNISA) Greek and Roman poetry; Cicero; Seneca; Greek and Latin historical grammar; Latin palaeography Office (012) 4296012; home (012) 3434867; fax (012) 4293221
DE MARRE, M E A (Lecturer) BA (Hons) MA (Stellenbosch) Greek and Roman social history, especially women's studies; Greek tragedy and Nachleben Office (012) 4296604; ah (012) 3410179; fax (012) 4293221
EVANS, R J (Senior Lecturer) BA (Hons) MA MPhil (Leeds) PGCertEd (Durham) Republican history; prosopography; historiography; numismatics Office (012) 4296528; ah (012) 3413746; fax (012) 4293221
KLEIJWEGT, M (Lecturer) PhD (Leiden) History of the Greco-Roman family; historical anthropology; history of pre-industrial Europe; women (ancient and modern) Office (012) 4296251; ah (012) 3441955; fax (012) 4293221
KRIEL, D M (Professor Emeritus; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) DLitt (Pretoria) Imperial epic; rhetoric; Latin sources for Roman-Dutch law; Classics Office (012) 4296501; ah (012) 471367; fax (012) 4293221
LOMBARD, D B (Professor; Head, Sub-department of Greek; Treasurer and Member of Editorial Committee, Acta Classica) MA (UNISA) DLitt et Phil (Rand Afrikaans) Greek tragedy; epic poetry; comparative studies in oral literature Office (012) 4296373; ah (012) 3438164; fax (012) 4293221
MADER, G J (Senior Lecturer; Acting Head, Sub-department of Latin; Member, Editorial Committee, Acta Classica) BA (Hons) (Cape Town) MA (Witwatersrand) DLitt et Phil (UNISA) Latin elegy and lyric, especially Propertius and Horace; Seneca tragicus; Greek and Latin historiography; classical influences on French Parnassian poets Office: (012) 4296861; ah (012) 3432027; fax (012) 4293221
MEYER, R (Junior Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Pretoria) Vergil, Georgics; historiography; legal Latin; schola Latina Office (012) 4296742; ah (012) 981091; fax (012) 4293221
RADEMEYER, J C (Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Potchefstroom) MA (UNISA) HED (Pretoria) Patristics, especially poetry; Augustan poetry; mythology; legal Latin Office (012) 4296205; ah (012) 6633761; fax (012) 4293221
SCHOEMAN, M (Junior Lecturer) MA (Pretoria) HED (UNISA) Augusteese poesie; metodiek van Latyn; klassieke kultuur; resepsieges-kiedenis van die Latynse letterkunde Office (012) 4296383; ah (012) 468279; Fax (012) 4293221
SNYMAN, E H (Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Pretoria) BA (Hons) UDB MA (Potchefstroom) Classical culture; legal Latin; patristics; political philosophy; Roman history Office (012) 4296260; ah (012) 3412937; fax (012) 4293221
STRIJDOM, J S (Lecturer) BA (Hons) BD MDiv MA (Pretoria) DLitt et Phil Cand (UNISA) Methodological strategies in reading Classical and Hellenistic Greek texts; research on the historical Jesus Office (012) 4296852; ah (012) 864462; fax 4293221
VAN DER RIET, J W (Junior Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Stellenbosch) Augustan poetry; Greek tragedy; New Testament studies Office (012) 4296879; ah (012) 7824693; fax (012) 4293221
VOGEL, U R D (Professor; Head of Department; Editor, Acta Classica) BA (Hons) (UNISA) UED (Orange Free State) DrPhil (Heidelberg) Greek and Roman history and historiography Office (012) 4296501; ah (012) 474080; fax (012) 4293221
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
BOSMAN, P R Introspektiewe in die Romeine Brief (DDiv)
CONRADIE, A B Die Verhouding Tussen Physis en Praxis in Drie Dramas van Euripides (MA)
DAMBE, S Servitium Amoris in Propertius (DLitt et Phil)
MEYER, R Georgicon (MA)
RADEMEYER, J C Die Verhaal van Jonah en die Verhaal van Johannes die Doper Soos Weergegee en Ge<nterpreteer deur die Vroe%r Kerkvaders (DLitt et Phil)
SNYMAN, E H Romeinse Biblioteke in die Klassieke Literatuur (PhD)
STRIJDOM, J S An Evaluation of John Dominic Crossan's Construct of the Historical Jesus (D Litt et Phil)
