ElAnt v3n4 - 1997 Conference on Ancient Theatre -- University of Saskatoon, Canada

Volume 3, Number 4
April 1996


Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Date: 23-26 October, 1997

Focus: The conference will address issues related to the performance and reception of Greek and Roman plays in both ancient and modern times. In addition to paper sessions, there will be one or more workshops on the performance of ancient plays and (it is hoped) a local production (play yet to be determined).

Papers and proposals are sought in the following areas:

The Archaeology of the Ancient Stage: Literary and Archaeological Evidence Relating to Ancient Theatrical Performance

The Conventions and Costumes of the Ancient Stage: Analytical and Comparative Studies

Ancient Drama as a Mode of Social, Cultural, and Political Discourse

Cult, Religion, and Ritual Practices in Greek and Roman Drama

Spectatorship and Classical Drama: Audience and Reception (ancient and/or modern)

The "Translation" of Ancient Drama: Greek and Roman Plays in Later Cultural Contexts

Modern Productions of Ancient Plays: Issues and Solutions

Ancient Greek and Roman Plays on Film

Workshops on the Translation and Performance of Ancient Plays

Keynote Speakers:

Niall W. Slater, Emory University

Peter Meineck, Aquila Productions

Deadline for Submissions: 1 October 1996

Submissions should be no more than 800 words in length and can be in electronic or printed form.

Please send them to Professor John Porter at the address below.

Graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Conference Organizers:

John Porter, University of Saskatchewan ( porterj@duke.usask.ca )
Eric Csapo, University of Toronto ( csapo@epas.utoronto.ca )
Christopher Marshall, University of Trent ( cmarshall@trentu.ca )

For more information, please contact:

Professor John Porter,
Department of Classics,
University of Saskatchewan,
9 Campus Drive,
Saskatoon, SK

Phone: (306) 966-4781
Fax: (306) 966-8839
E-mail: porterj@duke.usask.ca

or visit the conference's WWW site at:


COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright remains with authors, but due reference should be made to this journal if any part of the above is later published elsewhere.

Electronic Antiquity Vol. 3 Issue 4 - April 1996
edited by Peter Toohey and Ian Worthington
ISSN 1320-3606