ElAnt v1n6 - Ancient Ceremony and Spectacle

Volume 1, Number 6
November 1993

Ut et in occasu suo splendorem et ornamenta praeteritae vitae retineant :


The Graduate Students of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announce the third annual UNC Classics' Graduate Student Colloquium:

Saturday, March 19, 1993

Keynote Speaker:W. Robert Connor
Director of the National Humanities Center,"Ancient Ceremony and Spectacle: the Problem of Method"

Colloquium Committee: Jim Abbot, Hugh Cayless, Matt Panciera, H.Hans Mueller ( hfom@gibbs.oit.unc.edu )

Papers on archaeological, anthropological, historical, or literary topics involving ceremony and/or spectacle in the ancient world are invited. Papers should be no more than 15 minutes in length (20 mins. for illustrated talks). One copy of the abstract (typed on no more than a single sheet without name or affiliation but with indication of the paper's length) should be sent with a cover letter postmarked by January 15, 1994 to:

Jonathan Clark.
Department of Classics.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, 
NC 27599-3145, 
(919) 914-2566

Papers by graduate students are especially welcome. Some free lodging with UNC graduate students is available.

Electronic Antiquity Vol. 1 Issue 6 - November 1993
edited by Peter Toohey and Ian Worthington
ISSN 1320-3606