Department of Classics, University of South Africa, P O Box 392, 0001 Pretoria, Republic of South Africa Telephone (012) 4296501; fax (012) 4293221; telegrams 'Unisa'; telex 350068
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts
RONCA, I I R (Research Professor) DrPhil (Mainz) DPhil et Litt (Florence) Latin language; comparative philology; natural and moral philosophy: Epicurus, Lucretius, Seneca; medicine and alchemy (Greek, Latin, Arabic); Ptolemy; William of Conches; Dante; Petrarch Office (012) 4296764; fax (012) 4293221
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of South Africa, P O Box 392, 0001 Pretoria, Republic of South Africa Telephone (012) 4293111; fax (012) 4293221/2533; telegrams 'Unisa'; telex 350068
Department of Greek
Academic Staff and Research Interests
CONRADIE, P J (Professor; Head of Department; Editor, Akroterion) MA (Stellenbosch) DLitt (Utrecht) Greek mythology; Greek tragedy; modern adaptations of Greek tragedy Office (02231) 773137; ah (02231) 5266; fax (02231) 774336
KRUGER, G V W (Professor) BA (Hons) (Stellenbosch) PhD (Cambridge) Language and style of the New Testament; Hellenistic literature; papyrology and palaeography Office (02231) 773135; ah (02231) 833353; fax (02231) 774336
PAUW, F R (Lecturer) BA (Hons) MA (Stellenbosch) Aristophanes and 'magic realism'; echoes of the classics in the postmodern novel; war in Greek tragedy Office (02231) 773134; ah (02231) 72315; fax (02231) 774336
THOM, J C (Senior Lecturer; Member, Editorial Board, Akroterion) BA (Hons) (Stellenbosch) MA (Pretoria) PHD (Chicago) Hellenistic religion and philosophy; Greco-Roman world and the New Testament; patristics Office (02231) 773133; ah (02231) 4754; fax (02231) 774336; e-mail jct@maties.sun.ac.za
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
DANIELS, J D Die Rol van die Noodlot in Enkele Euripidei%se Tragedies (DLitt)
DU TOIT, M Die Onderrig van Sterrekunde in die Hellenistiese Tyd met Spesiale Verwysing na Aratos (MA)
JANSE VAN RENSBURG, P J 'Hoor en Doen': Teorie en Praktyk in Musonius Rufus en die Bergrede (MA)
LANDON, C H The Determinate Differential System in the Epistle of Jude: A Methodological Study (DLitt)
Department of Greek, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X5018, 7600 Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa Telephone (02231) 773137; fax (02231) 774336; telegrams 'University'; telex 5720383
Department of Latin
Academic Staff and Research Interests
CLAASSEN, J M (Senior Lecturer; Olympiad Facilitator, Classical Association of South Africa; Member, Editorial Board, Akroterion; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA MA DLitt (Stellenbosch) STD (Cape Town) Exilic literature; Africa in antiquity; didactics; computers for Latin; the interface between Latin and African languages Office (02231) 773138; ah (02231) 832956; fax (02231) 774499; e-mail jmc@akad.sun.ac.za
KOTZE, A (Lecturer) BMus MA (Stellenbosch) Tacitus; narratology Office (02231) 773131; ah (02231) 79503; fax (02231) 774499
MALAN, C A (Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Pretoria) MA (Stellenbosch) Epic; Roman comedy; didactics of classics on the secondary and tertiary levels Office (02231) 773132; ah (02231) 4539; fax (02231) 774499
THOM, S (Lecturer; Member, Editorial Board, Akroterion; Vice- chair, CASA Western Cape Branch) BA (Hons) STD MA DLitt (Stellenbsoch) Ancient Greek poetry; Roman poetry; Roman history Office (02231) 773139; ah (02231) 4574; fax (02231) 774336; e-mail st@maties.sun.ac.za
VAN STEKELENBURG, A V (Professor; Head of Department; Member, Editorial Board, Akroterion) DLitt et Phil (Leiden) Late Roman history; early Christianity; spolia; Roman monuments and Nachleben Office (02231) 773573; ah (02231) 79143; fax (02231) 774336
ZIETSMAN, J C (Senior Lecturer; Treasurer, Classical Association of South Africa; Member, Editorial Board, Akroterion) BA (Hons) MA DLitt (Pretoria) Rhetoric; satire; legal Latin Office (02231) 773142; ah (02231) 4558; fax (02231) 774336; e-mail jcz@maties.sun.ac.za
