ElAnt v2n2 - The Pnyx in History

Volume 2, Number 2
August 1994



Organised by the Finnish Archaeological Institute at Athens - will take place from 7 October to 9 October 1994. The first four sessions of papers will be held on 7 October to 8 October at the Acropolis Center, Makrigianni 2-4, and will be followed by a fifth session on 9 October, consisting of a visit to the Pnyx and a continuation of the discussion of the earlier sessions on the site itself.


18.00 - 20.00 First session. Chairman: P. Kalligas
18.00 Opening by G. af Hällström
18.10 K. Rhomiopoullou, The history of research on the Pnyx (or something similar)
18.40 G. Stanton, The front wall and the size of Pnyx II
19.10 M.H. Hansen, Literary and epigraphical evidence for how the Athenians were organized in Pnyx III
19.30 Discussion
ca. 20.00 Reception at the Finnish Archaeological Institute, Zitrou 16


9.00 - 11.00 Second session. Chairman: M.H. Hansen
9.00 S. Rotroff, Pnyx III: Pottery and stratigraphy
9.30 J. Camp, The date and form of Pnyx III
10.00 B. Forsén, The sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos and the date and reconstruction of Pnyx III
10.30 Discussion
11.00 Coffee and tea
11.30 - 13.30 Third session. Chairman: J. Camp
11.30 A.J. Dominguez, Assembly places and theatres in the Greek world and their later reuse for religious functions
12.00 C. Peppa-Delmouzou, Inscriptions from the Pnyx (or something similar)
12.30 A. Ajootian, Sculptors and sculpture on the Pnyx
13.00 Discussion
13.30 - 16.00 Lunch
16.00 - 18.00 Fourth Session. Chairman: G. af Hällström
16.00 D. Romano, The Panathenaic Stadium and Theater of Lykourgos: A re-examination of the facilities on the Pnyx hill.
16.30 L. Karlsson, The city walls on the Pnyx put into context
17.00 D. Conwell, The phase-two diateichisma on the Athenian Pnyx: Character and context
17.30 Discussion


10.00 - 12.00 Fifth session. Chairman: G. Stanton
Visit to the Pnyx and the Hill of the Nymphs and continuation of the discussions of the previous days on the site itself. Meeting at the bema of the assembly place at 10.00.


K. Rhomiopoullou, National Museum, Tositsa 1, GR-10682 Athens

G. Stanton, Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia

M.H. Hansen, Copenhagen Polis Centre, Njalsgade 94, DK- 2300, Kobenhavn S. Denmark

S.I. Rotroff, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Souidias 54, GR-10676 Athens

J. Camp, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Souidias 54, GR-10676 Athens

B. Forsen, Finnish Archaeological Institute at Athens, Zitrou 16, GR-11742 Athens

A.J. Dominguez, Departamento de Historia Antigua, Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain

C. Peppa-Delmouzou, Epigraphical Museum, Tositsa 1, GR- 10682 Athens

A. Ajootian, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Souidias 54, GR-10676 Athens

D. Romano, Corinth Excavations, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Souidias 54, GR-10676 Athens

L. Karlsson, Istituto Svedese di studi classici a Roma, Via Omero 14, 00197 Roma, Italy

D.H. Conwell, Schillerstrasse 58, D-71409 Schwaikheim, Germany

All correspondence should be addressed to the Finnish Archaeological Institute at Athens, Zitrou 16, GR-11742 Athens; FAX 01-9216145.

Electronic Antiquity Vol. 2 Issue 2 - August 1994
edited by Peter Toohey and Ian Worthington
ISSN 1320-3606