ElAnt v2n2 - Australian Society for Classical Studies

Volume 2, Number 2
August 1994

Australian Society for Classical Studies XIX (in conjunction with AULLA XXVIII)

The Australian Society for Classical Studies' XIXth Conference will be held as part of the Australasian Universities' Language and Literature Association Conference at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW from Monday 6th to Friday 10th of February 1995.

Those wishing to offer papers are invited to contact the convener, Dr Iain Spence, not later than Wednesday 31st August 1994. Papers should be of either 40 or 20 minutes' duration (including question time). Offers of papers should include a brief synopsis (fuller details will be called for later) and a clear indication of length.

Offers are also called for 'poster' type presentations. These involve a visual/printed display set up on one or two panels. The audience moves around at their own pace from poster to poster, with the presenters available to answer questions. This format is suited to archaeological, geographical, or art based topics and is a particularly good way for postgraduates (and others) to present their work in an informal environment.

Full details of the conference, including registration forms, will be forwarded at a later stage.

Iain Spence
Classics & Ancient History Dept
University of New England
Armidale, NSW 2351
email ispence@metz.une.edu.au

Electronic Antiquity Vol. 2 Issue 2 - August 1994
edited by Peter Toohey and Ian Worthington
ISSN 1320-3606