Departments of Latin and Classical Culture
Higher Degree Candidates and Research Topics
BsHRMANN, R L R Epifanie in Graeco-Romeinse en Vroeg-Christelike Denke en die Retoriese Aanwending Daarvan in die Divinae Institutiones van Lactantius (MA)
FAWCETT, N P Aspects of Sea-faring in the Eastern Mediterranean from the End of the Bronze Age to 450 BC (MA)
KOTZE, A The Annales of Tacitus: A Narratological Analysis (DLitt)
MALAN, C A Virgil and Literary Theory: Some Late Twentieth Century Critical Views on the Aeneid of Virgil with Particular Reference to the Close of the Poem (MA)
SCHNEIDER, M-D Structured MA degree (Classical Culture)
VAN NIEKERK, R The Ara Victoriae Affair of 384 AD: Rhetoric and Argumentation (MA)
Department of Latin, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X5018, 7600 Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa Telephone (02231) 773573; fax (02231) 774336; telegrams 'University'; telex 5720383
Department of Classical Languages
Academic Staff
SATTERTHWAITE, P (Lecturer A; Head of Department) BA (Hons) (Oxford) MA (Cambridge) PhD (Manchester) Office (0471) 3022111; fax (0471) 26820
VENTER, W J (Lecturer) BA (Potchefstroom) BA (Hons) MA (Pretoria) Office (0471) 3022111; fax (0471) 26820
Department of Classical Languages, University of Transkei, Private Bag X1, Umtata, Transkei Office (0471) 3022111; fax (0471) 26820; telegrams 'Unitra'; telex 734TT
Department of Legal Theory and Jurisprudence
Academic Staff and Research Interests
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, L (Junior Lecturer) BA HED (Pretoria) Latin Language; Latin teaching and evaluation methods; legal Latin computer-aided instruction; early Christian Latin literature Office (0159) 21071 ext 2244; ah (0159) 31253; fax: (0159) 22045
Department of Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, University of Venda, Private Bag X5050, Thohoyandou, Republic of Venda Telephone (0159) 21071 ext 2244; fax (0159) 22045; telex 331694
Department of Hellenistic Greek
Academic Staff and Research Interests
DANIELS, J D (Junior Lecturer) BA (Western Cape) BA (Hons) MA (Stellenbosch) HDE (UNISA) Euripides Office (021) 9592385; ah (02211) 624907; fax (021) 9592376
PRETORIUS, N F (Professor; Head of Department) MA MTh LisTh DLitt (Stellenbosch) Hellenistic Greek grammar Office (021) 9592166; ah (021) 9032503; fax (021) 9592376
Department of Hellenistic Greek, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17,7535 Bellville, Republic of South Africa Telephone (021) 9592166; fax (021) 9592376; telegrams 'Unibell'; telex 526661
Department of Latin
Academic Staff and Research Interests
FAUL, M (Lecturer; Research Assistant, UWCLOSE Project) BA HEd (Rand Afrikaans) BA (Hons) (Orange Free State) MA (Pretoria) Roman tragedy; teaching methodology Office (021) 9592505; ah (021) 9464513; fax (021) 9592376
HERMANS, M (Assistant Lecturer) BA (Western Cape) BA (Hons) MA (Cape Town) Ancient history; teaching methodology Office (021) 9592505; ah (021) 9696885; fax (021) 9592376
JORGE, D (Assistant Lecturer) BA BA (Hons) MA (Cape Town) MStuds (Oxford) I mperial poetry; Catullus; textual criticism; teaching methodology Office (021) 9592505; ah (021) 7622722; fax (021) 9592376
MILLAR B (Lecturer; Chair of Department) BA BA (Hons) MA MA (Stellenbosch) Ancient religion; ancient art; ancient history; Juvenal; Vergil; Christian writers; teaching methodology Office (021) 9592117; ah (021) 965176; fax (021) 9592376
VAN ZYL SMIT, E (Senior Lecturer) BA BA (Hons) DipLibEd MA DLitt (Stellenbosch) Comparative literature; Greek tragedy Office (021) 9592289; ah (021) 6899789; fax (021) 9592376
Department of Latin, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, 7535 Bellville, Republic of South Africa Telephone (021) 9592117; fax (021) 9592376; telegrams 'Unibell'; telex 526661
Department of Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
FARRON, S G (Associate Professor; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Scholia) BA (Columbia) MA (Chicago) PhD (Columbia) Vergil; Homer; classical Latin poetry Office (011) 7163652; ah (011) 7827590; fax (011) 7168030
FRANK, M (Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Cape Town) M Litt PhD (St Andrews) Greek and Roman drama Office (011) 7164086; ah (011) 7267998; fax (011) 7168030
KRUMM, J A (Junior Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Witwatersrand) HDipEd (Johannesburg) Language teaching; Latin linguistics Office (011) 7163618; ah (011) 9023142; fax (011) 7168030
RAPKE, T T (Senior Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Monash) PhD (Witwatersrand) Athenian politics and prosopography; late republican and early imperial history; Roman historiography Office (011) 7163623; ah (011) 8833393; fax (011) 7168030
SADDINGTON, D B (Professor; Member, Editorial Committee, Acta Classica; Editor, Epistula Witwatersrandensis) BA (Hons) MA PhD (Witwatersrand) DipEd (Johannesburg) HDLS (UNISA) Roman provincial studies; the Roman army; Roman epigraphy and archaeology; Latin literature of the early principate; New Testament and early church history Office (011) 7163777; ah (011) 7824499; fax (011) 7168030
SCOTT, M (Senior Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Natal) BA (Hons) PhD (London) Early Greek ethics and philosophy; application of psychoanalytic methods to Sophoclean characters Office (011) 7163661; ah (011) 9725918; fax (011) 7168030
SCOURFIELD, J H D (Associate Professor; Head of Department) MA DPhil (Oxford) Late antique and Christian Latin literature; consolatory literature; epistolography; Latin prose Office (011) 7163640; ah (011) 6483057; fax (011) 7168030
SIVAN, H S (Associate Professor) BA (Tel Aviv) MA (Yale) PhD (Columbia) Late Antiquity Office (011) 7163665; fax (011) 7168030; e-mail 120sivan@witsvma.wits.ac.za
Higher Degree Candidate and Research Topic
VAN DER RIET, J W Parallelism and Inverse Parallelism in Horace's Odes (MA)
Department of Classics, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag, 2050 Wits, Republic of South Africa Telephone (011) 7161111; fax (011) 7168030; telegrams 'Uniwits'; telex 427125SA
Department of Religious Studies, Philosophy and Classics
Academic Staff and Research Interests
CALLINICOS, A J (Lecturer) BA (Hons) (Exeter) MA (Zimbabwe) Epic; tragedy Office (263)(4) 303211 ext 1248; fax (263)(4) 732828
MARITZ, J A (Senior Lecturer; Editor, Epistula Zimbabweana) MA (Stellenbosch) STD (Cape Town) DipClassArch (Cambridge) Art; early Christianity; novel; comparative studies Office (263)(4) 303211 ext 1248; fax (263)(4) 732828; e-mail maritz@zimbix.uz.zw
MASHAIRE, E P (Lecturer) MA (Munich) M Phil (London) Greek new comedy Office (263)(4) 303211 ext 1248; fax (263)(4) 732828
Department of Religious Studies, Classics and Philosophy, University of Zimbabwe, P O Box MP167, Mt Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe Telephone (263)(4) 303211 ext 1248; fax (263)(4) 732828; telegrams 'University, Harare'; telex 26580 UNIV ZZW
Department of Classics
KLOPPER, W (Senior Lecturer; Head of Department) MA (Potchefstroom) TED Latin teaching Office (0351) 93911; ah (0353) 401981; fax (0351) 93429
Department of Classics, University of Zululand, Private Bag X1001, 3886 Kwadlangezwa, Republic of South Africa Telephone (0351) 93911; fax (0351) 93429; telegrams 'Empangeni'; telex 631311SA
Bill Dominik
e-mail: DOMINIK@mtb.und.ac.zaCOPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright remains with authors, but due reference should be made to this journal if any part of the above is later published elsewhere.
Electronic Antiquity Vol. 1 Issue 5 - October 1993 edited by Peter Toohey and Ian Worthington antiquity-editor@classics.utas.edu.au ISSN 1320-3606